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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0


    Target yourself. Alt+g Skill Search the skill u want (name is case sensitive) Double click on the skill. From now on u have this skill also just use it normaly from your skill window  
  2. San0


    Port gludio. Port dion. Port giran. Port aden. Port AB after u get to AB //bk AB Next time u want to go there just //bk and a window with saved ports will pop. I think i dont need to say this but just in case... This is for test server only lol.
  3. I actualy wanted no make some cool intro template and share it for ppl to use on server videos. But with the temperature atm in portugal if i open vegas or after effects i think my little i3 processor will actually melt  
  4. Nice intro clip cough cough i wonder who was the genious behind it  
  5. San0

    Servitor's Bug

    We have same scripters we allways had. But some problms is not up to scripters to fix. For some of the problms we need manton to fix and some are not as easy as u guys think it is, so it takes longer.
  6. mandragona has higher m def. either way element vulnerability and resists are quite week on this client, beeing it 3% or something like this i think so considering the chars damage is also lowish, u wont find much diference in the weakness monsters against a element.
  7. San0

    fix quest

    theres indeed some problm with quest there. we will fix it. ty for the report just in case make sure u are on quest lvl range and u have quest on.
  8. there was a 2 week poll about the exp loss on sieges. ppl voted for not loosing it. about the pet thing we know about it, its on list of things to be fixed, not much more we can do about it untill scripters/manton manage to solve the problm.
  9. VR is already like older chronicles, about the frenzy in my opinion is not a good idea to avoid the frenzy tanking destros.
  10. not sure about what will come or not yet, as koll said, we have some tasks still on hold that need to be solved. after this we will make some checking with ingame status atm, mostly about chars level etc, cuz if we bring new update too early it might break the game for ppl who is already too high lvl in case the 2nd row of ppl is still too far away. making the gap even bigger without that soft lvl cap. after this we will start discussion among us about the update and when we will have some final ideas we will post them for ppl to see + discuss about the not so sure points.
  11. i dont think nothing so big as locations will be different  its more about those little things that most of times are not totaly necessary or could be added in different way.
  12. ​are you going to update above 2.0 also? you will follow the classic in korea, russia, europe? ​We will, but I don't think that 2.5 or 3.0 will be follow, because we will need to wait too much plus with community respond I think we can make better. ​what do you mean that these updates will not follow and we can do better? I have just entered your server thats why i am noob and i ask things  i came with a friend of mine. if the server is ok we will convince others to follow here also   ​lot of the updates made by ncsoft, end up getting not good reply from the players as they would like to not have something, or have something working diferently etc. as so, and as we did on earlier updates. some of the more controversial points are discussed with the community to know if we want to implement them or not. basicly what koll is saying is that same way we did on 1.3, 1.5, and loa update etc we wont be going blindly after ncsoft, and we will decide among us and later the community what is rly worth implementing or not.
  13. San0

    "Welcome to Aden" event.

    ​you can trade them on Nostalgia, the specific class ones for their direct conterparts, haste for acumen, might for emp etc.
  14. San0


    it will be fixed when ppl will fix it. do i rly need to reply in every topic "will be fixed as soon as possible"?
  15. San0

    Ban List

      i started updating it like once per month or per a couple of weeks since i have to do it manually and its too much time consuming to do it every day as i was doing at beginning.
  16. i believe this is most likely a html problm, that was most likely the values before classic with the 5000%, so prolly now we have the correct value but npc still says 5000%. gotta check it.   also i believe those skills apply only for your base stats, so other regen coming from buffs, gear, level, skills, passives etc wont be increased, its only your normal race regen, that its pretty low without any other bonus, so 5000% from that rly low value wouldnt be that much.
  17. San0

    Siege bugs

    npcs spawned both in castles (chamberlain) and in towns (proclaimer)
  18. San0


    she broke it already, on the later god patches theres actualy something beyond the gate.
  19. in what way you will help a clan who is ALREADY LVL 5 by adding POB on high level locations? explain me.... because i dont understand your reasoning... ​ask that to some of the ppl cuz lately seems anything we do its all a way to help the higher clans so considering higher clans are the ones with higher levels and mostly the ones farming on the higher zones, we chose not to add it to the higher zones.
  20. Doom servant 6% (already on live)Taik orc captain 5% (already on live)Taik orc supply officer 6% (already on live)krator 15% (after restart on live)torfe 27% (after restart on live)blood queen 15% (already on live)
  21. on our first thought there was a plan to add to one of the higher locations tho the thought process behind this was us thinking everyone would come cry cuz we give more drops for the higher level clans instead of leaving it for lower levels mostly. if it turns outs that ppl wont be mad at this we might consider adding it to one of those higher locations also. lets hope later we wont see topics saying we did it only to give more advantage to higher level clans like perkunas/NF etc 
  22. after the next server restart the rates for the pof will be the following: Doom servant 6%Taik orc captain 5%Taik orc supply officer 6%krator 15%torfe 27%blood queen 15%we found to have here a balance between time ppl need to invest on it if they really want it and fairness to whoever had to farm it before. so i dont think this chances will be changing again any time soon. So buckle up and happy farming xD. you get more mobs to farm it, you get places to farm it while solo hunting and you get almost double chances on the older drop zones. about the slot increase for a level 3 clan its something it might be discussed if it makes it more comfortable to new clans trying to build up considering it doesnt rly change much on the game it self considering its the slots you will have after you reach lvl 4 clan.