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AwakenDemon last won the day on July 17 2017

AwakenDemon had the most liked content!

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166 Excellent

About AwakenDemon

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    Advanced Member

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  1. i would like to congratulate pistolas for his hero DA. No matter that rest of the greek handless squad cant take a hero already 4 months since update and 2+ years wasted here. You did it good.. no matter that it takes you 4 months when ppl were taking heroes on 73-74 chars before you. Gz P.S. where were you been previous month? Why crawling out just now?
  2. speaking about dicks, how is your time in SM going? Bet not that good since you probably still have Biz`s taste when you close your eyes. P.S. why you worrying so much about ROA etc? Since you all left because "sarvar tu hard man " and the remains barely reached A grade expertise you should not worry about it
  3. actually now since you are here the circus is full... such entertainment to read that pleiades of handicapped players commending over someone`s pvp video Welcome aboard, please tell us something entertaining huehuehue necro.
  4. I agree, years ahead there will be no such idiots to stay afk with Orfen 3 and drop it to enemies. How funny is to have all those amazing players commending over one video, Rizo, RoolBack, BlackJack, Modoy, Stiba, Demoss.. it gets better and better P.S Sayo malaka, buy superhaste
  5. AwakenDemon


    Ye, its quite special relationship
  6. AwakenDemon


    i cried when i saw how demos crying
  7. gratz to @pistolas and @GanjaRockzZz for heroes. We always knew you would have such oly results.
  8. 7 pages.. and not a single normal hero list.
  9. nice pig slaughtering
  10. how is hero necro competition going? Showing mad skills?
  11. and this is how you waste cloud space and internet
  12. Just wait untill i get to ss in home