
Trash macro or BOTs?

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This is ridiculous, a server of this size admitting this type of farm is obviously BOT usage.  There is no other explanation because they:
 1-Relog in attack mode with active flag.
 2-Do not lock on the walls.
 3-Multiple login and relogin (all log out and log in at the same time)
 4- Discover our position without logging in cameras.

 -It's macro

 "blah blah blah"

 If it's macro why don't they advertise?

 Where is Fair Play?
 If they want to farm without being bothered, it is better to create a server just for them.  Full Bot Toi 8 and 12.
 CHN Trash ...

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  On 9/17/2019 at 3:30 PM, YipMan said:

If its bot why they run away from train You have brought on them at the end of video :P??

Becouse they use 1 active and all others on Bot ofc, you need to be active in one screeen to not count as full bot party, ops macro..

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  On 9/17/2019 at 3:04 PM, tireionda said:

This is ridiculous, a server of this size admitting this type of farm is obviously BOT usage.  There is no other explanation because they:
 1-Relog in attack mode with active flag.
 2-Do not lock on the walls.
 3-Multiple login and relogin (all log out and log in at the same time)
 4- Discover our position without logging in cameras.


1. Bravo members do the same when they get fear locked into mobs, do you use 3rd party software for that?

2. If anything, that's mostly a sign it's not a bot, rather an assist/follow macro to an active player. A bot functions with conditions like "If movement is blocked for x seconds by an obstacle, change direction" and it would still make weird movements. 

3. Bravo do the same with tyrants on orfen/core, do you use 3rd party software for that?

4. Almost impossible to prove, unless you use some kind of program yourself and can check if there really are no cameras at all anywhere.

Not accusing anyone of boting, but your evidence is weak. 

Edited by Fortuna

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  On 9/17/2019 at 9:02 PM, Fortuna said:

2. If anything, that's mostly a sign it's not a bot, rather an assist/follow macro to an active player. A bot functions with conditions like "If movement is blocked for x seconds by an obstacle, change direction" and it would still make weird movements. 

Not accusing anyone of boting, but your evidence is weak. 

except the fact thats exactly how the bot works :|  not to say after such a long time of "farming" toi on their side, their maps must be really insanely done until now :D 


if you ever was on fully looped party, you would know that stucking people on objects is more than normal (not talking about 1-2 DDs looping on you, but all supports, making s/d, somehow healing, stopping to do skills at different positions), to be fair running with such train into one of those toi11 rooms would be cancerous as **** (tho obviously this what i say is not evidence, its just funny talk)

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  On 9/17/2019 at 9:40 PM, MoDoy said:

except the fact thats exactly how the bot works :|  not to say after such a long time of "farming" toi on their side, their maps must be really insanely done until now :D 


if you ever was on fully looped party, you would know that stucking people on objects is more than normal (not talking about 1-2 DDs looping on you, but all supports, making s/d, somehow healing, stopping to do skills at different positions), to be fair running with such train into one of those toi11 rooms would be cancerous as **** (tho obviously this what i say is not evidence, its just funny talk)

This is not just a magic button that dodges obastacles. It has a condition behind it, probably like the one I explained. The movement is still weird and uncommon for what a human would do, since it still takes some time for the bot to realise that its movement is being blocked by something. 

Also, mapping the area allows the characters to avoid trying to step on certain areas, yes, but this would mean that they should move in curved paths also to dodge them. I only see them moving in straight lines here, just following the MA. 


P.S. talking about stopping to use skills. The only moment in the video where I see the tyrants using totems is at 0:30 (Dka) when everyone has stopped moving. Probably to alt tab and use it. 

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  On 9/17/2019 at 9:53 PM, Fortuna said:

This is not just a magic button that dodges obastacles. It has a condition behind it, probably like the one I explained. The movement is still weird and uncommon for what a human would do, since it still takes some time for the bot to realise that its movement is being blocked by something. 

Also, mapping the area allows the characters to avoid trying to step on certain areas, yes, but this would mean that they should move in curved paths also to dodge them. I only see them moving in straight lines here, just following the MA. 


P.S. talking about stopping to use skills. The only moment in the video where I see the tyrants using totems is at 0:30 (Dka) when everyone has stopped moving. Probably to alt tab and use it. 

to be fair, smarter users of adrenaline even use its function where i does not follow you in line but makes random movements (couldnt find screenshot from any videos on youtube, but it does exists there and dayum, couldnt believe my eyes when i saw it few years ago)

p.s.: check at 0:22 where main tank uses hex and one of the tyrants uses rabbit at same time :D now as i said, i dont try to prove they bot according to this video, but they do bot in general and i believe it wouldnt be hard to prove that if ppl tried a bit

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  On 9/17/2019 at 9:58 PM, MoDoy said:

to be fair, smarter users of adrenaline even use its function where i does not follow you in line but makes random movements (couldnt find screenshot from any videos on youtube, but it does exists there and dayum, couldnt believe my eyes when i saw it few years ago)

p.s.: check at 0:22 where main tank uses hex and one of the tyrants uses rabbit at same time :D now as i said, i dont try to prove they bot according to this video, but they do bot in general and i believe it wouldnt be hard to prove that if ppl tried a bit

I know about that, but I don't think we should be giving people advice on how to bot more efficiently) 

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  On 9/17/2019 at 10:01 PM, Fortuna said:

I know about that, but I don't think we should be giving people advice on how to bot more efficiently) 

little bit more than month and if admins really delete loop macros as they promised, it will be piece of cake, no matter how efficiently they farm ;) 

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  On 9/17/2019 at 9:02 PM, Fortuna said:


1. Os membros do Bravo fazem o mesmo quando têm medo preso em mobs, você usa software de terceiros para isso?

2. Se alguma coisa, é principalmente um sinal de que não é um bot, é uma macro de assistência / acompanhamento para um jogador ativo. Um bot funciona com condições como "Se o movimento for bloqueado por x segundos por um obstáculo, mude de direção" e ainda assim ocorrerá movimentos estranhos. 

3. Bravo faz o mesmo com tiranos no orfen / core, você usa software de terceiros para isso?

4. Quase impossível de provar, a menos que você mesmo use algum tipo de programa e possa verificar se realmente não há câmeras em nenhum lugar.

Não acusando ninguém de botar, mas sua evidência é fraca. 

Guy defending china because he is an ally. RIDICULOUS

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  On 9/18/2019 at 12:05 AM, Fortuna said:

I'm actually a traitor. I have a korean Samsung

good job dude, every time you buy a samsung phone drlord gets 5 months of radar license. at least help your allies instead of your enemies


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  On 9/18/2019 at 12:06 AM, SemenArsonist said:

good job dude, every time you buy a samsung phone drlord gets 5 months of radar license. at least help your allies instead of your enemies


How many of them buy greek instead of danish feta? Huh?

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