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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. kkthx

    PK points

    lol this kid is as frustrated as zakna pack @Phoenix close the topic alrdy, bcoz formal creator has no arguments anymore, and no sense to keep it open if nothing will be changed, coz is good.
  2. fuk me, israd u re ugly as Zakna
  3. Ur frustration reach zenith Go hunt some 40-50 lvl in Forest of Mirrors, u stronk
  4. Nice life and nice ppl? Man, same u act in game same u irl. So i assume u re sad person irl with tendency to steal other ppl goods. Nothing will happen to BizQQuiT as ally leader, 90% of server is awared u re scammer scumbag, other 5% is ppl not reading forum, 3% is ur ingame "friends" and 2% is too low lvl to hear about such trash.
  5. Those kids Zakna Israd joy are just frustrated bcoz they got kicked from multiple of alliances for being retarded, thiefs and retarded (yes doubled this). Sadly they will be self-abusing to this type of play for long time, bcoz it makes them feel "somebody" over lvl 40-50 chars. To take most of this game u need to get through this (u can always change spot until retards get bored) make decend lvl and revenge on them. Soon they will get bored self-abused and will quit and u will stay and have fun.
  6. San0 sincerely, but dont u have one very important thing to do instead of posting "chain letters"?
  7. Dont dissapoint me MoDoy ;p
  8. Did u turned on brain while writing this? Anyway hope u re awared of every post Biz write and what happen from now on. GL! Bout the pic - man admit ur face and ur eyes fit the sly skunk you are. Admins had to delete it GL at baning anyone.
  9. shut ur butt kid. If your account was scammed, you can request paid service, which include logs check-in, return of your stolen goods, information about thief. To do so you need to submit a Ticket to Support. Price of the service - 5 Euro on Master Account. u dont like it? Change server.
  10. This Warlord in setup is like putting +WIT on glad... Oh wait, its Anytime style, lol, no more questions.
  11. Hahah, thats good one. Remember ur CP scammed in game not on forum.
  12. Ad. 4: ofc he returned after he got caught he didnt want to be deleveled to lvl 1 by being hunted. Use ur brain kid. P.S: Aha he didnt return it itself.
  13. kkthx

    DA vol 2

    vol 2 GZ from me for smart crowd control. Not just "hurr durr fear stop-waiting cooldown hurr durr fear stop-waiting cooldown" like 99% DA out there do. Which comes to fact that u + BD kill pt with 2 mage+healer, not endup with bsoe by hurr durr fear avengers. Well on mass pvp theres just this one tactic, but its tactic to win. Watch them DA wannabe cry @Joymark
  14. Damn i will be at work at this day, i cant join %
  15. kkthx

    PK points

    just ignore kid @Ryok hes alrdy frustrated out of arguments. Topic closed.
  16. kkthx

    PK points

    no, hes right, PK scrolls are already much nerfed, u wouldnt survive 1 day w.o that. So all good here, no need changes
  17. its funny how Zergiliance had the zerg for half a year, and when soilolo left and they lost some ppl they say "zerg zeg, mommy halp". Well, sides changed. Give up and go to soilolo or try harder. We dont care if we have more or less ppl, we re always on top and take most fun of it. Everyday we kick ppl from ally, bcoz they dont want to follow simple rules - 1. "dont be dick". Wait what will happen next couple days
  18. Just like this. Thanks. Should be helpful for alot of ppl.
  19. kkthx

    PK points

    PK scroll system is now right. U kids dont even remember, when PK scrolls were changed and how Reaver was QQ about it. Then there was poll voting should the PK scrolls be retail, custom for us or sin eater quest. Vote poll of Sin eater quest won, and quest should be implemented, but it wasnt and everybody forget that. Reaver left server, he stopped QQ and everything went to normal (natural noob selection :)) and we stayed at custom pk scrolls like it is now, and it works best. If there will be limitless PK scrolls u will have 10 qq threads and ppl leaving server everyday coz they got pked. If u go sin eater quest ppl will qq they cant farm it. Theres no enough zones for that. PK scrolls in floran is the only right choice. Even on GK they would like to change smthing in PK scrolls to not be limitless, but i dunno if they cant do it bcoz they have to blind follow Korea or they suck
  20. I guess its where server is alocated? https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cet CET https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/cest CEST
  21. So today Europe is moving clock from 2am to 3am if im right. So does server move clock too and siege is at 6 CET. Or server is not moving clock and siege is at 5 CET as it was so far? Want to be sure
  22. Imho if u want do this thing u need to take day and time that is aviable for most of ppl, for sure its not monday 12am. And secondary, use CET time zone to annouce hour, not ur time zone.