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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. bb, mail itemz to Lokiardy, will do good use.
  2. Here u go. Hitting like a bullet train! Easy as that. Anything else u want to say?
  3. Should be banned along If he was buying CH with illegal adena before.
  4. kkthx


    no worries, 2 times lost like 2h on this part and got frustrated too
  5. kkthx


    U missed 1 checkpoint somewhere i was stucking on this quest two times too before, he talk smthing bout glove? i dont know, but he dont spawn mobs, true, but its occured bcoz u missed 1 part of quest. GL anyway
  6. imho Cleef and Legiana is 1st place. Top tankers in archers.
  7. why u double voting thread? There was alrdy pool about this. Its obvious A grade should be not possible to be sold on AH, but the "AH owners" will set it even w.o players will, so hope atleast not from begining.
  8. kkthx


    1h blunt all the way. Or pole for aoe. Its easy as that. p.atk dont affect stun landrate.
  9. kkthx

    Dino island xD

    i doubt if its even classic coz it looks crap, so dont bother ur heads
  10. feel free to play and bring friends, also u can advertise the server wherever u want, its players duty Dont worry, theres no server with 2.0 except retails.
  11. sadly it happens like this when enemies of this clan for example enemies of TotallyToxic re farming low chars and create alt clans, bcoz they re afraid to be killed like on main clans. My tip is to talk with them (TotallyT) and try to make friendly alliance instead of flaming on forum. And for the last thing is that L2 is cruel, u either have to join or become enemy, or simply deal with it and farm.
  12. +1 for no custom crap not to mention EE cast sleep pretty fast and it land very good.
  13. Its said there re rules on forum somewhere, once some GM pointed me them out. Max 5 items, 21+ lvl char etc.
  14. Any news for Soul Breaker? coz the 2 stuns before were fixed very fast
  15. Nope, server will be better w.o some Korean stuff from 2.0
  16. kkthx

    It's Carnival Time!

    Thanks no benefits!
  17. This makes me glad. But this makes me glad also. Gj everybody. I guess topic closed, everybody happy. Admins help but stay neutral, and players help newcommers. Hope just newcommer learned also and will think during work next time
  18. agree on it to be tradeable. in general buff scrolls re useless on hlvl char. so u open event boxes on low lvl char to get buff scrolls which re not tradeable and usefull more on low lvl char, and certs to high one. also what balu said bout selling, lowbies could make adena
  19. maybe accepted too fast, so does guy accepted too But anyway its very impressive that can check trade logs.
  20. Well my point is for example somebody create ticket "omg i lost 20kk trading BW Robe" and he get it back? And for example he traded some trustful guy and he will take it back in some time. Adena has no item ID like wepon/armor so far i know u cant confirm did he really lost adena or just tell stories for profit. And i never heard of such case so long i play L2. Not saying anybody try to cheat just its hard to imagine
  21. Why this not happened to anyone within 1,5 year? imho human fault not machine