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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/19 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Ahora mismo tenemos gente leveando en todos los niveles del 40 en adelante. ¿Te interesa? Leete las normas: https://hdmclan.blogspot.com/ Y si te sigue interesando, añade a PopestarVM #4121 en Discord.
  4. 2 points
    Zaken will be once again killed by us. One of the skills is still not working as we intend it to be and was planed to be fixed by today but due to server problems and other things showing up with update it got slightly delayed. After its done, death time will be posted so all interested clans can keep track of it for the next respawn. Latest kill : 2019-11-16 22:26:34
  5. 2 points
    Meanwhile massacre behind the enemy lines :
  6. 2 points
    Will be removed from bosses until level 50 ( level 50 bosses will already have this feature ).
  7. 1 point
    In the topic "Loop macro regulation" you are saying, that you are going to change rule 1.1. to not only include 3rd party in-game macros (bots running inside the unreal engine?) but also include 1st party in-game macros (those created by game designer, ALT+R). You also said that the rule will (after implementation paragraph about 1st hand macros in rule 1.1) affect using macros for farming. If we say, that farming means a procedure during which is experience acquired, is that mean that until loop macros will be disabled completely / physically, we can use loop macros for a character which is not farming (out of the party)? And why was the change of rule postposed? When will be changed to the rules implemented as promised? And when will be loop macros disabled physically? Thx for answer. Aja
  8. 1 point
    Re malakes its +8 con ?
  9. 1 point
    you should be able to proceed with quest now.
  10. 1 point
    i bet its @SemenArsonist, sounds like something he would do. Rule nr.1 of Deviate: 'It's always semen'.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    При всем моем уважении, это изменение в правилах- полный отстой. Посмотрите на это глаза человека, который играет здесь ,придя после работы, 2,3,4 часа. Он приходит сюда для того чтобы отдохнуть. Он заходит в игру, грузит свои окна(заметьте чтобы окна загрузить нужно купить КОЛ), и идет куда нибудь качаться.В игре итак проблема с живыми саппортами, на поиск которых эти люди не будут тратить свое время. Я думаю что сейчас игра итак переживает не лучшие свои годы, я бы назвал это даже забвением, так не убивайте игру для одиночек. Думаю если за это будут баны,то начнется отток людей с сервера. За то что оконный бд кидает тебе пати и дэнсует люди не должны получать бан ИМХО
  13. 1 point
    Hello. Each time you can't connect to 1 proxy - you need to log off ( till Login + pass screen ), then enter information again, then first try to connect on another proxy. So start game, enter Login + password and then try to login on Europe proxy first.
  14. 1 point
    At last windows is activated. Congratz
  15. 1 point
    Death Knights fixed, need server restart.
  16. 1 point
    let me guess .. hes mad that he cant AOE them with his mage party lvl 70?
  17. 1 point
    top right corner you will find all answers you need regarding this idea. but just for one more time and cuz i am a rly good guy.... there will be no new classic server anytime soon or even considered for now, players may choose to join on this one and enjoy the ride wtv it takes them or if they want fresh server hoping everyday they can google for any other l2 server and join there and when it will close in 2 months repeat the process, and when that other one close repeat the process, and when that one close maybe they will realise server being open for 4 years means they dont need to find another server in 2 months and loose all their progress all the time. but this is just my opinion. i would say they can also join the ncwest servers since its beloved official and its free but i cant make myself do it since its neither good or really free i bet all those who left for NCwest servers are atm very happy with their investments
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    spoil. then spoil some more. then spoil again.