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Everything posted by BeNicePls

  1. +1 always kids asking for custom things ... so pathetic
  2. Modoy, you are fuuucking cancer and you know whats the worse, you can not get it!
  3. +1 ofc, thats totaly logical, this way is better than the currently. Daggers are harder to xp than archers, thats why they should be in diferent groups. Anyway i would delete class change, if u want to change class make a new char.
  4. BeNicePls

    2.0 Update

    Hahahaha, i start thinking that the word "soon" doesnt have the meaning that my english teacher told me. Or at least, not in this comunity. Admins are laughting hard!
  5. Yes, like daggers, very rewarded, Archers can change to dagger, tank can change to dagger, sws/bd can change to dagger, very very very nice, very fair. Like dagger is so easy to xp than archers, sws/bd, tanks, .... all these gruops up the daggers. Irony OFF No comment!
  6. u say nothing, so +0 ? ofc no how many enchanted then? Since demon dagger is 55-58kk and bop is 130-140kk ? You want bop +9 ?
  7. Hello, Realy you need to explain him that it is againts the rules? muahahhahaa, thats funny. Any guy that is able to play this game can get byhimself that do that is a big fraud, scamme. It is too obvius. Tooo weak and too much permision vs players that just try fuuck other players. This is a bad politic.
  8. BeNicePls

    Easter Event!

    +1, thanks for no enchants on event. we dont want startwars server, is bad for server, and we are smart people.
  9. Easier than Dagger id..t
  10. I guess that each one of us is free to live in his own world.
  11. Make Classic server rates 1x or 2x instead of 3x, so get lvl 79-80 be hard and long, and we have longer fun in time. Or maybe, make rates 1x or 2x after 76 lvl.
  12. you know what is the most funny, legiana acts and think he is pro, always telling stories about how pro he is, or being so proud and telling people something he did.
  13. and what? 3.8k with full hp on light/heavy users is ok? do u realy think it works fine? what for you want double shot skill and critical skills on it if you are dealing almost 4k with FC on full hp?
  14. WTF? How can FC deal 3.8k on lot of targets and 8.5k damage on 1 sws with even full hp ? FC is bugged ofc. maybe it works similar but not like this.
  15. Imo, stop crying. Takes 20 minuts xp 1 char lvl 15. U should create 1 character lvl 10-15 or other lvl, keep it in your spot, and log when u see 1 camera, and then pk the camera. I think after u pk that camera sometimes, he wont come more.
  16. A new start, with all the fun it means and it brings, is a big atracttion for anyone.
  17. Many people from classic will move there.
  18. ​Is so pathetic and shamefull that someone can make this, when other guys player dagger class since lvl 1.
  19. omg, how you loose your time posting this crap, how can be so pathetic or just 5 years old? seriously ... We are happy seing you having so big fun Soil.
  20. WTB BW gloves, boots, helmet +6, Doom gloves, boots, helmet +6. DemonDagger +8 or more. Send me private msg here in forum. Thanks.
  21. ​@Koll Are you sure Koll you dont get enought money with server to fix this thing and have a better server? the guy fixing this kind of things can not take 1 day and dedicate to fix it? or get another more guy to fix this kind of things? U see the poll result? Come on!