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Everything posted by San0

  1. so as title says: could not make myself fall sleep again and was too zombie to do anything serious, so i tried to pull out a candy for the boys and girls. its very simplistic system message color. not sure if everyone wil like it or not but as far as i know theres nothing else for now so better then nothing. damage done on green. damage received on red evades/misses on cyan crits on orange hp related pink mp related blue think im not missing anything hope its the correct file cuz atm i have gazilians of those on the pc so lemme know if all works fine. and if theres something you guys would prefer to have it other way. SystemMsg_Classic-eu.dat
  2. San0

    Compensation Box

    As lots of players lost some of the items from achievement system due to multiple problems (full inventory bug mostly), all players 40 + received a compensation box containing the main items that could have been lost this way. NOTE: Client update required. Best regards.
  3. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Baium Talisman and Talisman of insolence VI not displaying the glow effect on right hand when equipped. - Fixed problm allowing fish to start while player is on private store mode. - Fixed Not being able to teleport to cities while on siege. - Fixed multiple problms with new auto soulshot bar. - Fixed Sigel Runes to increase the max HP only instead of increasing and healing it. - Fixed problm causing error uppon fail on lvling insolence talisman from I to II where it would give no item back. - Fixed cost for Wind Walk clan skill. - Fixed Cast time for skill Immortal Life. - Fixed Aden castle teleport to forbidden gateway. - Fixed Aden NPCs not generating Cloak of Darkness and Cloak of Light - Rechecked and fixed (if needed) the following Raid Boses stats and EXP/SP rewards: Sukar Ratman Chief Greyclaw Kutus Kuroboros' Priest Langk Matriarch Rashkos Chertuba of Great Soul Execution Grounds Watchman Guillotine Sejarr’s Servant Soul Collector Acheron Evil Spirit Tempest Lizardmen Captain Hellion Leader of Cat Gang Leto Chief Talkin Nakondas Road Scavenger Leader Shaman King Selu Wizard of Storm Teruk Retreat Spider Cletu Earth Protector Panathen Flamestone Golem Thief Kelbar Timak Orc Ranger Captain Archon Susceptor Beacon of Blue Sky Evil Spirit Cyrion Fafurion's Henchman Istary Iron Giant Totem Shacram Tiger King Karuta Timak Orc Gosmos Barion Necrosentinel Royal Guard King Tarlk Karte Ketra's Commander Atis Mirror of Oblivion
  4. San0

    Dissapear Clan Unity

    fuk, i came here to say i think i found the problm but someone did it first QQ i think the overbuff is the problm.
  5. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed problm causing some times uppon fail of levling Insolence Talismans to lvl V it would give nothing in return. - Fixed problm causing some aden CHs to not produce Talisman crystal. - Fishing Stew: Vampiric rage effect changed to have same way of working as normal VR buff.
  6. There will not be any further changes on class change groups in near future.
  7. there wont be any further changes on class change groups in near future.
  8. othel runes will not be changed to give mage crit chance. class changes groups will not be changed till necessary.
  9. i think C or at least it should be C
  10. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed problm causing the clan unity icons to not appear. (requires client update) - Fixed soul breaker skill not ignoring shield defense completely.
  11. he is not supose to appear there. you should pass through the wall behing the corpse, if you look around with your cursor youw ill see one of the walls lights out. pass through it and on back of the wall you find a serie of tunnels in one of the tunnels you will find the monster.
  12. San0


    the first one im not sure whats the problm here, more ppl reported it but i see it normal on my client so not sure. second one i think its a bug of the client it self, i think i saw somewhere in some patch notes that they fixes the mana tootip of talismans, not sure when or where tho.
  13. last time i checked ee and se also had their 3rd class POWi and POWa. my mom says that if the question doesnt make sense or is stupid you better just ignoring it.
  14. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    AFTER NEXT RESTART - Fixed Excruciating strike being able to crit.
  15. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    AFTER NEXT RESTART - Fixed Hide to break effect uppon using vicious stance or potions. - Fixed pk scrols from CH sellers.
  16. in about 25 to 30 minutes on my skype: Random dagger: "LOOK LOOK videos on official guy hits for 20k+ while in your server my lvl 60 dagger hits only for 2k"
  17. you guys need to chill. all problms in the universe cannot be solved in 1 day. first thing i answered to anytime when he talked to me about this was "those ones are next" note: i said OL wont be changed and then i explained about the tank buff, i didnt say both of them wont be changed. you guys just jump the trigger to soon. (hope its only on this.. if you know what i mean LOL xD)
  18. good idea, thank you for your suggestion. note to self, next fixes rhapsody to wc/bd/sws/pp on lvl 81.
  19. ol will not be touched. tank combat aura is not a buff to tank but a buff to fighter parties in general.
  20. hence the i cant fix it myself thats why it isnt fix if its something i can fix myself its usualy something that wont take long cuz its not so complicated or its something in my knowledge window. other kind of stuff are more complex and needs other type of knowledge there for requesting more time.
  21. warriors will be changed also. i just can do it myself thats why is not done yet. also need to give some intervale between QQ topics so we dont have them all at same time.
  22. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    AFTER NEXT RESTART - Fixed Talisman Crystals to be able to trade/sold on private store. - Fixed Freezing Flame cast/animation/hit synchronization. - Fixed Fist Mastery lvl 46/47/48 causing a speed decrease on the user it self.
  23. dont invoke the name of San0 in vain. boys, we kinda have a bit too much in our plates atm, not easy to solve all the problms in the universe. also my opinion about this stuff is a bit different from koll and kse so i will leave this one up to them.
  24. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed the problm causing some items like Divine inspiration books to show all in one single stack without displaying the amount and making it impossible to move separately.