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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Just follow him in game. He makes fan giveaways sometimes. Note: Literally follow him.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    how many Malakafaka fans in this thread?
  4. 2 points
    good changes are all my ideas, ncsoft just stole them from me, bad ideas is all ncsoft ideas... we try to follow as much as we think its good from the official updates and throw in some sprinkles of our own or delay some changes that we think are not good for server at that time (example with the pirate and assassins transformations back in 1.5 delays cuz was not good balance for server at that time), tho from what i see on newly official updates, antharas might be the last one we will be following it closely as from there on everything goes a bit more downhill and not all changes are interesting for us or for the vision we have of classic L2. i will finally have wings to fly!!!!!!!! OLD SCHOOLERS ASSEMBLE!!!
  5. 1 point
    It's probably crolo,idk his points. i have to start rejecting my RL friend's tsipouro invitations cause i end up playing less matches every month.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    http://prntscr.com/pc54ju Like actually 2 topics lower...
  8. 1 point
    nice, linking literally worst possible video to show WC gameplay, well played
  9. 1 point
    Check this guy channel for WC gameplay, in my opinion its one of best support classes to have fun right now on classic
  10. 1 point
    I'd probably wait for update, it should bring some more newbies for you to play with and perhaps even for some sort of semi-CP. With RB parties it's a hit or miss, because many times the low lvl ppl are smurfs who bring their 70++ buffers, so WC isn't exactly always needed. Later on you might find yourself a spot in single-target parties as well, but it's not exactly a guaranteed spot either since obviously a lot of people will box their buffer... On the other hand you shouldn't have an issue doing some farm solo because Othel runes exists (up to +375 crit rate on any weapon) so with your native focus/DW buffs you should get some job done, but I'm honestly not 100% about playing solo buffer without any friends. In other words: if you really want to play WC you can make it work, but it won't be as easy as with other chars.
  11. 1 point
    Cant go wrong with playing warcryer, well maybe only if all your friends are mages then I would pick overlord.
  12. 1 point
    Обожду старта)давно сюда хотел !!! Закен это гуд.если с такими темпами как ставят обновы.есть вариан вдоволь поиграть) и внукам акк передать по НАСЛЕДСТВУ)))) до встречи Други! пс я с оффа.многие сюда идут! еще циклы уберут!я СвС! ух ляпотааа!как в добрые 2005-2007!
  13. 1 point
    its also not fair i need to stay awake till 5AM to watch NBA games, but they do happen to be in America and there for use america time tho not only Americans watch it. at end of the day and as mentioned many times before in multiple different cases, server is European, it runs on European time, and main events will always happen on European times. When players join the server they have already to have that in mind.