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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. Anytime


    as far as i know WIT add some magic resists!
  2. who the fuck ninja BD hero? Didnt saw BD hero yet ...
  3. Anytime


  4. destro is not balu i think - its Nikovante tyrant is dankolov i guess TH is that China guy CHNPop
  5. ok then i also WTB cloak! ... whisper me with price imaginations! - i will pay with COL or Adena!
  6. the truth is usually somewhere between two statements. somehow it's getting boring. take a room. there seems to be some sexual tension between you two guys. A shame as our parties are represented here.
  7. somehow it looks to me like certain people just have a problem with winning OR losing a fight. @Arcanum @Pendragon The sad thing is that you both throw a bad light on your cp when ppl see that shit ...
  8. I don't look at them either
  9. that moment when your dreams about that golden cloak are destroyed ...
  10. just ignore him! hes in troll mode last days ...
  11. lol man - it's not like we're controlling TOI now because we won a fight ...
  12. @Isno go cry somewhere else! ... No one deserves more than you!
  13. Anytime

    LF ST

    how about testserver? Feel free to send 5kk for this exklusive advise
  14. Hat jemand zufällig lust nen Bishop zu spielen?
  15. Anytime

    dagger in wrist

    only cauz your dagger-skill suck on AW ...