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Everything posted by D3vilo

  1. This forum is magic. Whatever topic is started it will end-up in same way. We started here with enchant chance talk end up like.... you know.... Btw I would love to hear here Hefaistos and his stories about Yaksa and Aoba enchanting
  2. Damage Dealer with over 10k HP hitting with 10-20k dmg... Mickey Mouse Show not L2
  3. D3vilo

    Gra ktos tu?

    Ludzi i handlu w miastach mozesz nie uraczyc bo jako takie centrum to Giran Harbor z darmowym tp z kazdej lokacji Co do online to nie jest zle i chyba ciagle jest to drugi co do wielkosci Classic po Gran Kain (Ru Offi). Pamietaj ze jest to Global Server i zyje on 24/7, jak Europa idzie spac to loguje sie NA/SA, po nich Azja i znow Eu Wszystkich naraz spotkasz jedynie na siegach
  4. OK thx. I had no idea that set are going to be "remastered"
  5. About Zub Robe Set Acc to classic.wiki: At Classic Club: Which one is correct?
  6. Hmmm... I'm confused. I was sure that you can set the items only from main character from main account: 8. Item can be placed to the auction only from the main character. Lots, placed from boxes or characters below level 20 will be rejected. So how is it actually?
  7. 2. The maximum number of items from one character at a time placed at the auction - 5.
  8. D3vilo

    PK points

    Rizo since I'm not playing anymore I don't really care But do you remember sin eater quest in old days? It took you much more time (then 12min) to clean 5PK points. In other words, you're killing some1 on -4% (1h exp of this poor guy?) and then clean and erase it in 8min. Great deal imo and it encourage ppl to do so. As I said I don't really care about it but won't too easy PK system turn Club into some shitty PvP server? Imagine whole server of tards like Stiba
  9. D3vilo

    PK points

    I understand it all Rizo but PK system as it is it's one big joke In old days you were risking something when you decided to go PK. I dropped lot of stuff that way and then wasted hours getting rid of PK points. Now you're burning karma instantly and erasing PK points with scroll... It's kinda funny that "ppl" can drop lvl3 Orfen to mobs but no1 dropping anything due to Karma coz it's so simple to "zero" the counter Imo if you wanna be an asshole and you're going PK you should pay the price for it, simple as it
  10. D3vilo

    PK points

    Why do you think he is pve type of player? Topic is about current (way too easy) karma dropping system. Not about blocking PK at all Ppl atm are abusing it a lot coz it cost them nothing at all. PK ==> burn in 5secs ==> PK again. Imho it's pretty cancerous system but all pvp heroes here know better
  11. Maybe EWD from https://l2wiki.com/classic/Turak_Bugbear
  12. D3vilo


    - for transformers + for those nice hoods for Nostalgia shop
  13. I'm little bit "rusty" with prices but 1 COL should cost like 150-200k. Better set offline shop in Giran Harbor tho (set buy/sell shop in proper trading zone and then use command .offline_shop account goes offline but you can use another account to play)
  14. When you buying it takes few hours, when you're trying to sell much longer
  15. D3vilo

    Co dalej?

    Wasteland ale nie Bazyle, a Granity Golemy. Chyba top exp na tym levelu. Jak masz buffa to siedz tam do 35 a potem chyba Cruma i Porty. (nigdy nie gralem nukiem wiec... )
  16. ​You know what they say "once botter, forever botter"
  17. Pytanie rzeka niestety.... Z reguly musisz trzymac reke na pulsie i wiedziec co sie dzieje na rynku. Najbardzie chodliwy material to oczywiscie SOP, ale spoil tylko z dwoch mobow. Reszta to wg uznania, Varnish w kraterze Ivory, EWC na AI z Nos Lad'ow i cokolwiek tam sobie wymyslisz
  18. D3vilo

    Bug, cant see enemy

    Those perkunas.....Now they are invisible.... What will be next?
  19. D3vilo

    Give me advice

    Quests are waste of time. Most of them tells you to kill 100/200/500 mobs and the reward is like 3k adena.... For the levelling try Forest of Mirrors, till 52lvl it should be yours top farm zone (it's strongly overcrowded tho).
  20. ​Man it's Sunday. Go to church and let others enjoy some free time as well. Stuff isn't working 24/7 to make you happy Chill a little
  21. ​How much do you need for level 6 lmao? I already drowned over $100 here and I'm still level 1 ​If your forum acc and main game acc are sign to same e-mail, then each post here is 1%+ Maybe that's why some ppl share so much stuff on forum....
  22. Purchase premium acc and exp with PP box. Look for some friends and farm Raid Bosses. Dagger can be useful only on RBP for bleed (cheapest dagger from shop).
  23. Don't craft/buy any BW right now. F.e. BW helmet price in 2.0 should drop to 2.5kk +/- so just w8
  24. Reaver's char brought so much fun for this server and gonna be banned like this.... bloody Koreans ​And what about that +3 BO Ring