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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. and u talk bout attending to school, gg, for 3rd time u tell me i defend anybody while every post i write i dont care. GL fighting with windmills, and argue in every post no matter whats the content.
  2. @Kure and @MoDoy same person, kkkkkk u forget to relog
  3. ok, thats smthing, u watched whole vid
  4. Like this anybody could EVER bot. I think u bot, but when u got alarm u go active. I think BizQQuiT is boting, but he go active on alarm plz, its like writing stories in real time what u just wrote I will just say again, i havent seen on this vid any of common bot checking option by normal player. I would stun, type to him or whatever, on this video is just guy farming. Do u get my point? Coz im typing it 3rd time and i have a feeling like nobody understand me Especially i like the edit part yes i would report myself anybody bcoz i hate bots, but as i said above, this is showing nothing to me, or should i watch whole 50min to find smthing except guy farming? Its not bout clan member its bout what i can see or not. I could even report my alliance member/clan member too, but surely i would have problem to check on him w.o stun or even pm him. Again plz dont think like im fighting here for someone, bcoz im not interested more im afraid u guys try hard to find some topic to make the forum flow or u just intentionally delaying 2.0?
  5. im not anybody side, just said in 1st post that i cant see any boting behaviors, nor did u try to show it, there was no interaction with target at all. And then is this fact, that many ppl confonted him on this spot and he was active, and none of them deny it. While nobody recorded him actually boting with check like stun/talk etc. So then so many times he was not boting and this one time when u record this he was? I think botter is boting, not boting 1 out of 20 times Well, keep fighting, not my business, but if anybody would believe in such videos then anyone could be banned.
  6. u stupid or just acting like?
  7. even Soil checked on Leonidas not even once, bcoz he was ganking him on this spot, i dont remember Soil posting that he bot. Me myself one time was running away from war and was passing through this spot, and meet Leonidas farming so he helped me with war. I dont think those cases would happen on bot.
  8. Welcome botter. Fishbot was missing u.
  9. whats up? Coz i see hitting mobs for 50min.
  10. 1) server is alrdy boosted for newbies 2) let him quit 3) let him quit 4) read 1) if dont like quit quit = high rate H5 server is for u not Classic.
  11. U re in enemy clan, so stop this bullsht, and deal with it.
  12. use search option on forum
  13. lol its not bout system folder but its anti brute force. If u enter 3 times wrong pass this happen, also this happen when u relog too fast between multiple accounts. Then u need to wait 15min for this message to stop appear and u can log.
  14. first ban need phrase: "r33"
  15. BD in Doom tank for u mobs/enemy but deal less dmg BD in BW deal for u dmg but is less tanky
  16. he-he plz some1one collect all gfbot top jokes in one place s0 i can read them everyday
  17. kkthx

    Easter Event!

    read again pls, i didnt said nowhere "gk xp progressing is fast". Im saying they re slower than us thats why they got scrolls. our "xp progressing" is faster due to rates, less pvp/pve exp loss, no 24/7h exp zones fighting, no siege exp loss thats why we shouldnt be boosted by scrolls or other xp/sp consumables.
  18. kkthx

    Easter Event!

    We wont do that, bcoz this is what make us better than official. We can also interrupt the game to end fast w.o adding exp/sp scrolls and other items. Greetings.
  19. kkthx

    Easter Event!

    Official has lower rates, more PvP, PvE deaths, more fighting for spot, more bullying from high lvls. Overall farming is way slower than here. But i dont want argue here, i showed my point, its up to GMs what they do. Enchants scrolls from events alrdy did alot of trouble and re not anymore in events since server wake up. Just dont do same mistake with EXP/SP boosts. Thats it.
  20. kkthx

    Easter Event!

    10% clan, 3% proclaimer, 4% egg. Hopefuly not, if GMs dont want this game to end fast it wont be retail like.
  21. kkthx

    Easter Event!

    guys u go higher and higher with exp/sp boost on event consumables, and server is not getting harder just easier everyday, and not getting younger, and the last hard thing farming is being boosted dont do same mistake as with free enchants from events
  22. im making u bored while u watch every pvp movie looking for me if i die or not? Didnt i told u to stop fooling urself? master necro ahahahahaahahahaha X,D lol "hurr durr i land anchor, hurr durr i win, omg i didnt land anchor i bsoe, derp"
  23. u love me fishbot thats it. The only trash is in ur head, try take this out first. Said the guy playing mage F1 F2, plz. What u do re first steps of jealous fanboi which i meet alrdy alot
  24. kid, look what class it was then, what class im playing now try not to die on Destroyer vs mage party, and defacto i was 64 lvl bcoz i just started to farm this char. While mages as u see were 75 thanks for being my fan, u just look for me on vids Here is my channel for u if u need more P.S: stop being pathetic