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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Same ally (or at least crest) with rest of your "badproducts" mates... If not... well it seems like some small piece of dignity still left inside of you after all.
  2. wtf? killing your new ally mates? SHAME!
  3. Just give it up @Reaper , you cant argue with people for whom is current meta in summoner gameplay something like this... Just run mass cleanse and group heal on cooldown and each 2 mins throw CD reduction buff. GG.
  4. Spoil of A grade? Wtf? So every random will have acces to top tier equip? GG
  5. with this ammount of bugs... damn, thats gonna be very bad release...
  6. Good to see you back. Looking forward to smash you again, we still have some unfinnished bussiness. More enemies-more fun.
  7. Only Koreans have war vs toxic, which is only 1 or max 2 parties, not entire China as far as i know...All in all it will be interresting how they will deal with this issue on next siege.. And no, there is no way for creating large coalition vs China... simply impossible Ridiculous topic. Edit: now i got intel all chn maybe have war with tt. My bad.
  8. Kure

    Custom pets

    Not useless but lets say situational... But customizing already existing custom is way to hell imho. + for removing
  9. I´d like to, just tell me how please. What EXACTLY was wrong in my post which you deleted (not the one where I told you to fuck off but the previous one from this afternoon). I want to learn from my mistakes to not trigger you again. Thank you in advance our allmighty superior mod.
  10. Its okay... Classic feature
  11. @FinalFen Nice wall of text you made there, thats true.. I will try to react on it with as many arguments as I could (I will repeat myself in most cases, I already mentioned it there so many times before, also maybe i will not react straight to you but in PK/griefing problematic in general)... I can understand your attitude to some point. Its attitude of, lets say, "random casual player" (dont take it as personal insult please)... I will not lie, one and half year ago i came here with some ideals as you maybe, to enjoy "classic" nsotalgia game as I used to many years ago... After short time I encountered first griefer - some dwarf at bandoned camp which droped from me top NG heavy armor chest (bronze?).. back then it was something rly valuable to me (no free D armor, adena drops like 10 times less than now, each death -10%...) .. I was rly pissed back then but i continued... i persuaded mages to pull with me and be my bodyguards day after that and hey, it worked.. the same dwarf showed up and didnt even managed to catch me, mages killed him before that - at a cost of PK... There were many parties/people exping at AC back then and when they saw "PK" mages (and it doesnt matter that that dwarf was terorizing all of that parties there) they starting to hunt us (grattitude ftw)... Our party that day turned into PK fest and each of us (me as future sws and 2 future sps) ended with like 10k karma at lvl 20-22 +-... then i realized THIS is exactly what i missed on "old" l2.. not hardcore grind in almsot forgotten locations but this no-rules pvp/pk systems... L2 ruined its spirit with all the instances and "classic" is the way out to true l2... I encountered many times griefers/pk for fun chars during my 1,5 years journey around here but it always motivated me to keep going and get my revenge eventually... I remember Reaver party hunting randoms in partisan, i remember pride/perkunas literally closing DV or Cruma (basicly only two 40+ party locations at 1.0) and wanting fee for leting you enter in (2kk? incredible amount of money back then). Months passed and shortly before Reaver left to Gran Kain we managed to kill him few times, made his pt (which ganked us) to PR... yeah, it was revarding feeling, i suggest you to try to do the same. All I wanted to tell you by this is everyone of us experienced the same and i bet on 1.0 it was MUCH harder to face it, yet we survived that... If this behaviour is what you hate the most , sorry, but this chronicle is not clearly for you.... then i suggest you some of "new" chronicles, such as H5 or even GOD, where you dont need to even leave peace zone for hiting 100+ level and PK there is almsot non-existant... Now, this is my emo part of the story, lets continue to some real arguments: 1) Griefing tanks in pulling: This is what i dont understand at all how can someone complain on this... Counterplay to this is so easy. Tank doesnt have to be the only one "working" hard in party, find active supports to pull with you... The trend is to have boxed "mana potions" and one PP out of party + at max one active support to heal every now and then during killing train. Take bishop with you, he can keep you alive the one second or two before stun is canceled cos of taking damage. He can purify you in case its lightning strike which is not canceled with damage...When i was exping bishop i had NEVER slot in any random pt in ev/abg (maxim i got party inv for finding that pt to ress someone and then farewell) and then those same ppl which refused me in pt complains on griefing. Thats beyond my understanding. If you dont have bish (rare class played by randoms thats true), SE could do the job as well (purify/heals), EE as well (better heals than SE and in case of paralize where s/he is not sure can overheal can jsut PR)...even PP has very decent heals to keep tank alive enough time to survive till stun vanish... Also exp on right spots.. I see very often 50+ parties on ABG.. ofc, if someone stuns you then mobs 10+ levels above you hit much harder than you are capable of survivng (and bishop healing)... Meanwhile in EV you would have been perfectly fine in such scenario...another solutions are mentioned already.. relogs/switching spots etc etc. Pleasee note im not defending such griefers, i dont like this kind of behaviour as well (and i ve never done such thing to randoms and enemies very few times) but you need to learn how to face it, otherwise you will have very hard times the more you will progress ingame. Now on forum i see people complaining on these griefers and instead of trying to figure out counter in their own gameplay, they are sugesting some game breaking customs "to protect" randoms... Lets begin with custom "dont let people to use stun/any kind of debuff on unflaged people." I dont even know how to react on this, its so wrong dude Huge amount of wartags are exping untaged in some random clans... give them this protection and you wont see any pvp at all till 74 lvl... Anyway people should focus on how to improve themselves instead sugesting customs which goes completely against L2 open world pvp spirit. Btw speaking of which on some future update you will be able to "lock" your equip so you wont drop it. 2.) PK: At first, this is the one of very few things that differs L2 from other usual MMO. That you can kill ppl whenever you want. Yes, there are few ppl that do that only for amusement, personaly i know only 2 of big PKers which are still active.. CHNdaye and JackHerrer. Maybe there are few more but i bet there are not even 10 of such ppl on whole server... Its so little amount that its not even worth mention.. You are trying to say there are mayn of those ppl which PK for fun but simply its not true... Also you have plenty of spots to "hide" before them (CHNdaye dont leave FOM for example) if you are so afraid of being PKed and thats it. Also good strategy could be just run/relog/PR... Find some other high lvl players and invite them for free frags... Different situation is when somone PKs you cos they simply want your spot. You have two options there as well, fight them and win - spot is yours - or move to another spot... Its like in real life, stronger will survive. There is no logical reason behind claim that if you were on some spot first you have all the rights to keep that spot. There is newbie protection till level 40 at each of starting villages, thats enough for new players for aclimatisation , people are jsut too lazy to go for that buff and then complain about being PKed...People are calling for bigger punishments for PKs... I believe now its enough, you risk droping gear, you need to clean karma and run to floran to clean PK points... on 2.0 prices for PK scrols will be 10 times bigger so even adena punishment will be big enough. On 2.5 devs intorduced literally one of the biggest bullshits i have ever seen, wannabe remake of sin eater quest... kill 700 mobs and it will clean you randomly 1-3 PKs but ONLY once a day... thats the biggest PK punnishment since retarded GOD Pk mechanics... Isnt it still enough for you? Even increasing karma foreach PK is not good way to customize things since karma is stackable with amount PK points you have so very shortly you could fall into karma "trap" where it would be smarter to start new char fro mscratch than trying to dekarma... Instead of plain talks about nothing i will use few examples and try to show you how wrong these anti PK/grief sugestions are... First example: You see party of war which is untaged at some random clan to avoid war... Dont you would want to PK them or at least harm them other way (stun...)? Second example (bigger one): Daily huge amounts of PK which you maybe didnt realize its hapening... Not so long ago we (DramaTeam) had like 2 hours nonstop fight at Orfen versus BadProducts... PLENTY of PKs you could have seen there, dude that was so big clown fiesta you couldnt even imagine... Personaly i used like 50 simple ress scrolls and lost almost 2 levels at that fight (it was like 30 vs 40 situation so you can imagine there was milions of karma concentrated in there). Now imagine if those sugestions ppl are making were implemented back then. We started farming orfen and BadProducts came to us. First they asked nicely our allmighty leader JerryZ if they can farm this orfen instead of us. Since he refused, they had to decide if risk all in and try to PK our 40 chars at risk of to have close to infinite karma or let us farm. They couldnt stun our tank and let the RB/minions to do the dirty job for them cos he wasnt flaged and any kind of debuff doesnt work on unflaged people. They couldnt buff the RB (as someone sugested not so long ago as well) with m.barrier and regeneration to try drain all our MP without being able to kill the boss. So they decided to start PK spree. After 2 hours the result was basicly everyone who attended that clown fiesta lost 1-2 levels of exp and had plenty of PK points...Mmm was fun, so what now? Clean karma first (farming that huge amount or die-ress strategy is up to everyone).. Okay, karma clean, get rid of PKs then. Invest hundreds thousands (1.5), milions (2.0) adena.. okay, epic farming is worth it. But what after 2.5 with wananbe sineater Q? Lets say i had 15 PK points there... that would be over 10 thousands mobs to farm in on average 8 days (but up to 15). This one will actually happen on 2.5 and im really scared how it will be... Skip the PK reduction for now then. Doesnt this scenario sound retarded to you? We lost huge amount of exp there. Now it needs to be exped back to 50... Best spots for that are EV (4 decent party spots) and FOM (4-5 spots for solo/duo/max trio)... Since we needed to have chars back ready in 15 hours or so for core (and didnt have much time for exping alts since we want to pvp/farm on mains as well and nobody is nolifing this game) so we came to spot told them we need the spot and since they refused to leave we simply took it. Dont like it? try to kill us back (with our mains to protect ofc) or change spot. Last time this conflict with "randoms" hapened was yesterday on AI... I have never felt and would never feel any kind of regret about taking spots from "randoms" if i really need those. At any cost. People like them (you) can hate me but i dont care tbh. What people are not realizing is the fact, that all those "anti PK" sugestions would paradoxly harm mostly those randoms than ppl who are actively using PKs... Chronical PKers (CHNdaye) doesnt care about PK scrolls cost or some sin eater quests...).. But ppl like us who PKs sometimes. I will be punished with more karma? okay then, i will need to kick randoms from their spots for longer time since i will need to exp much more to cover my exp loss (after die-ress strategy)... And after implementation of sineater quest? The most viable solution is prolly exp PR till 59 then relog him near spot fullbuffed. This PR will have infinite karma so nobody will care and bother with farming some sin eater...And since i will have acces to this PK char, sometimes i will be bored so i can assure you i will go with him to hunt some randoms.. not becouse i have anything against them but bcs i hate that PK system which was implemented after many whines adressed to devs "do sth about PKs pls pls"... moving across the map wouldnt be problem at all with access to gate chant... PK system is set good now, on 2.0 with higher prices is the best "middle way" between protecting lowbies and unnecessarry PKs. Sin eater agathion is retarded as fck and most of the anti PK sugestion around here as well. These are not "solutions which could improve the game" as you are saying but sugestions which WOULD destroy the game. Sorry for wall of text.
  12. + Blbounek broken yaksa in +17 atempt... (The legend)... Drž se Hefe...
  13. Kure

    Custom pets

    If you think ppl are using ally chat for comunication in 2017... Further discusion with you is pointless.
  14. Kure

    Custom pets

    Meanwhile you have like 10 clans in 3 different aliances as one side... How would you deal with that? Pure bullsh.t
  15. Kure

    Custom pets

    on 2.0 and especially 2.5 it will be better to be summoner than tank.. simply cos it will be intorudeced lot of 1-1 locations where is very hard or even imposible to make efficient aoe... Let me name you giants cave, devils isle or even higher floors of toi... that means 1-1 groups in party matching will be more common + you will have shots + cubics which helps 100% more in 1-1 exp scenario than aoe + infinite MP (ergo best healer) in case of ES/cat... There will be literally no need for party pets anymore, i guess some small scaled pt (duo/trio) will be even better in some cases for summoners than 9 men full aoe group... but wer too much offtopic now.
  16. CHNDaye ftw... the guardian angel of FOM
  17. Kure

    Custom pets

    @San0 seems like 70% of ppl doesnt want custom pets after 2.0 update.. i know its small sample size (60ppl is not even 10% of population here) but the trend seems to be clear... even pvp-active summoners (lafi, warpole, qloc, progressive...) voted for removal so that MAYBE could tell you something... just let us know if the staff take it into consideration... P.S. waiting for "how it will look like on 2.0 and AFTER decide" could make this issue even worse, and not, disabling these pets from oly doesnt solve anything as well (oly will be decided with feeding anyway..)
  18. i remmeber them from event around february 2016 the most expensive one was "kuon" which price was rly huge (cos had lowest drop rate) ... this event bought me C gr equip
  19. What do you want to hear? Yes, i was in your TS 1 year ago. Yes, i offered clan + ch. Yes i wanted to make ally as 4th side. The only thing you didnt mention that demoss was simply faster (we still had some issues between nf and tt even after stoping war) and took advantage of clan +ch first. The other clan was without ch but lvl 4 (which im not sure tt was back in the day). I dont understand your point at all now. I had no idea you already had tag back then as bizz's first puppets of his zerg. I realized that after talking with bizz in ts, yet it was too late (demoss was kicked out of ch later on when former leadership and rightfull owners of nf heard that ch is used on perks side)... And this ws+wk is not true wickedsick as i consider it.. Back in the days perkunas (wickedsick) focused on quality over quantity... Each of their cp was REAL threat to everything else, which was NEVER the case under biz comand (with all the respect to Uchi cp which like the only one could fit into "old" perkunas .. + mby STR snd veteran (next to biz and kiam packs which remained from old ws))... Mby you will consider this as random flame, but wickedsick nowdays is just shadow of its past...
  20. Neither do you. None of core wickedsick is curently playing on server. Mby @kkthx (which im not sure who was him exactly back in time)... Or, which is funny indeed, one of the last mohycans could be @ProGressive probably