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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/17 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    If you ever wondered how would it look like if you could move the camera, this is for you
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    Hi, We are 7 friends, playing lineage 2 since 10 years. we created fighter party 4 days ago, we are 44+ now. We need one SWS and one WC for finish our CP. prime time: 20.00 to 24.00 gmt +1. Pm me in game: MsGloryhole or MrDioul
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    enjoyed this video, finally mage using shield+1h wep combo, using silence everytime enemy is close to you, BtM during whole time when there is slight break, so u never run out of mp hopefully u will enjoy playing sph and stick to it (how many class chagnes there were, like 5? so hopefully this will be your main for now on), maybe u can get hands on slightly OE hell knife or even better would be higher OE ecliptic axe (tho this is pretty hard, so i would stick to like +5/+6 hell knife), so your dmg is ~1k all the time
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    First of all. This is good video. I like the editing. Second, i dont remember, havent u been archer before and yet before smthing else? Ah, and third, ur skillbar is OP, so much happening there
  8. 1 point
    It's a shame really, from what I've read it looks pretty cool as a spice up for lower levels...
  9. 1 point
    ​They're only dropped from Baium and few other RBs as far as I know. That's why I think it's so ridiculous these ++C weapons are better than weapons which only top few chosen ones are going to get ​So, unlike San0 planned here, - there is no craft of A gr weapons? About oe weapons - this plague will touch A gr weapons as soon as they appears. Surely it will be craftable here - 1)no reason to leave it only Baium-dropable when all server is swarming with oe c magical weapons 2) no possible to make money with oe A gr weapons then. Imagine - 1 A gr weapon each 5 days. ~flat chance to enchant magic weapon to +10 is ~ 0.00065, so it's about ~1526 A grade magic weapons should be attempted. Multiple to ~4% chance of drop any of 4 magic weapons =16%, so flat chance is every 31.25 days we have one of A gr magical weapon. Multiply to 1526 = 47687 days we should wait to have one +10 A gr magic weapon in present conditions.130 years. So it's nearly in 2147 year ppl will have one +10 magic weapon on official server if not using bugs or exploits.
  10. 1 point
    uu, thats some interesting stuff i guess also in some normal client the camera on login goes from left to right, or else why would be there be 2nd windmill fan
  11. 1 point
    Very good player, its hard kill u.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    cbp с 38 лизардов и варниш с 42 големов под ивори.Под 50й лвл можно попробовать в ев энрию если кто-то спот с энрией чистит на аое. На 52 в б грейде можно пробовать сопы в круме через релоги\тп. Еще можно ewc с больших крокодилов (~44) на аи, хотя я шансам 1\250 как-то не особо верю.
  14. 1 point
    ​is that adrenaline creator?
  15. 1 point
    ​Would be awesome if you knew how proclaimers work before making such suggestions...
  16. 1 point
    how is giran harbor as market zone working any diferent from mdt used as market zone on official? just the diferent place. rest all is the same.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    ​Само-собой. ​А как насчет варианта +12 кон? Меня один чел сбил с толку таким вариантом тату для некра. Говорит хп много + трансфер пейн, который есть только у некра, еще больше увеличивает смысл ставить именно +кон для получения макс выгоды от трансфера. Но в таком варианте каст слабый и некра убьет кто угодно? А он еще случайно не с щитом в дум сете бегает и под щитами ее? Видимо у него в паке роль маг-танка
  19. 1 point
    Making some classes OP then "fix" it after some time looks like an brilliant business idea if the class change costs some $.
  20. 1 point
    I've got an advise to other spoilers. Don't waste time to help this lazy dwarf) And don't share the top locations, so he don't come to your spot.