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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure


    Premejslim, jak hluboko jde jeste klesnout... Neprestavas prekvapovat.
  2. have you considered to use noble scrolls on most crucible DD classes?
  3. @chevignon drunk, ofc there is rift... I was in pt which droped 3 cloth pieces once personally... @Warpole rich boy!
  4. Kure


    @Pinkysek neurazej tu moji ally plz Casy se meni, potato zerg ftw!!!
  5. There are several counterplays on this, "random" pts are usually just too scared to manage those situations... Who cannot deal with that doesnt deserve mercy... I hate this kind of behaviour honestly but only strong ones could survive in open pvp game...sorry.
  6. This argue reminds me Paralympic Games... no matter if you somehow "win" with arguments, you will still be cripple...
  7. Afaik you didnt drop from bosses (and even their raid fighters i think?) on ofi since 1.0... This zaken vid is cos ppl mostly die on zaken minions which are counted as normal mobs for some twisted korean reason...
  8. Kure

    17 May By Forum Warriors

    Are you rly scared of this combo? Feel for ya bro.
  9. Kure

    Missed me?

    Welcome back! Everyone who wants to destroy Perkunas is needed around here.
  10. Nexls MVP, dat initial fear, my fucking god...
  11. Kure


    dunno, dont ask me, if that was on me i would fully prohibit using loop macros for afk ppl (not only for farm but even in city)... its fucking cancer to read those spams, doesnt matter from who...
  12. Kure


    Ahhh, AntMan.... Fully deserved chatban, that spam in Aden is disgusting... maybe not against system settings but i could deffinately see why some chat mod did that. edit:
  13. He prefers fish buffs working on oly...
  14. Kure


    No posts in this section for 5 days? Cmon... cmon @Rip give at least that tuesday 3way rape, so we can flame each other... this shit is boring.
  15. + one Stiba - one Sayomi Izi trade.
  16. Kure


    Dík za info, aspoň vim, koho targetovat jako prvního. A vážně myslíš, že ti sežeru pohádku o přenechání destra zadara? Po Rosovo historii s RMT (epic set, ImXo od Reavera rerollnuto na EE, adena na berserker...) a po tom, jak si šli po krku...jen tak z ničeho nic zase nejlepší kámoši, co si přenechávaj chary? ale no tak...
  17. Kure


    takze tohle je jen optickej klam, že? P.S. ten ban má pravděpodobně za propagaci toho vtipu jmenem dex.
  18. Kure


    Plot twist: O 4 měsíce později spolu hrají Stiba a Ros v jedné cp (i po společné anabázi na jiným serveru) ... I když, těžko říct, jestli real Ros nebo koupenej char... Kde je blicí smajlík?
  19. We all know the fuckfiesta around them, nothing much to discuss... Since it is already custom server, lets vote.
  20. I like people who can troll themselves.
  21. Lets hope free BUMP will be my first small step during my journey of redemption...