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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. https://l2db.club/ or main la2 wiki?
  2. + defence talisman from olympiad, bro
  3. use mental + chant of spirit + Prophecy of fire/wind + purification song, bro
  4. maybe you'd better start farming some normal spots, like toi or giants cave (if its open)?
  5. nice advertisment of r33team
  6. ok. If one player can be greedy, 10 will diversify advices
  7. Problem of this server is that admins, who do not play this game, are trying to fix the balance accroding to their point of view. This reminds me story, when 3 blind people touched an alephant: one touched the leg and said that this animal is like a huge tree, 2nd touched his tail and said that it is like a snake, 3rd one touched the stomach and said that it is like a large sheet of paper - because wide and rough. I am not trying to offend you and not saying you are blind, but people that do not play this game should not fix the balance, this is imho. Same story was like 1-2 years +-, when some1 was crying that daggers cannot catch anyone, because only TH has dash, but pw/aw cannot and their mana is not enought for idk what for (probably for using fake death 24/7). What a bullshit! After that San0 added in dagger mastery passive clarity trigger and binding blow to both elf daggers, which reminds me x1000 pvp server, not a classic one + plus i did not notice any difference in this class balance. You should find 1-10 pro pvp players who were playing here and their skill is obvious enough so you could ask their opinion. Then to specify problems this server met and to ask minimum 5 advices from each player on every problem. I believe this server could be x5 times better and more populated if you had done this a few years ago. Best regards.
  8. Poseidon


    If this video gets 100 likes on youtube, i will make an ultimate guide on playing the dagger in L2 Classic
  9. Poseidon


  10. yo, malaka. flashbacks from 2018? xD still hitting a like, coz you know how tun run behind the pillars, you know how to press buttons.
  11. how many ppl still playing on TI?
  12. lf dagger 78+ with castle circlet and good equip to play oly for you
  13. that moment when classic starts to remind a gracia / high five server. instead of reworking some dagger mechanics, to do it more playable, you add binding blow. now only critical blow, stealth and treasure chests are missing xD yet again patch is from people who dont play this game. anyway gj and gl
  14. i am right 90% of time, but sadly you did not hire such talent
  15. People are 76+ now. Where is the logic to boost newbies from 1-49 only? Whole idea is good, but not finished. Should be: 1-49 x2, 49-60 x1.5, 60-74 x1.10-15 or just change the runes, not mobs. Imho.
  16. You guys are so much tryharders 😄 The answer is "soon" (c)