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Everything posted by Electraheart

  1. disapointed but not surprised, clearly some are the favorite "sons" of the bunch
  2. Loved it, except for the item lost buff in the future
  3. EU/PORTUGAL HISTORY TEXT BOOKS: "We freed all slaves, we deserve to be reconized AND THANKED" BRAZIL TEXT BOOKS: "portugal enslaves for 400+ years black people" SANO:
  4. The tank skill "Deflect Magic" does anyone know if its working properly , because i see no change on mages damaes using it or not
  5. this RBs that stay in SV will have flag area near them?
  6. could you please post the chance of getting skills in each argument stone
  7. Is giant Cave going to drop tablets? will raid bosses still be removable from respawn like now? @Koll
  8. Much appreciated WhiteEmperor, This china +dv8 ally is giving us early Christmas
  9. Must be why your crazy spamming on hero chat, selling tablets for the price of 5kk "pleb items" Papa Needs the money back
  10. Ty Nansey ❤️ for the donation, much appreciated and behalf of all NA prime
  11. will you display the costume patch notes for club?
  12. wanted a advance warning because some ppl dont have the test server downloaded or system
  13. @Koll this event on test server will there be rewards? and if so will it be transfered to cahracters in live?
  14. me as a NA player get really frustrated when we have only 4 hours to play and china start comming with this bot party botting 3 parties in toi 11 , 1 party in toi 12 and, 2 parties in toi 9 , and if any one try to contest the bots, china makes 1 party full hero with 2/3 tank lvl 80 and ganks , since they have gate in each freaking floor. they are killing NA prime and staff dosent cares. its really upsetting. im just adding the extra info but the bot part is the only unfairness around here. @Koll
  15. its more like "perkunas is recruting"
  16. Good times where Operation Closed TOI was happening in NA prime, enjoy!
  17. as i understand the "promise" came before they where mistreated by Kiam and Bizz , after the misstreatment the agreement changed, thats what i presume happened
  18. Your just a bitter little guy that needs some love in your life, gl mate
  19. Players that made 2 years Anniversary Should get something more useful instead of a stupid hat cake.. common administration Make Gifts great Again
  20. This is retarded, any summoner using there Ride can kite 1 full party and stop any exp partying. On top of the Ride summoner shouldnt be able to use there poney/cat/shadow or even dark panther as a damage source sense no other classes can overcome them on kiting skills pls do something about it cause basicly the server is starting to become WICH SIDE HAS MORE SUMMONS TO STOP EACH OTHERS FARMING
  21. Well Sh1t, Thats What happens when a ally dimisses 4 warfront parties.... and those same parties join china , karma sucks