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Everything posted by Werew
NO. This is one of the first feature who start to destroy l2. Instead of many different clans with different nationality who were changing sides, making new alliances new dramas all the time even if most of the time they were 69 still was making game more interesting, all this was lost after 120 members clans were you didn't even know all clan members and servers were reduced at max 4 big clans and random clans. It just create environment for carebear pasive game.
Less than a month from cocky to donkey
We did a tread and had a debate about adding some boosts to tk , sorc, sps , sr,he so people can play them too, some people ask to boost pala to but I knew his heals are good and with 80 skill I considered he doesn't need any boost , I didn't know his sacrifice does more heal than should . I think GM should remove just chance for crit ( 5k+ heal on crit is too much) on sacrifice and leave the rest as it is so pala doesn't become just box and be played as what he is support tank with heal. And now if we agree pala got a small boost to become useful mby we can consider the other small boost we discussed like shield bash on tk , no range penalty for sr with focus fire and no movement restrictions for he in snipe and BTM for sorc sps @San0, @Koll
check pm on forum
There is no need for restrictions on tk pala. Top clans/ cps will make them anyway, and few days more of xp won't make any difference for them, if you put restrictions only top CP and clans will have active tk pala, if you don't put restrictions then mby others will play them dreaming for the day they'll be 80 and not useless anymore
No, read the fucking first post
Can do this too for sure everyone had enough of modoy wtb spam
This is probably even better, to make them available at Nostalgia for col only during event period. This way the unlucky ones who don't get it from event can buy with col as well as the lazy ones but rich enough to spend some $. And being time limited offer will probably make more people to buy it like Christmas sale or black Friday when you buy useless shit only because is once a year. And if you add other good rewards at events except cloak it will still make people farm it like crazy ( now it should be no drama for cloth reward with some low chances for example)
Then put only the ones that have been available till now in some event, there is no difference to hats and wigs that you already have, 0 bonus only looks, but will give chance to any divas to look cool
Actually very good idea, @San0 most of old players already got one from events. So if you ad the ones witch have been already in events for 300 col let's say and mby some new ones for 500. And later after few zaken kills and top clans will have zaken cloak add this one and others with this 5% hp bonus for 600 col. And after every event witch has cloak reward add it to Nostalgia for 300. This way people will know they can farm event hard and mby get cloak or just buy from shop, or some who farmed the event but still didn't got one can have the option to get it with col. This way there will be 0 harm done to server but it will produce $ to support the server
Mega bullshit, it was never easier to start on this server and get 76 + than now when you have newbie items , most cheapest safe enchant top B grade in server history shitload of xp scrools fruits, runes, premium xp bonus, now you pay max 20kk for a 3rd skill except cov, gate when last year was 400kk + it's the easiest time to start from 0 and catch up and fight top cp in max 6 months now is the only time epics don't count so much in open pvp bcz hero skills share cd and have biger cool down and you can't go hero fear after fear. You can lvl sws 80 and old players epics won't help much( and there are not so many as you would think many got locked on baned characters for RMT, and there are few Cp on server who have more than 2 epic set lvl3 ) , is the only time on server you can have acces to full epic set from daily mission, so if you lvl and you area good player have a CP who can help you can even try to get hero on some not very contested class. And you tell me this is hard ? When we used to farm 2/3 % at lvl 70 per prime and after lose them in pvp
this is not bad idea , but 5 euro is too less ( not worth the work) so i'd say like this till 70 - 20 euro 25 euros - no xp loss -71-76 - 25 euros - no xp loss no xp loss 76- 77 - 30 euros with buff slot restored or 40 euro to get 3 rd skills learned ofc if you had them before, for example you have one skill learned and you pay 40 euro in class change tiket you say witch 3rd skill you want learned after class change, but NOT get tablets because this can be exploited and fuck tablet market 77- 80 lvl -anything over 79 goes back to 78 and 99% -45 euro only with buff slot books and 50 euro with all 3rd same if you had them before
There will be some crybabies no matter what you do, but is not something new, you did this before to help some neglected classes and now we probably have some newcomers that might consider playing TK , sps, sorc, SR , HE or old players that would change class to these ones. We did not sugest anything crazy to make these classes OP or anything close to OP just a small boost to make them more appealing and we suggested things that will be added in next updates not something custom out of the blue
I don't disagree with this, you can put them in first group by me I don't see what harm can do if tomorrow we see 100 more sorcs and sps running around
No xp loss till 78 any change for 79 + should take you back to 78 and 99% Only buff slot books should be restored any other 3rd skills should not ( they are way to cheap now to bother)
One option would be to boost a bit xp on toi/loa mobs so it would still be worth lvling at lower lvls at least
Looks like the defense stats are same or close to off just they hit less than on off
Any sws hero and good equip if he knows what to do can be very annoying but we try to help tk to not be just a more tanky sws with cubics but to be on close lvl to other tanks. Shield bash with or without dmg still won't take TK to equal lvl with pala / da/sk it will just give a bit of boost to make it more appealing for anyone would like something different
there is no point comparing valeera with any other tk , he had tol vengeance when we were still gatering tablets to get cov to all cp's in aly, dunno if set bw +8 but he had few parts +8 for sure core orfen aq, dunno if his but he had them in oly all this when there were verry few farmers in oly with 3 rd skills and less wih 3 epics on them. his gear on any other class would make that char oly farmer
True, but in next updates both sorc and sps get same lvl btm, so the fair thing is to give them both, and like I said it won't change much in end game but it will be really nice for newcomers who can't afford to pay premium on 3 rechargers
Totally agree with Modoy about snipe and rapid fire, is not a massive boost to make them op but it should be enough to balance a bit HE and SR to PR, also agree about pala, at 80 he will become very useful to have so he doesn't need any boost . I don't agree with shield charge because it will get abused and higher lvl will use it to stun full pt in abg I just checked and the new classic shield bash has power so it does dmg too so unless you can set it to not be possible to be used against not flag ppl then you can add the old version without dmg only 2 sec stun and target cancel ( you could set target cancel to have a fixed chance like 50/60% and not be affected by epics, purification song etc. this will make it useful in mass pvp without being OP but it will actually give to TK something to do except agro. Any other classes I can think could get a minor boost can be to give body to mind to sorc and sps, this won't change much at end game, all top ones have orfens, 2/3 rechargers , powa, cov for farm and in mass pvp if any sorc/sps survive till he's out of mp he is worthy to have btm, so like I said won't change much in end game but it should make them more attractive to play them because of less hardcore farm compared to cdl necro or sh @San0 , @Koll
Yea why not , give some love to lol elfs with curent game status it won't change nothing in end game bcz it won't land most of the times, the skill doesn't have dmg so it won't be possible to be abused on non flag people but it will give them a chance in oly vs some clases and it will make TK lovers think they can actually be useful.
I do not plan to do any kind of leading, so if anyone who join and gather a cp or more and I will consider he's ok he can have the clan lvl it up etc.