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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/17 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    it was meant to be around 10~15 minutes longer, but since youtube is being an ass(1 hour to upload only 5 minutes of video), i decided to make it shorter. beside, most people are still taking a break due to summer, so there's not much to fraps either these days. part of the videos were also getting a bit outdated, so i wanted to let 'em all out before getting tired of waiting for new content to show up. i could have put in another 5 minutes of people getting hunted down, but frapsing soloers with boxes getting killed by a group isn't really fun for me. anyway, that's all there is for now: hopefully 2.0 will bring more people back for pvp
  2. 3 points
    San0 Nerf Jungle Force Before 2.0 server wont handle So Much Power
  3. 3 points
    1 ) Yea, i'm sure you tell people to s/d and buff full before you actually attack them. No to mention, it is pure lie since you're clearly running to gank, not standing and buffing, 2) Rofl you actually had 1 and a half party and lost to a mixed pt with no healer ? WC + OL too strong? Not only lost but didnt get a single kill? omfg you should hide in embarassment, not try to talk shit 3) There would be more footage fighting you if your party wasn't RR'ing whenever SM enters loa. 4) Why is Myrtan always first blood ? I can see why, but i rather hear a jungle explanation 5) Good job being worried about recording the fight while your clan is already getting smashed in front, you are an awesome teammate, we can only wish to have 30 legianas playing with us.
  4. 3 points
    I am A simple man i see anytime cp I hit the like Button
  5. 3 points
    I still love this CP like Buffstation, Anytime, Vene, Nomore and that gla p.s: in the end of that video, I realized bilbao is spy
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    i am happy that SM avoided wrath of legiana, if they didnt, it would mean certain annihilation of the species from the server (leaked footage from the named day when community barely survived)
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    @Myrtan look above. thats ur clans attitude when they lose a fight since i remember u guys. same u did b4, u lose a fight and all u do is not try to find what u did wrong but find an excuse. U may say GF, but u ll never stop at that. There will always be something more. Like 2-3 days ago, when we move to loa with 1 pt, ok it was 74-76, while u had 3 pts + 1 of these guys that got balus orfen which i cant seem to remember rn. Ok u got no cams, shit happens, and we kill demoss pt at first bridge. After that 3 pts w8 to be slaughtered, not to mention regroup, u couldnt even relog in time. But ofc whats the reason to try to do something efficient, when u can say "oh we were half afk and u killed us", "oh we were grouping for aq" or w.e. The problem is u dont get any improvement that way.
  10. 1 point
    to be fair i expected more gags (from how u advertised it), but maybe its because it was just 5 mins video not bad but i expect better from u next time to the gameplay, i see u have energy stones binded to "G", but most of the time u rather charge with sonic focus to full after every skill, i believe it would be better if u charged them with stones (if u are not too jewish)
  11. 1 point
    Dont worry I think next week We are going to have 69 With TFD.Actualy JF knows better they will let us know depends on what will happen this siege and how many epics they will loose
  12. 1 point
    I would make 69 with buffstation @Anytime sorry you come second...
  13. 1 point
    I hoped for interesting part of killing Modoy, but after watching movie i was disappointed :(. BORING!
  14. 1 point
    y but the point is instead going for tank in UD with ff u could go to help others to kill some DDs. in big fights we both know that FF and tanks our best friends
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Nice video. Good fights. Please share the name of the first song
  17. 1 point
    Это вряд ли, я сама с моими знакомыми остаюсь тут и буду неспешно развиваться, ожидая обновы. А офф мне не нравится по многим причинам, как и здесь присутствующим, думаю, в противном случае люди играли бы или на руоффе, или на евро оффе. Плюс ко всему, обнова не за горами, так что советую запастись терпением.
  18. 1 point
    Omg plz kill me After 1 + 2 double fail Bless Res, He deciced to Fight with his dwarf "ETE" =))