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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0


    - Some adjustments were made on the following monsters: Hames Orc Footman Hames Orc Sniper Cursed Guardian Hames Orc Shaman Hames Orc Prefect - Some little tweaks on Mental Shield and Resist Shock buff effect. Resist chances slightly decreased. - Beginning of Classical Squash Event.     NOTE: Client update required in order to see event npcs and items.
  2. San0

    FightClub Shop.

    i've been tricked... i saw fightclub shop and i came here hoping to buy some beer and cigars.. you know... man stuff...  afterall u just selling cloths and trinkets and things and stuffs...
  3. San0

    Lucky Enchant =)

    and tomorrow during half of the day we gonna be reading tickets of ppl complaining about enchant bug and other half of the day reading tickets about ppl saying how sry they are that they broke their weapon cuz they saw some trick on forum and now they gonna quit server cuz of no weapon.
  4. duals will not need to be +4 to have SA.
  5. the synergy of VR with reflect is quite random. dont forget VR was working on chance so whatever would happen with VR would also happen without VR and you would still die from reflect if u had to... and as fact to add to this almost never both on ru classic or other classic you see archers or mages with VR, its pointless and its taking a buff slot.
  6. if you are not mage party its the best prophecy imo.
  7. Closer from the second one. crit chances are general not only from behind i believe values wont be so high and i think it gives speed instead of life steal. accuracy 3 evasion 3 physical crit chance 10 % physical crit power 15 % speed 10 % and debuff resist 10 % i believe this is the correct values of this version for powind.  
  8. I have a PLAN!!!    Edit: my plan failed... non of the clan who have clan all are completely dead, some of the ppl still plays and leaders still log in so not much we can do about it since we cant just remove it from ppl if they still use it.
  9. 1st - ​its not a bug its how it works on classic, same as god system. it reflects not only melee attacks as it did pre god, but it also reflects damage from skill, archer skills, nukes, etc.   2nd - it has already been submited to be fixed but theres more stuff needing fix also, stuff cant just be insta fixed out of nowhere.  
  10. It was pulled to our attention that reflect damage effect atm might not be pleasant for a big group of players. As so we decided to come up with this poll to help us decide if we should leave it this way or change it to how it used to work before on melee normal hits only. NOTE: This changes would apply only to normal reflect damage buffs/song. skills that add special reflect proprieties will not be changed considering its the skill itself adding the extra reflecting proprieties.   Poll will stay open till October 5th.
  11. Powater more magic oriented. Powind more mellee oriented.
  12. San0

    Divine inspiration

    yeah i think u might be right, i just checked it out and seems buff count is capped on 20. need to fix it.
  13. Bonjour mes amis. bienvenue. J'espére que tu t'amuses.  
  14. We will not have it. The idea of staying alone inside of a closed place killing monsters who come to you is not appealing to our vision. Any important or relevant rewards will be added in other ways.  
  15. Also there will be more of this meeting for other classes in future. so dont go around already crying cuz the summoner boys got a candy and you didnt  your time will come my young padawans.
  16. ok boys and girls, next saturday, september 24th. after 21GMT i invite everyone who wants to join me on test server and Discord to check out the main problms happening atm with the pets. i remind all of you this is not only for the summoner classes, this is for all classes who use servitors.  also remember that altho we prolly gonna have some fun together, this is mostly serious stuff so we can work out this problm to make summoner class more appealing so if you show up just to disturb i will have to kick you out of test server and prevent you to log on it again.   Main subjects of the meeting: - Contant with the players who play with a servitor regularly to figure out what problm might be happening due to the new classic/god servitor mechanics. - Understand what is indeed game breaking, whats is indeed a bug and what can be changed in order to make it more pleasent and appealing to play with this classes.   Main objective of the meeting: - Have fun (cuz its all that matters anyway ) - Fix all the remaining problms on the servitors sector, making their behavior more pleasant for the users.   Discord channel link : im almost allways on discord with this link you guys can connect directly to the server i created for l2 classic club feel free to use it even if im not there.  
  17. San0


    - Fixed Provoke Debuff time.
  18. ​well, u have won the world cup, which is nice   ​it was euro cup. and im not much of a football fan
  19. im just trolling here  dreaming of the day that my beloved country will be relevant to the world again as it used to be back on the history days
  20. everyone knows soon enough Portugal will be rulling the world, so you guys need to get used to learn portuguese language and see everywhere portuguese language first!!! get rdy, portugas comming for you all!!!
  21. obviously cuz the countries with portuguese language are raising to the power to control the world and since theres no PT proxy BR comes first!!!   honestly i have no idea i always have EU proxy first on list.   and on topic> i have no lags here. had some 2 days ago before the DCs but besides that im usualy without any lags or delays.
  22. you sure you didnt level up and passed the 100% EXP reward level gap? cuz for me exp is normal on lvl 54.
  23. Found some weird looking weapon on my inventory today... Wonder what is it for...