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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    LH + Core

    can you name those bugs? i know only about orfen "custom" regen and core didnt removing stuns...
  2. Kure

    LH + Core

  3. Kure

    LH + Core

    epic jewels has much more impact than normal buffs...
  4. Kure

    LH + Core

    Back in some chronicle (dont remember which one) there was sth like lowest cap of landrate .. i beleieve it was 10% so mby it could be this case...
  5. Kure

    Castle of 2kkk

    12/2015 - 4/2016 OOC (EternalRage) zerg 5/2016 - 6/2016 Wickedsick zerg 7/2016 - 9/2016 +- status quo 10/2016 Wickedsick Zerg (short one tho) 11/2016 - 4/2017 DarkLegion Zerg 5/2017 - NOW Wickedsick/WuKong zerg
  6. Kure

    Castle of 2kkk

    Negative. I am part of no-life SoulMate zerg.
  7. Kure

    Castle of 2kkk

    Im the youngest from sayomi cp as 24 yo.... And working 10hrs/day so its not rly acurate what you wrote rn
  8. Kure

    Castle of 2kkk

    Thats why we (or me specificaly) declared war on them back in NF? to all except SM... The thing Ribos wasnt hunting us is different story but yeah, basicly you are right ofc
  9. Kure

    Castle of 2kkk

    People come and people leave (ahahaha ask Jungle nowdays how they search new server )... thats just cycle of life on every server... IDC about DL honestly, i didnt like that idea at all... I joined them only cos Sayo had faith in SoIL (those Greeks tends to stick together ffs ), but inbefore we had war with them at NF (vs all except SoulMate)... We had in mind different "project" back then which included TT and Call of Blood (now anathema even if that clan doesnt exist anymore basicly). Before we managed to finish this "project fourth side" we (or more specificaly myself after TS conversation with demoss and bizquit) realized these both clans are already under Bizz reign eventho still untaged... Back then it was (in EU prime) only one clan vigilance vs one clan unique vs one clan perkunas... + toxics in war vs vigilance but "neutral" to perks and uq (anathema back then neutral without wars at all)... But guess what, one week after (toxics + anathema on ws came public on some CS) it was already 3 clans vs 1 vs 1... in favor for perks ofc... Then Soil started to recruit and focused mostly on eu to match perks number... but since DL grew bigger and bigger all the sidehoppers wanted to be on "stronger" side as well so they were beging soil to join DL... And since then it was jsut about comparing e-penises between soil and bizz who will achieve bigger zerg... sorry for wall of text, all my point was jsut to show you who began all this "EU prime zerg" race (at least this episode cos it was already perkunas v2.0) and maybe surprisingly for you it was bizz itself, not soil... all this happened one year ago so its history and doesnt matter nowdays, you just should be more chiled before you start to claims that you know everything about DL zerging
  10. Challenge accepted. We can test it later today
  11. I would say that as a warlord 74 i land around 50% stuns on buffed enemies on my lvl range.... Wait for majestic, baium and bw (2.5) and gg rerol disband....
  12. Kure

    Custom pets

    Ohh cmon, shot is 50a.. So pet hit is 100a... Dont even try to tell how expensive it is... Even on ofi summs using shots and here it is adena x3...
  13. One example for all...stun shot from first class (dagers, archers) easily lands (80% + ) on 50 lvl chars... isnt it broken?
  14. Kure

    Custom pets

    i dont have it as well, but on GK on coloseum was 9v9 tournament (all same levels and equip, organised by GMs to have fair conditions for everyone... Parties which were completely wrecking everything looked like bish + disco + DA + summoners....
  15. Kure

    Custom pets

    Pve-wise ES is best healer ingame. Bish can just watch if HP falling down too fast and help with one or two heals, but in general infinite MP for healing is enough in 99% scenarios. but yeah,with rest I pretty much agree
  16. Kure

    Custom pets

    Summoner still has sth to offer... Secondary healer for example... And on 72 + nice DD (77+ insane dps), and debuffer...
  17. Like in many cases in the past... this could be just renamed new char, not unbaned Exotq original char... Let me name you Salaras or kingbotaki for example...
  18. ehhh... hawkeye and FC? do we have stacked subclasses here?
  19. Kure

    Custom pets

    I guess question is pretty much clear.. This topic is mentioned every now and then, but I would really like to know opinion of majority of people. Thing is with 2.0 upcoming the biggest weakness of summoners will disappear (shots) and these CUSTOMly added pets could possibly create huge disbalances. I am mentioning this mostly bcs of two possible scenarios... Cat crit dmg/crit rate buff... I believe most of the people knows that with othell crit rate rune it wont be a big problem to reach 500crit rate cap. That (in theory without al lthe passives etc) means every second hit as critical.. Add there some selfbuffs of specific classes (dead eye, zealot, angelic icon...) together with usuall fullbuff (+ 3rd class buff) and you could reach insane crit dmg (which is not capped ofc) with every second autohit (hello interlude archers)... i dont even mention epics... I guess lot of ppl saw how, for example, fully stacked destro´s DPS looks like on OFI. Now imagine another crit damage boost (idc about crit rate cos it will be easily capped with or without cat buff anyway)... Do we really need these custom cat buffs? Second issue is pony... Seraphim is broken on so many levels (and it will be even more ridiculous with 2.0)... Mostly for cooldown reduction buff (combine it with already OP mages, which will be even stronger on 2.0, sweet stuffs like renewall song etc... if you want to see vortex/vortex buster combo every 4-5 second or so (and regular nukes without coolldown at all).. well, thats up to you.. Speaking about pony... Mass cleanse every 5 seconds (+-) is broken as fuck even now on chronicle, which is based on debuffs. Compared to ES bishop looks like newbie... About nightshade, well he doesnt have much to offer in terms of "op" but if we decide to remove these custom pets he should be erased as well. Another story is about mass cubics... I will make it short here, dot from ES from 9 ppl in pvp is ridiculous since it lands 100%, dmg from warlock cubic is w/e (but still need to count x9)... and if some melee pt face party with mass phantom cubic they can just press "to village" instantly... These are my opinions, feel free to discuss (try not to flame even if this topic was created by me) please... P.S. Yes, before someone mention it here, i was glad for this custom change when it was implemented but for my defence back then i couldnt imagine how it could affect late-game and also i had zero clue about 2.0 features..
  20. "party" summons should be turned off asap after 2.0 release... every sane person knows that idk why staff still hesitate in this question..
  21. Sieges,epics, farming next to each other and even in mixed parties,dont attacking each other, cooperating in ganks(or when ganked)... Idk dude, what else is definition of ally? Honestly i dont care, you felt it could be right move back then, thats none if my bussiness... just i dont understand why everyone doesnt want to accept it... P.S.im 100% sure megazord went to perks
  22. Just btw es\perks was one ally back then
  23. That crew around megazord, lanza etc for example... Literally one day after soil's emoquit