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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/17 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. 3 points
    To play vs archer yes its easy whit a da 74lvl but to play vs a fadom ranger whit full epic +35%mendal resist and the da no epic its no so easy .. he can lant 1/10 fear and I dont want to speaklock about archerskills stun or fatal
  3. 2 points
    He can even play with +0 con and survive that... you forgot to read that as well, didnt you? Rly, i give up now.. otherwise i will be acused again of flaming "allies". I will end my participation in this topic with Forest Gump quote... "Stupid is as stupid does." Farewell.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Boring.....I suggest we all hit aden on next siege and let the forum get on fire
  6. 1 point
    here few clip recorded in american prime time I would like to film more but my pc does not resist so much power (kidding) sorry for bad quality
  7. 1 point
    Ano. Už od lvlu 20 najdeš aoe party nebo RB party. Dost. 1k+, což je na classic hodně (protože hodně malá mapa, žádný instance atd). Ve skutečnosti víc než na ofiku, což je vtipný. Až založíš účet, portni se do Giran Harboru (zadarmiko tam i zpět) od každýho GK, je to tradezona a udělej si představu sám. Doporučuju si i projít "media" sekci, pár videí taky stojí za to. Dva klany. Radvanistan a TotallyToxic... Radva jsou spíš tak neutrál s pár válkama (mimo jiné i s TT pokude se nepletu), TT je součástí jedný ze tří hlavních ally na serveru. Stojí. Ale ještě než začneš, najdi na netu info o "classic" chroniclu.. je to dost jiná hra, než na co si možná zvyklej. Hodně štěstí.
  8. 1 point
    not even one comment on how BabyRage CP changes sides more often than they ask for a Vodka refill, dissapointed
  9. 1 point
    actually necro hero race could be interresting... dajto, jerry, kiam, ad, fish, ganja, ROKxxx.... but in the end only feeding will decide as always everywhere...
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    There will be always some ppl dont like another ppl in the ally(or even in clan). But as soon the majority of ppl respect ppl from another ally we should still try to work together. Forum is forum and forum fights\disagreements inside 1 side should be kept on forum(or pm's). Both sides have some valid points but remember - the only side is benefit from internal fights is perkunas (who only pouring an oil in your argues). We didnt have any allies for several months, any agreements and had 0 progress. Only recently we finally had some positive results (epic chars are almost ready, 2 castles we took, some fights we've started to win in eur prime). Yea! Lets smash this all casue of this disagreement!
  12. 1 point
    iam confused, you dont accept someone trashtalking on forums but you accept a know botter in clan ? what is worse i wonder???
  13. 1 point
    z0z' video was so bad that Modoy had to control himself to not make a huge post criticizing every play in there. But the counter effect was... this...
  14. 1 point
    that's because it's not fast enough
  15. 1 point
    You shouldn't flame your only allies that can play the game. Especially guys that are actually cool like the non factors.
  16. 1 point
    zooooz, gj! keep doing!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    I found it hilarious that after he said in our ts ''oh, i have 2 views already'' I told him ''must be you and Modoy'' 30 sec later, you comment.