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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    WM system

    WM = WebMoney? Idk.. just wild guess...
  2. Kure

    MoDoy vol.1 Castle Siege

    8 flags + perk with no flag + tfd with no flag (respawn in castle) makes it 10 clans actually.. or not? but w/e it doesnt change nothing
  3. Kure

    Flame section

    As title says... It should be good to make on forum "flame section" for all these trolls which recently appeared and are constantly flooding forum (mostly general discussions). And of course together with that maybe recruit active moderator(s) which will be moving topics from wrong sections and possibly punnish (24hr forum ban?) some people who will not respect forum rules repeatedly.
  4. ​206 in BizQQuiT's CC ​wow i expectted even more... are chineese included in there?
  5. International CP lf Elven Elder or Bishop or Swordsinger (as title says).. Already 8/9 live players (+ some boxes), so we need one last member to join our "salty peanuts" group. We are european and our prime is in evening hours (but not hardocore nolifing). Language is english (even tho our greeks are messing with this rule sometimes...or not sometimes, pretty often ), TS is MUST(!). Plenty of wartags - so no boring grind 24/7. Level should be ideally 61+, but lower lvl is not that big problem, right now we need to powerlvl one of our members from 58 as well...And if you earn our trust we can consider to giving you one of our already levelled chars. For any questions contact me here or send mail/pm ingame to "Sayomi , "KureciKridylka
  6. Kure

    Virtual Reality

    im not surprised that solotarget exping archer made this suggestion... try to make trains with this.. lol
  7. ​Dont you think that Perkunas "zerg" is just result of your own (and UQ) politics? These clans which joined them have nothing to loose, you were/are harrasing them on exping spots anyway. This way is their ONLY opportunity at this moment how to repay you for all you had done to them so far. They know they have zero chance for capturing castle or even have positive kill/death ratio on siege/daily pvp, but annoy you during capturing more castle(s) is rewarding enough to at least try that. And why only oportunity? Cos they dont have enough ppl/levels to create fourth side and their possible equall enemy (your "academy" clans aka Lowczyzzakamenia) are not accepting wars or/and constantly calling babysitters from main clans when in trouble. Funny thing is that BizQQuit didnt have to use much politics at all, just dont harrassing low lvl/new clans was enough (there are some exceptions of course (hello z0z), but not in that big scale as on your/uq sides). Simple offer of some kind of help on daily basis (not 24/7 100% protection ofc) in exchange of strengthen their ranks on siege is win-win situation for both sides of agreement. P.S. "300" lost and was slaughtered (even it wasnt 300 but around 7000 from which 5000 retreated after 3 days) but whatever. ​No you're wrong on this. I'll tell you a simple example, TERRORISTAS clan we've never hitted them,never harrased them. Never. Joined you because I don't know, just joined the zerg. Totally were with ES side, now joined your side, and better keep them there. Just by their name I don't even like them (Plus stiba talks..) Maybe people prefer to be with the many and joining you. I prefer to be with less and stronger. If you think that will work, I'm not so sure.. It's not reality, they are not soldiers, it's a game they're players ​First of all, I wasnt on siege, i am not even in any of clans which were there. But honestly if I (+ other 6 active ppl in there) hadnt left ruins of clan which used to be mighty NonFactors clan long time ago few days before siege, I would have been on siege as well... Guess on which side? Not becouse I like Perks (that would be very funny after all our history with them ) but becouse they seems to be the lesser of three evils at current server situation (despite the fact i have most of friends in your ally)... Besides i have almost no idea who TERRORISTAS is, can you tell this also about TotallyToxic? CallOfBlood (now under in NFactors name cos of CH)? Or i dont even know rest of clans who joined Perks on this siege. No, you cant. If you say you never harrassed those terroristas, okay, i believe you, but this wasnt about them, this was about exactly those clans you harrassed. Each action cause reaction (hi Newton!) and this was simply reaction on your politics. P.S. who is ChimChim?
  8. ​Dont you think that Perkunas "zerg" is just result of your own (and UQ) politics? These clans which joined them have nothing to loose, you were/are harrasing them on exping spots anyway. This way is their ONLY opportunity at this moment how to repay you for all you had done to them so far. They know they have zero chance for capturing castle or even have positive kill/death ratio on siege/daily pvp, but annoy you during capturing more castle(s) is rewarding enough to at least try that. And why only oportunity? Cos they dont have enough ppl/levels to create fourth side and their possible equall enemy (your "academy" clans aka Lowczyzzakamenia) are not accepting wars or/and constantly calling babysitters from main clans when in trouble. Funny thing is that BizQQuit didnt have to use much politics at all, just dont harrassing low lvl/new clans was enough (there are some exceptions of course (hello z0z), but not in that big scale as on your/uq sides). Simple offer of some kind of help on daily basis (not 24/7 100% protection ofc) in exchange of strengthen their ranks on siege is win-win situation for both sides of agreement. P.S. "300" lost and was slaughtered (even it wasnt 300 but around 7000 from which 5000 retreated after 3 days) but whatever.
  9. I will give you something to think about, mostly to @zorgzor and @SOiL ... As you sow so shall you reap.
  10. Kure

    Is funny ! hahaha

    ​Not all of us.
  11. ​Rád bych věděl, koho považuješ za tu svini, protože co já si pamatuju, zatim jsem narazil jen na tvoji partu (resp. partu, kde jsi zrovna byl i ty) a žádnýho low levla jsem zatim nepotkal.. O těch informátorech to je taky nesmysl, existuje něco jako kamery, informátora nepotřebuješ... NEchci tu startovat nějakej flame, klidně mi odpověz v pm, ale tohle mě fakt zaráží...
  12. capping class change to lvl 60 is biggest bullshit i ever heard lol...
  13. ​Believe it or not, we dont give a single fuck about vigilance or their ally. Our only business with them is based only on personal friendships between some of ours "core" members which come back here after few months (Waterworks, Hymli, ADFnoobDraco, Sayomi, me....) to revive Nonfactors and between some former members NF (my raw estimate its like 8 ppl from Vigi atm was in NF) and some other friends from for example Soulmate (our ally back in time ....plus some of our friends from old Syndicate -Balu, Hitsu, Monyka etc are in SM as well right now)... I dont expect you will understand that, you have no idea what kind of shitstorms we went throught together with some of them in past (before you even started here)... So maybe thats the reason you somehow think they are helping us or whatever...But, once again, that doesnt mean any kind of ally between us. For example sometimes we just have to kill some of their members if they are ganking us with our enemies (for example Swissmode pairing with Tys0n etc)... You really think we would do that to clan which is suposed to "helping us" ? You can contact me to PMs (i am from Czech as you) to ask something if you still dont wana believe that...
  14. ​I guess u are used to have Orfen then . I played with friend sps and he required 3 rechargers just for himself to farm loa aoe ​Then you were doing something wrong.
  15. Kure


    any update about fixing delay? i mean sth like "we identified problem" or "work in progress" or "we have no idea" etc.. thank you in advance
  16. Kure


    lets hope you guys solve this soon.. i have faith in you!
  17. ​invocation should do this job but ncsoft decided its not needed... lets keep it that way, try to do server as much retail as we can
  18. Kure

    Any news?

    No, staff will nerf archers and boost meeles. Mages dont 1shot just 2shot in <1s so they are balanced, unlike archers ​Wait for Vortex Slug. with 2k cast speed and 40% M. Crit. ​dyes caped at +5 in 2.0 here (another custom) so hopefully this will not be the case... but still, even with that 40 lvl cs.speed/m.crit pasive the will benefit most of this change... btw can you tell me if that pasive will recieve also supports or only nukers?