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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. 0.5-1hour to make 15lvl char 0.5-1hour to make 15lvl char 0.5-1hour to make 15lvl char 0.5-1hour srsly u farm 15 lvl so long? Damn hardcore is ur 2nd name.
  2. kkthx


    sorry, but it just screams for meme
  3. kkthx


    RU/EU follow Korea, bcoz they have to, but we dont have to. And rus take everything that makes gameplay easier, bcoz they have rates x1. Doesnt mean they love it, they have to have it. We can change some aspects thats why we>offi
  4. kkthx


    I wonder why there was a time a couple of months when we was not occuring "adena sellers" and now its back again like on begining of server. Did we had any working protection before?
  5. kkthx


    Korean is core of classic, yet nobody plays it, bcoz it has features that ruin gameplay. We as custom server can avoid this, so pls dont compare our server to korea.
  6. Its Classic chronicle. It has best ideas from C1-Interlude + some GoD features. Its the "newest" chronicle after GoD - back to old style - "Classic" Atm its 1.5 patch so max lvl is 76, soon (hehe) on patch 2.0 u will be able to make even 85 lvl
  7. ​Thanks Cyane. Looks like checkmate San0 coz looks like SoulBreaker has highest landrate. But i wont count chickens before they hatch and do test before to comparing our server But if San0 could compare % of fixed Hammer Crush/Sonic Blaster to Soul Breaker it would still be closing case in half alrdy. Again thanks Cyane, thats fun
  8. ​So could u take a look and compare % of Soul Breaker to Hammer Crush/Sonic Blaster? Maybe its just my feeling that it land worse. And i would do research if the difference will look suspicious and not right.
  9. ​Well excuse me San0, u checked and adjusted (fixed?) land rate of reported skills. But what about of the rest stun skills? They should be revised in that case also. Its been increased 2 stuns of Gladiator, how about the rest of classes? What about classes that got only 1 stun skill, which makes them alrdy behind compared to 2 stuns on Gladiators. For example - of course, bcoz thats where my experience comes from - Tyrant, compared to some shield stun or other stun skills Soul Breaker has poor landrate. So skills of classes below advantages of other classes should be checked coz skills what Gladiator comes from (skill evasion, stun resistance, ranged stun etc.) so its hard to compare Tyrant to it, and i see only adjusting of Gladiator stuns here. Or myby im just wrong and should make different topic about Soul Breaker? Coz i thought if we talk about stuns then all stun skills going to be checked.
  10. kkthx

    MoDoy vol. 3 Solo pvp

    lol Soil, why u cheat urself
  11. kkthx

    Bannn ???

    ​ u re adrenaline user im not adrenaline user, u know why? Bcoz i dont have it on my pc. If u have it on pc means u downloaded it, maybe setup it, just to do one thing - use it. So u re adrenaline user.
  12. No grade bow - no grade SS - no grade arrows D grade bow (from 20lvl) - D grade SS - D grade arrows C grade bow (from 40lvl) - C grade SS - C grade arrows etc. etc. no other option
  13. kkthx

    hats and events

    they cant screw market bcoz 90% of them is untradeable. the problem is they re crappy. Plastic hair, grasshopper, etc. + agathions babies, flying hearts ruin real feeling of L2 that should be more like medieval not like korean-teletubies. Ur ideas are fine, i prefer to see them instead of this crappy looking we got served so far.... Until like C5 or Interlude there was no korea-teletubies stuff (fancy hats/agathions), and game was looking very good, now its some kind mistake i though its classic...
  14. Nah, its our San0 - San0 cruel but still :D
  15. Nintendo L2classic.club See difference? Me not, so why to rush now seriously, San0 y u do dis to us (╥﹏╥)
  16. kkthx

    Beast soulshot

    1st u ask as newbie then u argue like u playing classic 1,5y like me, wheres logic
  17. kkthx

    Beast soulshot

    ​u gotta wait for update, u xp as mages until higher lvls anyway with your summoner, so its not like u need pet SS ​yes, I know ... to lvl for example 46 is possible like mage... So, just w8. ​u can exp as mage to 72+
  18. from donating after u login to ur account http://l2classic.club/account/login/ 1e = 10 coins
  19. kkthx


    But for sure not less than making this post: mentioning bout quitting but week later realize got no balls to do it
  20. kkthx


    We all know Soil is trashtalk, im posting here only to test how looks my new avatar. Also who agrees about Soil pls like this post, i need 2 likes for 50 likes in total
  21. kkthx

    MoDoy vol. 3 Solo pvp

    to the top! i liked it alot, wating for more
  22. ​Why is it not tradeable? ;/ Squash Event had tradeable Christmas Event had tradeable all previous events had this tradeable. Im always opening reward boxes on low lvl character coz 90% of time we win buff scrolls which re not usefull on main character, but Squash Seeds, Snowflakes i could always send on main character, now after getting 5x Valentine Cake on not main character where its needed i cant send it ;/