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Everything posted by MoDoy

  1. ​Man we've made posts since 1.0 dozens of times about PK scrolls and nothing happened. Everyone will pk and clean pk and clean! ​did u try to pk a bit more? imo pking is pretty good how it is right now yes, first pk gives u karma which u can clean from 3 mobs (~1k karme), BUT if u pk someone when u have 10+ pks, u can get like 20-30k and when u have to pk more than 1 guy, damn man, try to clean like 100k+ karma not so easy anymore
  2. MoDoy

    ROK Video

    ​maybe they simply didnt like the features ncsoft brought into official, e.g. spam of QHP and mana potions, and also thats it pay 2 win with all the candies which are NECESSARY if u want to pvp even if i could, i wouldnt choose to play on korean off as well, the videos i watch from that server are disgusting with all the sh1t features they put into l2 store which makes u OP as hell
  3. ​yes, u need to wait for restart which is every monday/friday at 11 CEST i believe
  4. your HE based cp and C grade armors, total domination
  5. MoDoy


    ​second part is pretty smart, ;p i believe admins will fix it soon
  6. ​ somebody made some tests recently, u can check there
  7. archer pt 2xSR, PR, HE or SR,PR,HE,warlock
  8. MoDoy


    ​Just want Spanish language :DD ​last time i checked spanish was using latin characters, or u really cry just for the double question mark and some commas over the letter? i dont think its necessary, ppl speak spanish in game just fine
  9. from what i counted on different moments of that pvp, numbers were similar (i know they werent exact, but that barely happens), still it was nice long fight and both sides did gj
  10. you know its much easier to fight when u are in 1 clan than 3 different clans (from which 1 wasnt even in ally), but it was really nice fight, credits to both sides
  11. ​he doesnt want to chit chat, he wants to help u
  12. i dont remember leader board, but i remember how i tried so hard and even cheated on this game just to have better score than my const pt members
  13. haha, u will give rush to destro and that started QQ wave of ppl wanting new skills for their classes
  14. ​+1 and Celestial Shield Might of Heaven causes damage to players in 2.0 ​-1 for trance, 0.5 second cast sleep when debuffs work like this on classic? sure, lets give him also mana burn and with his imba wind strike, ppl will reroll to bp as strongest 1vs1 character
  15. ​Thats why PS deserve some new changes if Phantom Summoner can not be usefull in party (pvp, boss, siege) and lost fun in olympiads, may, could be deleted from lineage2, what do yout think? Thats the only way to me stop to play as PS ​ACTUALLY, at start it was really good in GoD chronicle but it was just DE summoner, not phantom summoner but well
  16. Did you see Koll/San0/Kse jajajaja ​ Do something for Phantom Summoners and make him more usefull Maybe Mass Spark Cubic (All party member with stum Cubic) OP ofc or some buffs Party Buff Combat Aura (Increase party member's P.Atk, Atk.Speed Focus by 4%) with Soulles Pet. (AOE) Party Buff Defense Aura (Increase party member's P.def, M.def Speed by 4%) with NightShade Pet (SIEGE) Like Queens and Seraphins Blessing of Queen 1Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%Blessing of Queen 2Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%Blessing of Queen 3+Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%Just Kiding, dreaming is not illegal, but it could be true. ​lets face it, PS was always useless, u could probably have a little fun with it in olympiad, but thats all, and i doubt it will change in recent future (but i heard ps is not that bad in olympiad with his stun cubic)
  17. ​i see you got the right idea dont try to give rewards which will ruing D market (e.g. like u said lindvior weapons)
  18. MoDoy

    Archer CP lf ppl

    ​stop that propaganda pls, because it wasnt even close like that (also whats wrong with your fetish of changing nicks?) bump for his cp
  19. ​i think olympiad gives u opponent depending on what points u have, so if u are for example around 20-30 points, u dont have to be worried about necro with 100 points, because it wont match u together (or at least it should work like that with enough ppl registring, dunno what happens if there are 9 ppl with 100 points and 1 person with 20, if he can get the farmer or not) about books for 3rd class, maybe not all books should be obtained by olympiad, but u should make sure they are tradeable, like they were in H5, so if u are lazy to do olympiad, u can still buy them from other ppl/heroes (gracia final system was bullsh1t, coz u had to farm for your own book if u wanted it) why so many people worry about 3rd class book ? you need them at 76+, so in like 10 years ​hope u know many guys are ~72-74 lvls, which with introduction of new location wont be 10 years away for them, and changing the way to obtain them AFTER those guys gets it will be either unfair for them or for everyone else
  20. ​i think olympiad gives u opponent depending on what points u have, so if u are for example around 20-30 points, u dont have to be worried about necro with 100 points, because it wont match u together (or at least it should work like that with enough ppl registring, dunno what happens if there are 9 ppl with 100 points and 1 person with 20, if he can get the farmer or not) about books for 3rd class, maybe not all books should be obtained by olympiad, but u should make sure they are tradeable, like they were in H5, so if u are lazy to do olympiad, u can still buy them from other ppl/heroes (gracia final system was bullsh1t, coz u had to farm for your own book if u wanted it)
  21. ive read something about that in eu classic patch notes i think, dunno if its just they added icon for duel and party duel in alt+c window or it worked before and now they just brought icons (talking about party duel, i know normal one works normally)
  22. ​u can try ruins of agony, there should be many undead mobs around lvl 20, if thats too low, then execution grounds should be fine
  23. ​academy system is comming in 2.0 patch, atm its non existant, so u go straight to clan or first to alt clan and once u get few lvls they invite u to main clan