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Everything posted by Cyane

  1. Cyane

    Dagger video

    In a fight yes. But the one with destro was just a test of burst dmg Ty
  2. Cyane

    Dagger video

    +with 99% land rate!
  3. Cyane

    Dagger video

    Same buffs, same level. I ll never get tired of posting this Very nice fights. When i compared the bs fight (pre 76) with rest of video i also noticed a big difference on th performance, i think its that extra blow, lethal blow, daggers seem not afraid to use it even from front a lot of the times. Seems to have high power and land rate, but havent tested it. In any case, y dagger gameplay is, one more time, very polished. i envy so much that 0 ping you guys play with, there are many movements i just cant do like fast getting re-target, running around target and so on. Its nice to see what this class is able to do and what has become overtime. Keep uploading videos and hf!
  4. sws and bd in first place i think. elemental summoner is also good if you are not going to dual-box cause is summoner, you can solo or play in groups aoe / toi 1b1, very versatile indeed. acts as a healer cause of infinite mana
  5. Cyane

    Dead Paladin

    No, the one i linked its one of the last ones. Will need to wait at least more than a year to have it here, and that being optimistic im afraid. Not even official eu have it yet so.. not worth to wait imho. Play if you like it, but know that you are going hardcore, or play something else and then reroll Next update we have is this, admins havent started yet, since they are working and fixing the current one
  6. Cyane

    Dead Paladin

    Here it is. It is the same update in which they added queen of cat, unicorn seraphin and nightshade to summoners. 4. Some of the knights have changed the following skills. - Shield of Sacrifice has extended the range of skill. - We have removed the HP Restrictions for Angelic Acon. - Extended Evans Templar Class's Protection of Eva skills. - Added a physical attack on Shield Bash skill. - Increased the guard's stance by 50%.
  7. Cyane

    Dead Paladin

    Maybe, but best change i readed is that it will not require anymore 40% or lower hp to be activated앤젤릭+아콘
  8. If there ll ever be again custom changes on classes they should start with paladin in any case
  9. they shouldnt be permanent (also aplies to color titles) #mycustomopinion
  10. Cyane

    When you lose pvp in toi

    i feel the same haha. both shit pc and lvl 74
  11. i really like your bishop videos, keep the good work
  12. 3. i dont like for example how dex community prefer to keep broken mechanics (like aoe damage and cc skills working on non flagged targets) instead of fixing. also readed about buffs like death whisper, dance of fire still not working (huge nerf to daggers). overall i dont see anything good that you couldnt find here. Its just that everytime a classic server opens, ppl become desperate because they are presented like "NEW" but its all the same shit with different name. First we came, then skelth (innova), then warpgate, then red, then einhasad, then dex.. and ppl still comeback here. we are the best private(free and PTS) server competition to official Club has proven to be a stable server for more than 2 years, years of lot of testing and fixing work from ppl and admins, sv became very polished since then. ppl may complain about class change server here (ignoring class tiers), but this one of the reasons why many old ppl still playing since release, keeping cps refreshed. Also we have a bigger online, and a public test server with gm commands available so you are free to test any feature for yourself
  13. I dont remember any custom list for enchant armors for this sv, you can use the current wiki database and ll be 99% precise on that. I remember liele elders and satyr elders dropping in ev, some mobs in dv close to loa entrance, loa quest for both eac and eab, knoriks.... And also check the first floors in toi, also good (spoil?) rate for eac there (and raod bosses ofc). Its all i know
  14. Scrolls Enchant Weapon will be available for spoil in the following monsters: ITEM MONSTER AMOUNT CHANCE LOCATION Scroll: Enchant Weapon B Cave Keeper 1 0.06% Dragon Valley Cave Maiden 1 0.07% Dragon Valley Valley Treant 1 0.04% Enchanted Valley Scroll: Enchant Weapon C Tarlk Bugbear Warrior 1 0.2% Forest of Evil Cave Servant Archer 1 0.3% Dragon Valley Dragon Bearer Archer 1 0.3% Dragon Valley Perum 1 0.4% Cruma Tower Nos Lad 1 0.2% Alligator Island Scroll: Enchant Weapon D Kanil Succubus 1 0.3% Forgotten Temple Marsh Spider 1 0.2% Cruma Marshlands Roughly Hewn Rock Golem 1 0.2% Dion Hills Turak Bugbear 1 0.2% Gorgon Floran Garden Silenos 1 0.2% Plains of Dion
  15. Cyane


    For pve, Tk is simply the best for AoE. Highest speed, guard stance, 360% shield block and healing cubic For pvp, your greater survivability makes a difference as long as you manage to hold enemies attack on you and resist longer than the other tanks. As long as they dont attack you, meanwhile sk or da ll be doing way more cc and dps on enemies and therefore impacting more on pvp most of the times.
  16. Cyane

    PVP tournament

    why cant we do something like that?
  17. esas armas top c que nombraste son las mas dificiles de conseguir, no las dropean mas que algunos raid bosses, ademas que no se pueden craftear (no hay drop de keys, recipes). Por eso el precio. La espada b de dos manos (great sword) si se consigue relativamente facil, la tenes que conseguir mas barata que eso igual
  18. the point im trying to make is that ppl were wrong 1 year ago, when agreed with this,even san0 agreed on giving destro rush when naturally with future updates alone destro started to shine cause of buffs / runes / talismans and w/e without any boost. it isnt a dwarf without spoil to be clear. and i was wrong when i wanted blinding blow for aw. they became very strong damage dealers in endgame
  19. imagine with old fenzy, or adding rush.. facepalm
  20. descarga el que dice patch. cada uno de los archivos de esas carpetas los copias y los pegas en las carpetas con el mismo nombre en el directorio donde descargaste el cliente, y pones reemplazar archivos - si. y asi lo mismo con staticmeshes, systextures, system. luego descarga el updater y ponelo en la carpeta del cliente de l2, te quedaria asi: Cuando termina, le das al boton start, ingresas con tu cuenta, elegis cualquier proxy y listo, cualq cosa pregunta saludos de argentina tmb
  21. Entiendo. Bueno no hay problema, juga como arquero, subi con raid bosses, unite a un clan. Con un poco de suerte, paciencia y si sos de confianza, no van a tener problemas con prestarte un buffer premium para que solees. O de buena gana ser quien se lo sube de lvl de vez en cuando. De todas formas una vez que consigas un grupo constante -cp- ya que van a jugar en el mismo horario, no vas a precisar logear otro cliente para buffear, lo van a estar haciendo tus amigos. O entre todos van a pagar el vip comprando cols con adena, como hacemos en mi clan. Saludos!
  22. En orden de lo mas requerido a lo menos segun yo tengo entendido por el party matching: 1) Tanques o bardos (sws/bd) para cualquier AoE, matar de a 1 o raid boss. Super requeridos. 2) DDs AoE. Los que tienen daño AoE (cualquier warrior, cualquier nuker). 3) Rechargers. Se y EE para AoE generalmente. 4) Buffers. Son necesarios en todas las partys, pero lo mas probable es que esten usando algun box. Aunque tambien pueden ser los que crean la party en 1er lugar. 5) Dds con arco para rb. Arqueros>dagueros, guerreros>magos con arco para raid boss. Raramente se hacen sin arco. Si queres solear, necesitas un buffer si o si. Por ejemplo si elegis arquero, el mejor box seria un pp. El spellsinger tiene mas problemas para solear porque no tiene cdl ni body to mind. Alcanza con un box shilen elder? No se. Vas a ser mas bienvenido en partys AoE que el arquero, pero menos en raid bosses.
  23. Cyane

    Server online

    Nice video. Also this together with siege cc numbers and daily party matching activity tells you much more about the real online activity, than just a 'number' that may include offline traders, fishers, afks and boxes
  24. Cyane

    Test server is now open

    password is the one you had before they backed up test server for last time. if you changed password of your account after that, you should enter with old password