1. Angel cats energy should stack with everything except zaken scrol https://l2central.info/classic/Бонусы_опыта_и_SP
2. When you have exp scrol and you finish daily quest you dont get 1h exp boost buff
3. Too low hp on castle crystals
4. Wrong castle teleport timers when crystals are destroyed
5. Tax money - who was clan leader with castle knows
6. red/yellow fruit - they take buf slot (you can have max 23 bufs when u have it activated even if u have 24 buf slots) - they shouldnt take bufslot, they are on "exp boost buf bar"
7. Bufs from fishing (emp, might etc) dont use buf slots, you can go 26 or w/e bufs by using them, they should use buf slots like normal bufs
8. Achievement system rewards - once you complete mission it should state "reward available" until you take reward, it shouldnt force you to complete mission again the next day when 24h pass. Lets say daily questomania or yellow fruit, you did 2 quests yesterday and didnt take reward? take reward today, same goes for olympiad quests etc - lf proof - i remember it like this from playing off, dont have any screenshot