Bestiest player

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Everything posted by Bestiest player

  1. Looks like necromancer is your new favorite class after being left alone by pony
  2. Chinese people have small peepee but I don't mind helping them satisfy their girlfriends
  3. dat dev tank doing sof when bp dies 201iq play
  4. No bots just skilled macro god Kappa keepo
  5. Same as every Saturday. Sleeping ofc that's the only thing you have left when you are 26 and single without friends
  6. every skill that needs a magic/battle symbol cant be used in oly in any chronicle that i know (even tho here i have no idea if you actualy even need magic symbol) meanwhile hk 80 can use IC without having to trigger lv 3 because why not, lets make more braindead mechanics
  7. nice maths nice date
  8. i bet pince yells harder to his leader than his enemies so w/e
  9. i would worry more that the rest parties of your clans are a living comedy that couldnt pk 9 randoms nice iq with those pks 10/10 brain
  10. Nice video but im not used on videos that are longer than your cactus enemies primes Liked not subscribed because empty wallet. You can do better next time
  11. make new account and vote no so its gonna be like you didnt vote at all
  12. i agree with stibajamesbond0007 kappa keepo , stop dying to mobs forumwarriors i voted yes just because i can tho
  13. how high you wanna go?not like its easy for you
  14. Bestiest player

    WC Oly

    progresive dominated club and left us for ru servers , we miss you progresive kappa
  15. nice doggy but i doubt it is barking better than perkunas
  16. Bestiest player

    60 strong!

    nice miracle usage 10/10 and and ressurection usage
  17. Bestiest player

    25 vs 50

    Sure they were more but you play vs full potatoes
  18. big fan of your saggi here man why treat me like that ? lf stiba he might treat his fans better kappa keepo
  19. Nice videos I liked OK what's next?stiba and myrmidon Youtube?
  20. Spawn: ice for everyone. Death: except for you
  21. probaly ye its beast for that 3v3 because no mental shield and even potatoe da's will just f1 fear before the other da's do IC to remove the song of puri i would say it depends on the third da that wont get the first fear to do smthing ,if he do nothing then ye 2+1 will win vs 3da