Rizos 1487 Report post Posted August 18, 2020 (edited) 1. Angel cats energy should stack with everything except zaken scrol https://l2central.info/classic/Бонусы_опыта_и_SP 2. When you have exp scrol and you finish daily quest you dont get 1h exp boost buff 3. Too low hp on castle crystals 4. Wrong castle teleport timers when crystals are destroyed 5. Tax money - who was clan leader with castle knows 6. red/yellow fruit - they take buf slot (you can have max 23 bufs when u have it activated even if u have 24 buf slots) - they shouldnt take bufslot, they are on "exp boost buf bar" 7. Bufs from fishing (emp, might etc) dont use buf slots, you can go 26 or w/e bufs by using them, they should use buf slots like normal bufs 8. Achievement system rewards - once you complete mission it should state "reward available" until you take reward, it shouldnt force you to complete mission again the next day when 24h pass. Lets say daily questomania or yellow fruit, you did 2 quests yesterday and didnt take reward? take reward today, same goes for olympiad quests etc - lf proof - i remember it like this from playing off, dont have any screenshot Edited August 18, 2020 by Rizos 5 1 Share this post Link to post
Yomana 437 Report post Posted August 18, 2020 On 8/18/2020 at 6:33 PM, Maximuspai said: Where is moderator?? It is important. Regards. @Kse @San0 @Koll pls ban this bot spamming in every thread for adds. Ty Share this post Link to post
San0 2431 Report post Posted August 18, 2020 4 timers were set as they are back on the days by choice. is not a bug. 1 Share this post Link to post
MusulmoN 185 Report post Posted August 18, 2020 @Rizos Well i guess i am the only one who have 25 slot even if you remove tiger and replace to a simply buff it's still 25 Share this post Link to post
Reddish 258 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 (edited) On 8/18/2020 at 6:11 PM, Rizos said: 6. red/yellow fruit - they take buf slot (you can have max 23 bufs when u have it activated even if u have 24 buf slots) - they shouldnt take bufslot, they are on "exp boost buf bar" Either I do not clearly understand the issue here, or you have wrong client, cuz as you can see here (screen taken on Monday) fruits come to extra bar, along with exp scrolls and fish: Edited August 19, 2020 by Reddish Share this post Link to post
Yomana 437 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 (edited) On 8/19/2020 at 8:45 AM, Reddish said: Either I do not clearly understand the issue here, or you have wrong client, cuz as you can see here (screen taken on Monday) fruits come to extra bar, along with exp scrolls and fish: They do go to extra bar but if you have full buffs and use fruit you lose first buff. Thats what rizos says. They count as normal buff even if they go to extra bar. @MusulmoN you dont have 25 slots. As rizos pointed , fish scroll buffs dont count on normal slots so you can go over 24 buffs with them. Edited August 19, 2020 by Yomana 1 Share this post Link to post
MoDoy 1772 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 On 8/18/2020 at 7:25 PM, San0 said: 4 timers were set as they are back on the days by choice. is not a bug. how does that make even slightest sense? you see people entering siege zone and you know you lost castle, because soe to castle will take 8 minutes (crest is 3 minutes all together, so you are 5 minutes short) and if you decide to run from town, you also cant manage to come there in that time, so you are pretty much unable to go defend your castle fast it was designed 30s and 3 minutes for a reason, where from you even come that 8 minutes is good idea is mystery for me @_@ Share this post Link to post
Rizos 1487 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 On 8/18/2020 at 10:19 PM, MusulmoN said: @Rizos Well i guess i am the only one who have 25 slot even if you remove tiger and replace to a simply buff it's still 25 On 8/18/2020 at 6:11 PM, Rizos said: 7. Bufs from fishing (emp, might etc) dont use buf slots, you can go 26 or w/e bufs by using them, they should use buf slots like normal bufs yes yes... Share this post Link to post
Rizos 1487 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 (edited) On 8/19/2020 at 8:45 AM, Reddish said: Either I do not clearly understand the issue here, or you have wrong client, cuz as you can see here (screen taken on Monday) fruits come to extra bar, along with exp scrolls and fish: What mama said, you must have 24 buf slots, u can have only 23 bufs + yellow fruit, if u get 24th buff u will lose mana gain Edited August 19, 2020 by Rizos Share this post Link to post
Reddish 258 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 On 8/19/2020 at 11:48 AM, Rizos said: What mama said, you must have 24 buf slots, u can have only 23 bufs + yellow fruit, if u get 24th buff u will lose mana gain You were right and wrong ...24 buff will drop out the.. Fruit:D same fight, I get PU and loose fruit in the same very moment, clearly can be seen in clip Anyway, it shouldnt work like this, smth is totally wrong Share this post Link to post
Rizos 1487 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 On 8/19/2020 at 12:20 PM, Reddish said: You were right and wrong ...24 buff will drop out the.. Fruit:D same fight, I get PU and loose fruit in the same very moment, clearly can be seen in clip Anyway, it shouldnt work like this, smth is totally wrong how am i wrong? You can have 24 buffs or 23 buffs + fruit. Its bugged, Fruit use other buff bar so shouldnt consume buf slot Share this post Link to post
FryderykChopin 853 Report post Posted August 19, 2020 On 8/19/2020 at 12:20 PM, Reddish said: You were right and wrong ...24 buff will drop out the.. Fruit:D same fight, I get PU and loose fruit in the same very moment, clearly can be seen in clip Anyway, it shouldnt work like this, smth is totally wrong That's what's messed up, if you have full buff line and pop the fruit you lose the first buff, but if you get an extra buff you lose the fruit which is basically the 'last' buff... It always feels like a russian roulette what you're going to lose this time Share this post Link to post
Noveria 31 Report post Posted August 24, 2020 Curious if it's a bug: u can't delete fish buff (i tried with zerk lvl 2 only, can it be true for any fish buff?), alt+click doesn't do anything 1 Share this post Link to post
Noveria 31 Report post Posted September 20, 2020 Temporary devotion set from lvl rewards doesn't give casting speed bonus 1 Share this post Link to post
Vezz 8 Report post Posted December 2, 2020 There's any news in relation to this one? 6. red/yellow fruit - they take buf slot (you can have max 23 bufs when u have it activated even if u have 24 buf slots) - they shouldnt take bufslot, they are on "exp boost buf bar" It's a bit annoying the need to always check buffs because of this. 2 1 Share this post Link to post
Rizos 1487 Report post Posted January 25, 2021 (edited) bump, i increased list a bit: 1. CRIT WOUND - not affecting dagger dmg 2. FRUITs Buff slot - shouldnt consume buff slots 3. castle prices - castle shows different price than adena disappearing from inventory after buying stuff 4. castle tax - make automatic process not mails by gms 5. castle wall/crystal hp - hp is way to low compared to officialcastle teleport timer - when all crystald down - tp should be 3 min, now its 8 6. players cancel exp boosts with cancel skils - skills on "4th buff bar for special effects like exp boost" shouldNT be canceled 7. rbs cancel exp boosts with cancel skils - skills on "4th buff bar for special effects like exp boost" shouldnt be canceled 8. fish stew bufs not canceled by banes - for example you can use emp fish stew and summoner cant remove it 9. summoner sometimes cant see his pet - i never had this problem but heard it from summoner mains 10. fish stews bufs not reducing buff number slots - u can go 25+ buf slots if u use fish stew bufs 11. angel cat not stacking with exp scrols - should be like fish stew (replacing fish stew but should stack with exp scrols) 12. bsoe cast too fast - on every official movie it cast like 2x slower 13. defence oly talisman bugs with other skil evasion talismans making em not working - you see message "avoided" but you still receive dmg 14. Cleanse/Denial works on pala 80 "debuff" - you can cleanse pala "debuf" that decrease his hp pool 15. break duress not working on some types of stuns/paralisis - try to remove tyrant stun, you ll see what i mean 16. pow/cov from daily stack with cov/pow boost - you can run with fish stew powind + wc cov 17. core/liberate/break duress - not working sometimes - especially when you receive next debuf during casting core/liberate/break duress - cast interupts and you dont get debufs cleansed 18. full body armor (like doom heavy, bw light etc) - having too much p def (more than 2 piece armor counter parts like bw hvy vs doom hvy) 19. heros geting extra crp from circlet 20. weapon shots bug after death - especially on hero mage weapon it happens everytime 21. cloak removes a bit of p def 22. Blue talisman - invisibility - works like dagger hide, should be like shadow dance 23. daily 30% buff - should in exp buff bar not buffs(?), also annoying it doesnt go over 20 min exp scrols 24. FI mobs having invisible shield - blocking attacks, carbonemys having different speed than move animation 25. Drop from guards on siege 26. mobs spawning on roof of gc making gamlins not spawning 3 mobs when server wasnt restarted for long time 27. Chain pull can be used on curse of doom - it shouldnt 28. People staying red even after they decarma 29. Red fruit exp bonus doesnt work 30. Cant open inventory while on fear 31. Baium talisman red aura can be seen through wall 32. orfen lvl 2 has reflect dmg effect 33. on official antharas patch you could use liberate talisman outside of oly, dunno it its bug or feature here. 34. cant delete some items - for example white cloth from baium quest, cant drop some items e.g fish stew 35. Wrong amount of cloh piece for unsealing LOW A armor - should be 3, for top A armor 4 https://l2wiki.com/classic/Sealed_Tallum_Plate_Armor#Currency For 36. Siege golem should be immune to fear 37. when i have servitor share on and remove and get back any gun, shield, necklace whatever, speed of magnus getting 350 speed... Edited January 25, 2021 by Rizos Share this post Link to post
Lafi 100 Report post Posted January 25, 2021 On 1/25/2021 at 3:25 PM, Rizos said: 9. summoner sometimes cant see his pet - i never had this problem but heard it from summoner mains Also you as summoner, didn't see the CD on summon skills when it happens 9. a) when i have servitor share on and remove and get back any gun, shield, necklace whatever, speed of magnus getting 350 speed... On 1/25/2021 at 3:25 PM, Rizos said: 19. heros geting extra crp from circlet Last time it was 3k RP... Share this post Link to post