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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. Hello, ive would like to know how the SP pool is counted on class changed character. I believe it would help also other ppl changing char. We know the procedure: Class change all skills from 40 lvl added adding SP pool but how is it counted? Character lvl 60 that spend 30kk SP on skills so far 1-60lvl and 1kk SP aviable on character to use. How much SP will he get after class change?
  2. its giving better bonus than fighter weapon bcoz its harder to ench mage weapon (lower chance - check urself) and 2nd thing that mages re 1 shot compared to others 400 items Item​ till +4 till +5​ till +6 Black Ore Necklace 71,75%​ 32,75%​ 26,00%​ Avadon Circlet 72,50%​ 31,00%​ 24,50%​ Avadon Robe 100,0%​ 67,75%​ 33,25%​ Sword of Valhalla 49,75%​ 50,25%​ 43,50%​ Bow of Peril 65,00%​ 63,25%​ 67,25%​ Damascus 66,00%​ 67,00%​ 61,75%​it is harder to enchant a Magical Weapon (B-grade) than the Physical one. another thing i see no comparsion to pet ss. Mage can have 12 wep, but still do less than ur ES summoner. U can farm all day infinite mana. Mage 12 wep still sit every 5 mob to regen
  3. kkthx

    Again, pvps xD

    Big up for Glad blunt + shield.
  4. kkthx

    WIT +4 INT -5

    ​Should not. This gam is like 12 yo old, it was never possible to go -men on meele classes. If u re not sure u can google it for 100 sites. Just dont do blindly everything and start thinking when it occur to be ur mistake.
  5. ​Do you have a link/proof? Cause I don't speak russian/korean. Nor have access to 2.0. ​same question. Coz ive read patch notes of Savior 2.0, and all there said bout Dex was that it gets reworked, but no exact info. Looks like u have one. WIT gets nerfed, but all mages gets additional passive skill +cast spd. and this is smthing. Dex has 0 info on it.
  6. Lowbie zone need boost to be alive. For u to spend there 1h and go higher lvl mobs coz u exp so fast. Not need. Also theres more other locations with this lvl mobs to farm like Plains of Dion or under Dion, u got there multiple of mobs.
  7. ​GL i thought that several times. "Wow new clan with german crest occured" "Wow new asian clan popped up" all this became same russian alt clan.
  8. ​yes ofc. Good u informed me. U didnt contact me (either follow my contact to u). Sincerely Koll but this answer is the same like two answers from the guy that answered my ticket. Dont show me nothing. Nobody proof me im wrong. Blank words. Well idc anymore. I asked for contact back via skype or private message. Im already tired bringing explanations and points to get answer "Its OK". Im just warning ppl that they have to be pain in the ass with no mercy to get any information from staff or get flushed being flushed whole month. And ofc always have screen before any payment service to not waste money like i did. Another good point is to order not to ask nicely. Damn im wasting my time so much googling formal phrases to contact staff just to get no satisfying answer. Greetings.
  9. So i'm creating this topic to warn everyone taking payment services. Be sure u re 100% ready for taking Class Change service - all screens comparing what should ur new class have. And yes. ITS MY QQ in here - im not forcing anyone to read that it may be even not understable for most ppl, its info for GMs and Mr. Thank you for contacting L2classic.club support. to see that payment service is not working well. Personally i feel like wasted 20 euro, coz lost will to even play class changed char. 20 euro in my country is really hard to afford. story already in TL:DR 18.06.2016 i got class change, my new class in my opinion earned too low SP amount. I reported that in ticked - explained my thoughts, showed screens, personal calculations. Well Mr. "Thank you for contacting L2classic.club support." is not suitable for his position, coz for my every highlight point all his response was: "Everything is okay. Thank you for contacting L2classic.club support." that drived me nuts so i decided to run crap skype to contact Kse, well first message i did 1 month and 1 week ago. Got informed that GM ill take a look on my case. I asked to let me know. So if there was silence i asked 1-2 weeks later to not be intrusive and not to make GM tired of me. I got info Koll is needed to check that. So i stood patient another 2 weeks, got no info it was already 07.07.2016 so i did reminder this day. Got 0 answer, last message i did 21.07.2016 thursday how dissapointed im, well that got no response again. Today is 24.07.2016 one month and week old case. 20 euro paid for 1 time service without help. "We did - we dont care anymore". Another thought. To be heard here u need to be pain in the ass, use crappy english, spam and cry for ur case to be done. - i was patient, was nice, tried my best at english to explain situation - got flushed. Or maybe its just standard treating of person who plays on the server since first minutes of its existence. Almost 9 months in this community. I wont attach screens of ticket, coz person that supports there is annonymous anyway and has no skills in responding. Attaching screen of skype conversation. Sadly skype through website has no archive so theres only last 4 messages, but u can see the dates anyway. info for GM: ticket ID FSB-645-7106 - if u got any question contact me skype (Kse has it) or private message on forum.
  10. QUIT same as u re tired of situation, im tired of bullsht. U cry for non specific reason. All i have to agree as a non factor on forums that Perk has just better players. They proved in not a single video that they crush ur 2 parties with their one party, or even 6 ppl vs 16 characters. U let ur ally to lose the only castle u had coz u were greedy for Oren/attacked Giran. I feel sorry for SM that they have to ally with such weak players, coz earlier these days they were pretty good at pvp when they were solo clan. Perk dont need ppl, there re 2 cp lead by Bizquit and Kiam to do all the thing, rest doesnt matter, or dont even care coz is focused on farming. If u can't win pvp 2 pt vs 1 its ur personal business, u need to focus on getting some pvp skills, learn what positioning and main target is, coz from only movies put on forum i see that u re not a good players in pvp. The only reason SM lost castle is their own ally, that left them alone on castle so it was easier to take than vs NPC. U think if u already got castle u dont need to defend it? lol go play Mario. Please think about it. If u want quit, please do it, act like a mans, just be gone forever, dont cry on forums coz nobody care for real. Ppl come and ppl go, i wont feel the difference.
  11. ​THIS. again, no free items, no free clan lvls, no exp scrolls. Ppl that have will to play here, will do this w.o free items and boosts.
  12. kkthx


    + some gm say in event thread that its forbidden. Need to find owner of this char and punish. Coz ofc punishing this char makes no sense, its created on this purpose and items re already send to main char.
  13. Dont reward ppl for possibility of playing on one of best projects out there. If they want to play, they ill play here. U just need to find them. For that u need good advertisiment. Work on it. First of all what i was thinking of a long time. Change name of Facebook page. Typing on facebook in search field "classic" gives nothing if nobody of ur friends likes this u wont find it, i found it only by link from our site. Atleast u wont find our server. Made it: "Lineage 2 Classic server Talking Island x3" or smthing like that, so ppl would have possibility to search it or atleast find it by mistake and take a look. Again, work on good advertisiment instead of rewarding ppl, it dont help, more like make them lazy. No exp scrolls, no weapon giveaway, its classic. Theres already alot of help for newcommers, i've used to play 2 month w.o SS at begining and im alive.
  14. kkthx

    dion siege 10 vs 48

    Great footage. Ur enemy should stop talk about numbers, coz numbers re the less important.
  15. Jak chcesz polski klan to szukaj w grze mówiące ci coś nicki, chociaż to rozwiązanie dla niedzielnych pykaczy w L2, nic się tam nie osiągnie, a co najwyżej można raka dostać, polscy gracze mają straszną mentalność przede wszystkim też rzadko zaglądają na forum. Z czasem się wykruszają, kto gra dobrze i czuje L2 classic idzie tam gdzie jest potrzebny. Przede wszystkim nie grają razem, co jeden robi swój klan po kilka osób zamiast coś konkretnego. Ja bym uderzał w coś international.
  16. ​coz nobody gives a fck about scammers, wonder what filthy thing u had to do this time
  17. Hm... I did 1st teleport to aden after 1.5 update
  18. kkthx

    "Welcome to Aden" event.

    ​Found this out the hard way yesterday. Suppose it wasn't worth mentioning in the event description? ​ ​it's not mentioned in event, bcoz its not on purpose, gms didnt predict that and they ill fix it for sure, till then wait for their answer and keep ur gold crap with u
  19. enough ppl play here. they pay for 2nd account so i see no problem to join. GL
  20. songs/dances put huge agro too ;p
  21. kkthx

    Clan rep farming

    dont use word "brez" u dont have to spend money on brez. U can even kill lvl 1 characters or smthing like that. It gives 1 rep point but still. brez could explain someone "woah he spend money, let him do this" nope, u dont need to spend cash to farm points in not fair way.
  22. And ofc both of them from InnerCircle made 2k pvp each in fair way on pvp. They did alt clan declared war and was farming clan points, AGAIN Mizuno cheat, now with help of Buttman. I wonder how long on server cheating will be allowed. GG And everybody lets him to do it, while hes supposed to be banned. 1Buttman682985 / 079 d 8 h 54 minDark Avenger2Chevignon642102 / 073 d 21 h 13 minSpellhowler