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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    CH Aden

    Srsly, whats your problem dude? Was @shibb shagging your wife in past or why the fuck are you so salty?
  2. Kure

    Dajtovillage PvP #5

    few more bodies on any of sides dosent change anything... just accept we lost and move on ffs...
  3. Kure

    Dajtovillage PvP #5

    why you think so? once we were with you y-day and we were slaughtered even faster... i would sugest to jungle in generall less flaming in forum and more fighting ingame... until then noone will take you seriously. cheers
  4. Kure


    @realKingLeonidas damn, you are really ridiculous...
  5. What i am most afraid in new updates are not some p2w consumables or w/e. What i am most afraid are the new designed locations.. like primeval qith varka/ketra, deep inside GC etc. These locations were designed exactly for parties with such stuff like candies, mp pots, +++B/A sets/weapons (enachants in shops), talismans, belts or w/e they can buy for RM... Admins here are smart enought to not implement such bullshits but without that im afraid majority of parties will not be able to farm those locations... simple becouse they wouldnt be able to handle that.
  6. I believe this is job for SR to keep bards in stunlock until they will be the only one standing or am i mistaken? SR damage is joke anyway (if its not Reaver who outleveled rest of server by 10 levels and had the only one dark blue emi back in the days ). OR eventually you (as necro) or SK/DA in some not pure-archer CP combos... Im not pro in archers subject tho so prove me wrong. @kktnxbye I give up. Nothing much to be added to what was already spoken (written). Customizing skills is highway to hell in generall.
  7. alright, i took the job to find you some proof how mage can survive FC with lovered HP.... Around time 7:40 i got hit by d4re (at that time he played PR) lowered on 30-40% HP or so... i played Afronus at that time. I didnt even have full CP cos ribos was nuking me before i got hit from d4re (thats why i still remember this fight cos it was double friendly fire)... yet i survived (with 30 or 40 HP) but survived.... now compare it with some of vidoes of fighters (the most active one is myrciu atm) how they literally melt in one second when focused by 2 mages .. one example here - time 4:42 +- he had 8400HP, 1100CP and recieved one heal for 1200HP in the mantime... lets say 10,5k dmg in one and half second from 2 mages.. since you obviusly like math, divide it by 2 then and we have 5250dmg in one and half second.... for this dmg PR need 2+ seconds to cast FC, be lowered to +-50% HP at least and then wait for CD... meanwhile mages can burst like that 24/7... Still think FC is OP and mages are "balanced"?
  8. 5% blessed soul and 15% more mp regen? Its like +1-2MP/tick... still waste of mp even as a box
  9. dying and exping... but with this amount of karma i would sugest reroll instead
  10. Alright, once again for you... archers dps <<<<< mages dps... Focus death maybe? Sometimes I rly dont understand you in which dimension you are living...
  11. mages dps >>>>>> archers dps (even with FC).... cut that crap already.
  12. 3-4 lvl diference doesnt mean anything... important is lvl of skill which is usually even lower. for example i will never land my quick spear on you until i reach 74...and its similar with lot of other debuffs. Yes, we are 4lvl from each other now, but "level diference" is bigger... hope you understand what im trying to say
  13. Kingbotaki: go hide in same cave and stop cry pplease. //side note: I dont agree with this, CC is completely useless when you face higher level party. You cant win higher pt only if they are dumb and dont know how to play. Classic is ONLY about levels, nothing more.
  14. Kure

    Mage cp recruiting

    Yep, our former SWS sucks hard, need replacement. Just addition, playing time: evenings of EU, sometimes even earlier.
  15. highlighted that part for you, maybe this time yo uwill notice it
  16. Kure

    Enter the Earth Dragon

    i smell some crap like PK system in GOD...
  17. Nicht Mein fuhrer! oh well actually my grand-grandmother was German (Sudettenland ftw) so some part of blood running in my veins is caesar´s Wilhelm legacy. Obviously i cant judge myself but Modoy´s hatred towards CZ/SK comunity is on a whole new level. Once he was helping me with some settings of my new mouse (it actually helped - thank you!) and he repeatedly refused chatting in our native language.. so we were speaking in english all the time and i had to google some propper words of exact english terms durng that Cant say i blame him for that tho, "our" comunity is really very specific. Its not about patriotism...
  18. Kure

    Enter the Earth Dragon

    @chevignon was faster.. edit: can some russian speaker translate and sum it up for us? spasiba
  19. ...fire is cold, ice is warm...
  20. and the grass is blue, sky is green, water is dry...
  21. @Myrtan Stop embarrasing yourselves please.
  22. Kure

    Enter the Earth Dragon

    Indirrectly yes. There is some summarry (like 10 or so short points) in korean website... but text is as a picture so fuck off google translate... some russians translated it tho on some site so after that i was able to use google... this is what i understood... but sth still doesnt make sense to me.. i can send you link when i get home from work (tbh i dont know how to do that right now on my calculator which pretend to be smartphone)
  23. Kure

    Enter the Earth Dragon

    1) sin eater quest is back (prolly a bit diferrent i guess) 2) catas/necros are back (60+) 3) kiss of eva will give m.atk Thats all i remember for now... welcome back interlude ...