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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. sorry, got no time for trash u re. u know well what im talking bout.
  2. yup, go convert it to fanboy, whatever for u to feel better another fishbot in da house
  3. love u kid :3 ofc i was there by my main, and thats why i covered picture cant believe u can be so stupid, well what can i expect from a guys that were playing l2j for a year, flaming l2classic.club to be back like stray dog. Next time when u try to quote my char to smthing leave me info where u hide so can easier find u sending loves kids.
  4. u learn english pretty fast catacombs, lol, i wonder why u keep qq instead of playing interlude.
  5. haha, i see u finally got up after last rekt, coz u keep ur ass shut up for some time, too bad i got no time for u kid
  6. Animal bones trying to get mats easier, animal bones trying to become richer themselves
  7. go click some skills with mouse
  8. and then kicked. tell me more about kid, kid.
  9. sorry, u recruited AD we just kicked, lololol
  10. That liar that says that hold side, and then go to other. Nah, ty. Yet, gl.
  11. kkthx


    funny daggers expect to be killing hvy armors
  12. update freaking bot protection. edit: aha, boo hoo contalixo3
  13. if they do it automatically that u re teleported to Olympiad zone and ur +10 weapon becomes +6 i vote more than yes. But i highly doubt making extra weapons
  14. too bad u didnt cover nick
  15. Summon gfbot aka. stricken, oh wait, hes "no english" lol
  16. well u act like trash so u re treaten like trash.
  17. early 1.5 on market u could make XXkk daily just to buy cheaper sold better. Just now market is fucked up. But overall adena is not a problem. lol u 69? Since u like forever here QQ on this forum average of my all chars is 65 atleast. no forum cancer = lvls
  18. kkthx


    German proxy is top proxy
  19. top lie classic now poor wars act sad and say "we never had". sorry im too lazy to find this posts and u re not worth my time to proove u.
  20. want to see u how u survive on official classic
  21. kkthx


    if u like solo and not afraid of it, yes