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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. dont forget to add 360' shield block from SK and force em to farm book to learn skill KAPPA
  2. Ofc there is grade penalty. Its not java x9000 Official server
  3. so now when i call ppl pig when they are dirty or son of a female dog for asshole or monkey for stupido im considered as RACIST? good to know. Question is if i call my cp spanish friends, Latinos, am i racist too? or just uneducated ignorant? Dont put Spanish ppl in same bag, these that i know can be called 24/7 macacos and have zero problems, they only dont like to be called Latinos ?
  4. GF China, Br, Perkunas, mobs played big part today and prolly fragged the most . Wast funny evening and finally many pvps after long break. Enjoy
  5. Yea it's summoner, where da fuk is light armor mastery
  6. give greater mighht to enemy and stop qq
  7. Well, then not my problem you let others use ur acc and answer to ppl in ur name.
  8. if krystynka in pt then ban. Rules are rules
  9. Dont create loopholes for botters to avoid bans on their boxes. I rly rly doubt botters make partys with randoms on party matching or go on rb with randoms and bot. If u are playing with bot in pt, its ur fault.
  10. Ask ur best friend pork @ which day he can log and we can set up day
  11. Fortuna said on hero chat lf 9v18/9v27 blabla, i answered on hero chat im up for it. He ignored and said on hero who want 9v18/27 pm me. So i pmed him. We setup most of details and time 21:40 in front of aden castle. Then you spoke on hero chat and i asked pork to answer (from pipen char) that we are up for it after sv bosses. Bosses ended and you said nansey went off ( while he was online during bosses). We both agreed on 9v9 after sv bosses and i said ill pm u after bosses to setup rules. I see big coincidence here . Also i pmed u at xx:32 to setup rules
  12. M def doesn't resist debufs. Mobs debugs land even on high lvl chars, I think it worked the same on official
  13. Rizos


  14. Oly is not that big problem. Open world pvp with cc + cop bufs is the real cancer of dagger, even tyrant hit more with raging force
  15. Dex increase blow landrate and a little bit of 2x crit chance, str gives x2 crit chance tested on club TH backstab skill
  16. Tyrant skills work like (p atk + skill power)* different bonuses/ enemy p def. Lets say tyrant has 3k p atk (usually on full buff you can reach up to 5k). now look how much boost is 100 power : 3000 p atk + 2200 power = 5200 - 80 skill 3000 p atk + 2300 power = 5300 - 81 skil 100 difference compared to 5200 is 2% boost for exping like half year to 81 ;D - this is with boosted skills, (right now u get 20 power not 100 which is 0.4% :D). Dont forget skill mana cost increases too
  17. Considering 80 lvl has things like counter critica, puri song, insane crusher, shield of sacrifice, these 2 lvls of dances or cov that gives 5% p atk are negligible in this comparison. There should be brand new skils like destro knock down, bluff on dagger, physical silence on elemental mages etc, or noticeable skill power boost lets say on 80 force blaser 2.2k power and on 81 2.4k power 82 2.6k power etc. Now u get 2227 on 80 and 2246 power on 81 lvl. This is very funny joke from ncsoft
  18. Exp after 80 is slow enough. Problem is there are no useful skills after 80 so it's not worth to try hard to exp after 80. Since ppl get all useful skills until 80 they consider endgame as 80 not 84 or 85
  19. China 100% legit players. Others are scammers or friends of scammer
  20. Time to render my report video bout china bot pt. Denko will be happy
  21. So after testing this quest last 2 days here are my thoughts: short version: You took the worst of every complain. Make quest daily but 30-100 items or repeatable but 300-1000 mobs, make up ur mind. Why removing exp scrols from low lvl rewards? Wasnt it supposed to be quest for lowbies to catch up with bracelets and exp? Long version: I think you planned to add quests to help ppl to catch up, the more you play the faster you reach end game. 1st option: How should daily quest work: Similar to yellow fruit daily, you log, you kill 30 or 100 mobs and u get daily reward - guci. You can log then your support char and do the same. You can even log 10 chars, whatever. Daily quest is not about farming 3h everyday the same quest, it must be short, can aswell be several short quests 2nd option: How repeatable quest should look like: The more you play the more you get, cant be too easy/ cant have too big reward because ppl will do nothing else but this quest nonstop. 300-1000 mobs to kill get reward then repeat if you have time to play more. You have to focus on 1 char because takes too long to push several chars with kiling so many mobs You went for 2nd option. Then you read bulsh1t cries from ppl that are 80 and for some reason are afraid that new players can catch up and pvp them and you mixed the worst parts from these 2 options. exp scrols also fkd up, lowbies could catch up fast but no, better delete exp scrols, add some time limited item that go into rubbish like yday cos npc server down. all changes made to this quest are literally sh1t. mby except amont of qi in gc. bout exp scrols, why delete em for lowbies. like 40 50 lvls if ppl cry, than randoms stack scrols w/e .80 ppl care if lowbies catch up faster? even if they do then make scrols 30days expiration time not this joke 6h. look u farm quest all day, then u need to stay additional hour to farm 100% scrol, cos until tomorrow scrol disappear , cool feature bro. Same thing happened to events. There were ppl who farmed f.e. cloth pieces from baium, they had pretty much monopoly for cloth piece, they unsealed several sets for big cost cos cloth pieces costed 300kk back then. You made event with cloth pieces, they cried so much to nerf this event that you removed cloth piece from that event. Since then you made event drop rate literally so low and rewarch chance/list so low that its not even worth to update client for 90% of time when new event hits in. I dont remember good event that would motivate me to play more for over 1 year, just cos you again listened for crybabies who cared that new comers dont catch up too fast. Also agree with this: Keep in mind players who play here 2+ years already have bracelet 6 or are close to get it. If they complain about this quest then they want to keep advantage on oly for longer time.
  22. Like i said, they just increased daily coin income. They could aswell increase reward from daily chest and would be same shit... If you want to farm more in weekend you cant because quest is daily, you have to log everyday and everyday farm this sh1t, not just when u have will or time.
  23. @MoDoy afraid to take the challenge? Mounia gamisia
  24. agree, most of time summon cast 1 skill and keep following. So better to give him more speed so he easier cast the skill than boost mby 5% dmg of the skil (from final servitor p atk scaling)