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Everything posted by Cyane

  1. Cyane

    Test server is now open

    everything works normally
  2. One thing i want to add, i believe that the delay for making a decision, regardless of vote results, its because it goes beyond wheter is more balanced or not. More important is for the server to stablish wheter if, in case they approve the poll, ll filter from now on every new feature customizing according to players criteria, or ll stick to official retail like it has been trying to do since the last patch, correcting every custom/bugs there were regardless of class balance
  3. 1) Si, hay bastante. Tambien soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina, juego hace 2 años aca. Ayer encontre un grupo de argentinos haciendo raid, super organizados, lvl 30+ partys todas las noches. Y usando party matching vas a encontrar party hasta lvl ~70. El server es muy estable. 2) Hardcore fue los primeros meses, cuando la adena dropeaba 3 veces menos que ahora y perdias 10% al morir nadie usaba soulshots para levelear. Ahora tenes varias ayudas, desde arma top no grado al comenzar, algunos buffs, rewards a medida que vas subiendo de lvl, quest de armadura top d a level 25+ etc. Depende mas de la party que del equipo individual. Si haces aoe y raid bosses con un grupo organizado de gente, es facil. 3) Recomiendo minimo 5 megas. Ahora estoy de vacaciones con 5 megas y se puede jugar, pero si te desconectan en un mal momento moris (como me paso ayer ). Proba con una mejor conexion, proba el delay y fijate si es aceptable. 4) Whispealo a Malhazar 5) Hasta lvl 20 no necesitas buff extras ni equipo extra ni nada, es facil subir. De ahi en adelante podes buscar o armar party, 25-40 se forman mas que nada partys para raid bosses, las hacen con arco. Podes por donacion jugar con una segunda cuenta simultanea (buffer mochila), la verdad si no tenes problemas en donar te va a facilitar. Sino, busca un grupo de gente, siempre tienen un buffer. Yo nunca pague 1$, pero me hice amigos y termine logeando "buffers de clan" cuyos premiums los paga el clan, con adena juntada durante el mes. No es una cronica para jugar solo. 6) No Cualquier cosa, pregunta. Saludos
  4. wow video is excellent, nice editing, nice fights, nice gameplay skills . the road to 78 is long but once there, everything seems to have been worth it. A true inspiration for all future abbys walkers gz!
  5. I recommend you to pick warcryer. And in the case you dont like it, you have the posibility of changing to sws later. If you ll create a box buffer tho, go sws for sure. If not, both are good options. Most random partys are AoE, not single mob killing tho. And they demand 1) Tank or bard(sws/bd), 2) dd, 3) recharger, 4) buffer. In that order. But you also have the posibility of creating the party and then inviting the rest of roles, in which case having already the buffer (WC) + bard(bd) is better than having 2 bards at beginning of party. In case of clan / cp, both options are highly demanded. have fun!
  6. Give only eab/eac from events to compensate OE weapons
  7. Cyane


    Good bye Myrciu. Have fun!
  8. Everything is clear in my first post, nothing was "calculated" by me. 80% is the land rate of the stuns that were not made on rogue classes in official. On rogue classes was 90+%. The hidden passive is a possible explanation of it, and a reason to not follow blindly what the first chart says
  9. Cyane

    Wc o old dudas

    El wc puede solear mejor porque tiene haste, focus, death whisper, g. might y vampiric para mele. En cuanto a quien consigue party mas facilmente, diria que el wc, sobre todo a 56+ porque aprende haste lv. 2, esta muy bien para partys rb porque se hacen con fighters siempre, partys toi tambien son fighter en su mayoria, pt grandes aoe tambien lo necesitan. El ol nunca lo jugue, pero no he visto en party matching gente que busque ol muy seguido. A juzgar por los buffs, en una party aoe de magos rinde mas por tener berserker (+acumen que el wc tambien tiene). Ademas de que tiene mejor heal, control mediante debuffs aoe para lugares dificiles de mobear como loa y un par de dots aoe. Asi que partys que usan se+pony/ee+ol van re bien para magos. Si jugas casualmente, partys random o de clan, pvp pequeños recomiendo WC. Si jugas activamente, en CP, en un clan sobretodo con ally, y te gustan los pvps masivos, sieges -> recomiendo OL.
  10. In the original chronicles is something like this
  11. what do you think about having party duel system working? petition works but party duel never begins. should it work for classic 2.0? according to patchnotes yes "Duel system added: Duels allow players to fight with each other (individually or party vs party)" Still need confirmation from ppl that played in official, cause i havent found any video nor more info about party duels
  12. also tyrant stun
  13. Cyane


    up WTS -Set fp+6 (helmet+6 and armor+6) 50kk sold -Drake leather armor+6 25kk sold
  14. Cyane

    B vs C grade

    test and compare in test server with this experiment, im not in home qq it is saviors patch, so should have same p.atk values here
  15. The official experiment with the Chart with many stun landrates close to 90% and the old stun shot land rate Test are probably biased due to the fact that the target was a hawkeye with all skills learned. That includes Acrobatic move, which makes rogue classes that learn it less resistant to stun, something that was proven much later in official (and fixed with zakens update) and proven here as well during cbt. hidden effects confirmed by gms and then fixed by gms That could explain why in later official experiments stun shot against mage, who doesnt have this passive, was around 80% instead of 90%. Also hammer crush was tested against non rogue class giving 80% land rate instead of 90% like the chart wrongly says. +2 mele stuns agaisnt human warrior having 80% land rate instead of 90%.
  16. Cyane


    WTS -Set Doom robe -Set fp+6 (helmet+6 and armor+6) 50kk -Drake leather armor+6 25kk PM in forum
  17. I think its a bullshit feature but what is the difference with any other game breaking skill of classic? Horror from da, fc from pr, many skills of gladi and necro compared to other classes and so on. I think that once that you choose the "retail path" regarding skills you have to be consistent. Admins have been correcting a lot of bugs / boosts from 1.5 to be retail as possible regarding skills because thats what comunnity wanted. In this chronicle, some classes are meant to get stronger in 76+, specially when they were trash during 1.0-1,5 like daggers and summoners. Let them be strong as they are meant to be
  18. i suggest to test it with hurricane assault in test server since it doesnt have spread dmg. im not in home
  19. Meanwhile, korean classic balancing the game! dont worry about their mounts! - Summoner series Skill name Balance adjustment contents Blaze Level Expansion (Acquisition Level 40 ~ 84) Aqua Swirl Level Expansion (Acquisition Level 40 ~ 84) Twister Level Expansion (Acquisition Level 40 ~ 84) 3. Added new Summoners to Summoners. class Skill name Skill Level Acquisition Level Arcana Road Summon Queen of Cat 1-4 Lv 77 ~ 83Lv Elemental Master Seruman Unicorn Seraphim 1-4 Lv 77 ~ 83Lv Spectral Master Surman Night Shade 1-4 Lv 77 ~ 83Lv