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Everything posted by shibb

  1. shibb


    Then with your arguement pretty sure demfee belongs to the original nonfactors core not totally toxic <3 demfeeeeeee glad to see your still playing l2! hope things are well-- from water/draco/hymli
  2. well also players fighting without xp risk etc, so they dont puss our pr/bsoe & 0% rez scrolls make the fighter more intense and last longer
  3. shibb


    +9 Demon Dagger +10 Emi +9 Crystal Dagger +6 BW Light Set PL Sets Drake Sets Most Spellbooks (and a few more things, will update)
  4. When are china and wicksick gonna split? lol. they just not wanna fight over epics or what. China would win.
  5. Hold up, i have fraps somewhere way back when during the nomy(reavers wc) bot days.
  6. Adren is cheaper than premium lol
  7. Classic sieges are all about fast regroups and out manuevering your enemies. If you watch gran kain sieges you will see that castles change hands like 15 timew during the duration. Its all fast regouping and positioning. Ofc more numbers means more disorganization. A smaller crew can regroup faster if they are well organized. Party recalls are king frandz.
  8. shibb

    LF CP

    This guy didnt play when we did. Hence the january 2nd quote. We obviously just declined him on other servers and ran all over him.
  9. Yeah yeah. Weve heard it all before but the players know how 90% of those cams are really set. Im sure those ee's arent set to party recall when wars run into range too. (cough afrody/play cp back in the day). It was pretty entertaining tho. You couldnt even see their chars due to vision range, only the leftover pr animation.
  10. Tereza still isnt banned? That chars been on bot since 1.3 lol. I wonder if the gms wanna crack down on the alarm cams at ports and loa. I understand its a bit more difficult, but doable. Even if their mains arent botting blatantly they still have adren running on their cam with range alarm set when someone passes. You cant make me believe someone watches cam for 6 hours while xping. Notice how none of them have adventurer/premium.
  11. shibb

    LF CP

    As you can see we have fans. Thanks for bumping my topic
  12. shibb

    Wts Gludin CH Clan

    Gludin CH lvl 3 clan w/ 6k CRP. (sorry we sold our 5k pobs) Price 750kk
  13. provide proof and admins will help with this trade. Same thing for ch trades
  14. Tbh I think perkunas is scared of the chinazerg. They camp lowbies at Anghel's too
  15. next target f3. oh lawd sometimes l2 makes me sad how skill based it is.
  16. shibb

    LF CP

    ? 36 players is not a zerg, especially when 1000 players are at start, not our fault servers bled out & we have a stable discord community. Please get out of our topic with your garbage. None our crew ever cried about zerg's during our stay here. Read another forum post and pretend you know anything about our time on classic club. Mr "52 bd LF CP." January 2nd. Thanks bye - #staysalty
  17. aoe aoe, you can aoe AC np with no grade, then fortress of resistance with ng as well around 28. use your mass poisens. around 34/35 move to Aligator til 44 i believe. Not the best drops, but the adena should be raking in by the time you hit Ali. Since these are populated spots, you might need invite randoms to help you from pvp/pk etc.
  18. shibb

    LF CP

    3 Players looking for EU Prime cp (we can fill/drive anything) Loads of chars 60plus. Side or clan doesnt matter. Hi from waterworks. PS none will main a Sws (sorry but we've done it before)
  19. NA/SA prime has always been hand holding since LOA/ABG has been released. Nothing new and nothing to cry about, get the most out of your time. Don't you wonder how vigilance shot from 60's to 70's in 2 weeks, they moved their prime when wars were asleep to catch up to fanaxx cp etc. If your cp can handle it, its not a bad tactic to get to where you want to be level wise. Why farm when your enemies have 6 cp's on when you can farm when they have one.
  20. Im leaning more towards the answer as to why 2.0 has been so quiet from the administration when there were claims back in November.
  21. shibb

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    Thanks for your input however it wasn't needed
  22. shibb

    Wts Clans/Clanhalls

    Bumping again. Dion Sold. Gludin at 800kk. Clan 5 offering @ pob price. (clan WW , Command Channel, And others.)