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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    Cheap AC?

    Their respawn time and (maybe?) skill set is.
  2. Kure

    Cheap AC?

    Yeh, moar customz plz.
  3. Dont want to be rude but.... Is creating exactly same topic every few days rly necessarry?
  4. Besides pulling (100% agree with @ProGressive) i have another 2 notes to discuss 1) you sure giving them mass cancel is good idea? considering how buged cancel is (still) i can see nice clown fiesta incoming... isnt it worth to delay their cancel till problem about this skill is fixed? 2) i understand reasons of 30 hours respawn time - to make it fluctuating through primes... still, i suggest make it TOD +32 hours instead of 30 (24+8)...
  5. Ally = 3 clans with same ally crest and mutual ally chat. Side = bunch of aliances, clans, parties, randoms, potatoes.... cooperating with each other perk + china Same side in server history? yes. Same ally? not even once. Get it now @xNirvana ?
  6. 1) you appeared on this server somewhere during late spring/ summer... (even rip claimed that) with sps 73 (or 72?)... Nobody knew you even exist till then... 2) isno selling char at maxcheaters at that time ... Sps 73 (or 72?).... Coincidence? It could be...but... 3) i concidered your party cool during end of 1.5, i didnt understand some pointless hate towards you... Till i heard you have some salty comments after/during pvp... But i havent seen any at all... I was curious why, then i realized i prolly /block you... There were only two ppl in server history i did that to (stiba and isno-who scammed one our cp chars equip, delevel etc)... Anw so i tried " /unblock sjeks " but it wasnt working... Then i tried "/unblock Isno" Guess what?
  7. Kure

    "My plan was to farm CRP"

    Tl;dr... Quick summary please?
  8. Kure

    "My plan was to farm CRP"

    Gladly. Will return empty glass only tho.
  9. Kure

    CHN in Core

    Chinese using bots? I am surprised! Lets wait if the ban will come on mains as well since k0ll (or san0?) promissed that not so long ago during their botting on AQ ("next time we catch them we will ban even mains not only alts")
  10. Kure

    04-18 baium

    Literally. Speechless.
  11. Kure

    04-18 baium

    I am speechless. GZ anyway.
  12. Kure

    "My plan was to farm CRP"

    Blyat... what a noobs! Remind me plz on which attempt you managed to kill it? Was it 3rd? With Reaver babysitting you? Im still glad we tried it and even more glad our prime enemies didnt get it as well.
  13. Kure

    04-18 baium

    Our goal was to prevent yours free farm... Also we tried it ourselves, to check for our next atemps. We learned a lot. China taking Baium is just colaterall damage, after all its not our prime problem, so it doesnt rly matter for us...
  14. Kure

    04-18 baium

    Main goal was accomplished, I call it successfull night.
  15. Kure


    Lol. TK is rly powerfull if played properly. It shines in various scenarios... If you cant burst 1v1 anyone doesnt mean you are useless in pvp... One example...Not so long ago during chat with Valeera i was told that he soaked around 40k (!!!) damage before finally died... Thats nice punching bag for every pt, am i right?
  16. Drunk ally? Sign me up!
  17. No. This suggestion will benefit only RMT companies, nobody else.
  18. baium has 40kk.... 300kk is goddard+
  19. Just to be sure... static 22:00 every day respawn time OR TOD + exactly 22h?
  20. 4? you living still in 2k17 or what? double/triple that number