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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Koll

    Database Quests feel-up

    You didn't attached file to your letter.
  2. Koll

    Database Quests feel-up

    https://l2wiki.com/classic/Loser_Priest_(1_of_3) - this one? I googled Loser Priest 1/3 l2 classic and 1st link was on a l2wiki.
  3. We had 2 events in a raw and 2nd one was made only to celibrate 18 years of L2 ( this event even had higher event items drop chance because it was short ).
  4. Hello. Update your client, you don't see mob: GHOSTS OF THE FUTURE , that came with last update https://l2classic.club/forum/topic/41845-classicclub-antharas-part-3/
  5. Delete l2classic.club cookie files from browser.
  6. Hello. We don't want players just to login for 15 mins to buy our best rewards and log out just because he is playing for a long time on this server and have lots of adena. But we still keep options for such players to spend less time on the event, at the same time people who spend more time on it, can earn some adena. We want you to participate in our events, we want you to communicate with other players during it and we want you to get something cool for your char.
  7. Koll

    Event: Watermelon rush

    Will be fixed with next restart. Only seeds that drop from mobs are traidable.
  8. Koll

    Event: Watermelon rush

    Just give me mob name you suspect don't drop event item. IDs you can find in l2db.club ( adress will contain mob ID, but you don't need to give me ID, just name ).
  9. Koll

    Event: Watermelon rush

    List of EXP only mobs that have event items drop from start of the event: 20633 20674 20678 20644 20667 21115 21108 21259 21258 21021 If you have any report about mob that is not in that list - please send me mob name even if you just suspect he might not have it.
  10. PA gives you option to start 1 addition box on same PC. Ideas is 1 free box per PC. PA doesn't count as box. So you can have 2 PAs and have 3 boxes started from 1 PC, also you get exp rune for same duration as PA. There are 2 types of PAs: 7 days / 30 days.
  11. Hello. To get premium account you need to make a donation then go to NPC Nostalgia that have option "Premium account". After you purchesed item you MUST activate it ( same "Premium account" option > "Activate 7/30 days premium account" ). To have fund on auction you just make normal donation. After that you can use them on auction or tranfer into the game ( or use for services like name/class/gender change ).
  12. Thx, will fix.Book will be removed from you
  13. Hello. Please check topic you created, because everything is working.
  14. Koll

    new progress

    Hello. I see ticket on your char and Apella set gives bonus: https://gyazo.com/f8dd2cd416dd9a30e97671a9d6ccd45d What patch you are using?
  15. I don't see reasoning from you, just "it's part of that game". Autobot currently is also part of the same game, it doesn't make it better.
  16. Check now. We don't support skype anymore.