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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. liked a random post of modoy just to destroy his round reputation count! izi @MoDoy hello @ 601
  2. Im in the video for 0,002345 seconds - thats a like worth!
  3. Anytime


    ... WTB Demon Dagger +6 +7 +8 +9
  4. im the german donald trump ... but my hair does not look so fluffy. PS: @ProGressive uses me to hide the fact that he is looking for a girlfriend!
  5. activity totally sucks! ... my guys always missing ... @Buffstation @Vene @pete @Arcanum @ErKy @Black Sails @Untique @ProGressive where are you? Miss you @nineheadsonedragon *ironie off* - activity is fine!
  6. benefit: 5 weeks partially peaceful farm!
  7. @Jungle - Nvidia called - they want their Logo back!
  8. @MandiMei did trump already create that evil wall? btw - Welcome
  9. gl for your start! grow fast - choose side - and take part in pvps!
  10. start and check for your own! ... Enought people to play atm +++ 2.0 will activate some old and new people!
  11. Anytime

    Guess who's back

    our party was with 4 active yday! .. and we wasnt in cc or in communication with jungle - they passed us 10 seconds before fight and we runned behind them to check whats going on! didnt expect enemy behind that small corner but ye gf and wp. @Rip - Nice to see your party back! Was good to have some pvps with you last days!
  12. and what if: no time, no work, no money?
  13. Hmm .. so you managed to edit the client? But i guess "Frost-tool" will ban you for that sooner or later on the real server. Or what do you think?
  14. wow - seems like you are very mad! Mission complete! #backtoyourcave (this direction pls)
  15. why should we fear anything? its a fucking game ... Our misson was to fuck of partys wich are not in war with us! ... And btw - last time we fought Babyrage party, we won the fight! So no - we dont fear them But we also know in wich situations we better dont fight them!
  16. Anytime

    Cyane TH Videos

    marry me! we can have TH-childs!
  17. ... waiting for 2.0 to hit But Admins should really set a releasedate now!
  18. well i dont say that my words are the correct - its only my point of view. I guess any party setup can be played good if you find out a good strategy for it!
  19. im dagger in melee cp and im the best leecher ever @Myrtan - we didnt make good experience with 2 daggers in melee pvp! We also have tank instead of 4th DD! Also i think a Tank helps much for mobs in higher TOI floors And if he finds a SK it can be played very offensive for pvp! @HachiRoku - gl! im very excited to see your final build!
  20. cant even play on fridays and saturdays
  21. omg: dat @ProGressive is back, spamming every single forum topic!