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Everything posted by Bellion

  1. Don't worry our lovely admins will introduce lucky wheel so we can gamble exp scrolls and cure our real life addiction <3
  2. Attention: The only reason I am typing this is to Raise awareness and have civil discussion about couple of topics : ... 1. The First thing that really caught my Eye was Wit nerfs // Dex improvements it was clearly focused to change the old mage pvp meta . let's start with wit as you guys stated : WIT 1-30: +5% → +3.5% per 1 point of WIT WIT 31-99: +2.5% → +1.5% per 1 point of WIT. so to my calculations 30 wit was 150 % bonus it got decreased by 45% to 105% . so all mages with no dyes are now weaker approximately by 30 % this also effect buffs dances ect ect ... so now we have 30 % less cast speed let's say and 30 % m.crit it's not 30 % nerf it's more the cast speed alone is 30 % over all dmg nerf and the 30% crit nerf is another layer on it . and let's not forget that cast speed nerf will nerf kiting by alot ( the natural way mages play in pvp ) . after ress with no dances or buffs for example it will be way more crucial . BUT THERE IS A PLOT TWIST now lets see dex : DEX 1-30: +0.9 → +1.2% per 1 point of DEX . DEX 31-99: +0.5% → +0.8% per 1 point of DEX . if we do the same calculations above fighters in general get 33 % buff in dex also will get effected by buffs ect ect . who greatly advantages from Dex Archers// daggers . if we take it to human dagger it will be more frequent on how better his land rate will be . i think it's fair . but for ARCHERS it's diffrent story because in all lineage 2 chronicles Best classes for pvp and to farm frequently is archers . lets take dark elfs for example who can 1/2 shot robe users in pvp now he crit more he cast faster and he is ranged that means they will do better at kiting and crit more frequently attack faster . do this charecter who can 1/2 shot at early game need such a buff ? . it may be acceptable for mages if seraphim buff still in the game or that passive (forgot the name) . question 1 : we will see an apearance for one of them or both atleast ? question 2 : daily quest and Adena i dont think its good to make inflation from the start . the idea of the quest to lvl up faster is great and the adena part is also good but not from the start it can be abused . i can make 10 chars and make 10 quests daily 10 rewards + the drops it will be great source of income . will you guys decrease or remove adena reward form the start . Question 3 : . Best Dyes the +3 - 1 // +4 -2 // will we get any drops improvements in the future . if we take talking island x3 as an example there was max of 10 dyes in the server and it took 7 years at least make it realistic to obtain . Question 4 : Fears / stuns hello ???? . i don't need to type Question 5 : there will be auction house on new server right ? and lastly PLEASE CHECK HELEMTS ENCHANT RATE FUCK THIS SHIT it's not correct . thank you in advance i hope the community share // add stuff or whatever .
  4. Jokes on you it's HARAM . maybe the effect of shawarma with 4 energy drinks or i am just toxic piece of shit i accepted it truely from the source my soul long time ago . and i am loving it so far
  5. The thing That we are asking for is Simple We are not looking for the current server they can keep it Online it's irrelevant For the people Who already Quit . The point is we want new Server we know it's gonna happen Because the attention it reflected in the Past few days optimistic Confident and Most importantly cheerful . First Things First : optimistic. Past mixed with Nostalgia surrounded with fun and surrounded with care from our lovely Gm's @San0 @Koll Who proved they are peace makers and solution finders and l2 players in their core . all this Good energy will deliver a solid thoughtfully structure for something is not found physically a Null a Void it's like your belief when you see the neighbor 6 years old daughter and you Hit That dark joke :- she will have lovely future and even more lovely figure and definitely the belle for my belly . it's funny Dark But it has some Truth beside of the fact that's it's a joke . how do we know you may ask(server perspective) simply Experience we saw we played we tested and we .. we... we... . several if not tens of servers in our life time and hey i know the time is going fast but it's been 20 years since this game got released . Confident : when i talk about confidence i mean this guy @iAxZp . no need further explanation . cheerful : Community is The aspect of making MMO an MMO A Massive Multiplayer online game . but hold on a second we are missing something don't we the Massive part believe it or not this kind of games designed to be massive . the after math of discord invasion from well known old players is something we have to admire this 5-8 players are not individuals they are influencers Leaders and most Importantly Toxic males who are willing to Shrink there genital area to dominate someone emotionally and create some permanent mental damage IRL . and those are the players will most likely bring 100's of players to the New Era . it was hard for me also to leave the server it was my life for a year it's like my grandfather refusing to sell his 70's Mustang because of Legacy . but you are more involved my guy Legacy Stupidity and most importantly Paypal :wink: . i wonder what was your wife's reactions about the Questionable amount of Transfers on your Wechat . we ain't asking you neither to leave to join us nor to stay and play a SMO Solo Multiplayer Online Game . We don't care to be honest . and in the End server investors will make the best decision for there pockets it's the only logical situation . but i know i will see you in the new server and i will spit on you you will be exhausted to even whipe it up from your face and will DRY leave a sign of smell like how road whores smell Cum from 70 cm away but you are special it will be my Spit it will honor you . once a slave always a slave
  6. New Server With unNerfed Bosses NOICE !!! i will be definitely in . Zealot Frenzy PEW PEW PEW . i can't wait
  7. @Sensei. you know what is the definition of a joke. when punch of randoms some how get a Dodge challenger Hellcat and put (Hello Kitty) sticker with rainbow LGBTGBNOIFQWEA attack helicopter MAO<ASMSGODFMPTB Stuff . and THEY PUT 2000 horsepower engine to fix every time you reach max speed. is the 700 horsepower Hellcat original model with the company black color isn't enough well its gucci but you know i have The only dodge challenger in the city with hello kitty sticker and weird stuff you will get fame you will get kinda respect with the car dudes but as a joke . modifying what 1B dollar company did is always bad when you go to extremes . you know when it comes as good as possible when people spend there life on cars as a team never as single . but they never make something extreme . on my dodge challenger i will put my best 3 letters first letter of my family mother father RMT with Lineage 2 classic club because those are my favorite stuff in life . man if you don't know what the fuck you are doing so don't do it simple as that . if you take rolex for example just peeling the plastic from the watch instant 500-1000 euro drop from the value modification on something top Tier and stand alone up there and unique will remove the Experience the History the Taste of the Day Date for example . Gold White Gold Plat or Rose gold its still the same watch dont dent alot of eyes will never blink toward it again and lose alot of value
  8. i miss it 2 Q_Q . not for sale
  9. I have a theory if someone was good at his job and someday he started fucking up and delaying his work to fix it after some time the general view of people around him will eventually be in a decline. he achieved what he wanted a delay. that means x amount of money for y amount of work was enough at some point people appreciated the work he got a promotion Finally he achieved THE promotion. jobs are like anything in life its exchangeable like genders dick size boobs transplants fake abs yea that's a thing recently then the company started to realize he is getting more than what he is achieving he was the CEO the investors made 3 fast punches -3000 $ each in a 3 months row pew pew pew. he started not giving a fuck and doing minimal stuff before it hits a red flag he fix it but people sniff sniff. and others lick. some people lick and sniff. and sniff lick and you are sniff lick my man you are playing it right. you the G my man. the lazy CEO always listens to his right-hand money makes people blind it and will always be more impactful if you are in the second row you are running the company. my suggestion is to listen to Nancy as I said he is the G. fuck I am bored I want bots like in Fortnite at least they try to hide and fix something at the same time am i right or not mistaken
  10. I am not crying already quit from 1.5 years . but just in case they will make a new server i just share my point of view . or let’s say feedback for the staff of what i think is going to be more appropriate. it was wonderful experience to play classic . and as the staff satiated they are not hoping for a miracle to come and they are doing there best on this server. but this topic wasn’t intended for the current server . Just using my own logic to say what is right maybe i am wrong maybe i am right who knows . it was a simple massage for the future
  11. Just came back to check the ice cold winds standing near to a look a like npc’s in aden had a little belief that someone will break the sleep and eventually move nah nothing. went to the new zone empty gc fi empty went on my lvl 30-70 boxes same thing all zones are empty i know i am not typing anything new so what’s the point of this massage . simple for the idea of adding new server then merging it . its more complicated than what you all guys think let’s take several points and let me try to clear some of them . 1. Lineage 2 private server community is sadly decreasing faster than ever even mmo’s as a whole . According to more than 50 individuals that i had an impact over the years and it’s not based on this server but a statistic over all l2 servers i played in the majority say this will be my last experience and my last fun with l2 then they will quit . player base is aging and no fresh blood is getting introduced to this game and it’s not appealing as the new mmorpg games lost ark , new world , final fantasy 14 ect . 2. The idea of a new server that it will get merged later on is not the solution on a server that lost 90+ % of his population. why is that you may ask because all the new comers will clearly come for short amount of fun and simply leave because after merge let’s say about 1 year as an avarage there will he max 10 refined core aq orfen . maybe 1-2 zaken and 0 baium again it depends on the server population. so all the hard work that happen can be devalued by 2 individuals of the old server . if that’s not a big deal joining oly with players lvl 83-85 will be impossible to play against . 3. Why not just making a server and keeping it separate from the old one . lineage 2 servers isn’t made to live for that long any way . 4. What are the odds of new players coming to the least popular chronicle of all time numbers speak for it self . In the end player base is shrinking in very fast base . I encountered alot of comments like yea let 300 new players farm epics so 2 korean’s will get most of the epics with single credit card swipe each . the new server idea if it happens it will be the only attempt that it could happen to make another player base play classic . and investors and server staff can make a living out of it . merging can be amazing idea with server that has 2000 online players . (20 moving in dion -10 in gludio 100 in aden . but not 1530 and all the zones are empty litterly all the zones i checked every single on of them in eu prime and asia prime in low lvl . Let’s not try to kill 2 servers 1 is enough and it was super Successful 6 years speak for it self it’s time to move on . i would like to end it like this . i know it’s hard to see your 3-5 years of hard work go away and imagining some dreams on a new wave of players come to increase the value of your hard work . forget your greed you already done your achievements in the end it’s a video game for fun and the whole point of mmos is the community. i already throw everything behind i would love to see new server announcement without merge. see you in the new server i guess
  12. I don’t play here any more but you are comparing 2 baium rings 2 titans with 2 weapons are hitting for less than c grade blunt + 15 . while i have gs + 18 and dragon slayer + 16 .
  13. True . You know what also true my point i list above you can’t fix that by admin side
  14. True let’s take more advanced example essence is what after classic . raid bosses take more than 30 min to kill by 100 k euro stacked party you will see alot of people try to interrupt and try to get it alot of times it leads to clan wars and the stronger clans get it . i agree on that BUT . lets take eu side at eu prime ppl didnt pvp from 6 months because eu prime is dead after wu ally break down from last year . you need new side new ppl to fight against ppl leaving the ally . if you say kicking the Chinese and the Koreans make 0 difference because they don’t see each other at eu prime witch it’s around 5-6 am in asia . look at the other side China prime and Korea it’s amazing daily pvp madsive fights mini sieges at Fi it’s wonderful. thats my point when i said it’s on us not them bring 100 more players you will pvp trust me eu prime is a myth and empty
  15. The pvp part is on us not them . And you can’t fix that . unless your cp leave the side and declare war on every one that’s other story
  16. Nah this thing is dropped not crafted should be easy
  17. @San0 with new runes you are making orcs Ridiculously over powered i think it’s still max crit rate with hunter song if not should be max with zealot frenzy it’s like free 80% baium ring for orcs if you take runes lvl 10 . other than that it’s wonderful update good job for real . forgot to mention new shilen templar buff just wow if you compine everything solo farming is better than ever
  18. i would like to add RB farmers is like 500-800 pvps from Delvl . there is approximately i can say around 2000-2500 pvp kills like that
  19. now my final question to this topic will you be surprised if any of Those RB farmers Login 4 Se lvl 80 ? . by that move don't you think you will just make Raid boss farm just for Rb farmers . first let me define RB farmer a guy who kill 70 RB in 1 Zealot and all the bosses below and i am persoanlly capable of killing 75 RB in also 1 zealot +30 seconds oh hitting normally ( on some bosses ) but most of them 1 zealot so don't you think you are just making stuff harder for randoms . like my clan has more than 6 SE lvl 80 it's not hard to login 4 or even making 4 Se 80 in my perspective you are just making new struggles to randoms . it's not hard to gate twice you know . --> wc pp bd orc orc SE SE SE SE that will be the main set up for farmers . and let me tell you 1 more thing in advance all RB farmers include Luckii ( intel69) and me (Wacao69/wmwm) we are not farming alone we are farming as 2 guys and we have a clan that always leach exp behind our back i don't know how this topic can really be changed but i suppose you will remove all the competition to us so randoms with not proper setups that run to 70/75 rb they cant start it so they have to wait those rb farmers because making Charecter lvl 80 won't take more than 5 days . if this change really happen for us i will be more than happy but i don't know the reflect to the general people There is 1 way to find out right ? . my point that i was trying to make in this conversation you cannot make damage to the Top 0.1 % but you will definitely make critical issues the further you go down . when i start my conversation it's double Edge topic here is why : you may think you will hurt rb farmers but they have (Easy) solutions did you dmg them Not Really because all rb farmers are aware of this topic and they already making the answer by making at least 4 SE 80 . you just raise awareness to them and they already let's say done with this hill but if this actually happen RB farmers will have 0 issues but for it because they are already prepared but for new people it's 1 more struggle like come on let's be honest current server population will not allow randoms to kill 65 + Rb alone some time facts is facts thats all i have . for me personally i will be happy if this change come to the server i will kill the competition for me so smaller Rb farmers that Try to get 2-3 Rb's per day i will have them for my self . and randoms will just Beg for CC and spam chat of my orcs like always . but if you want my advice from an experience of killing more than 5 000 + bosses i lost the count already maybe much more it's very very bad idea . thats all i have changes not always good
  20. any way to prevent Farmers from using SE 80(Life steal) at 70 + RB ? while they are delvled to 78
  21. so Reading this actually an interesting double edge Topic here is Why :- . So mr/mrs.Reddish is saying Raid boss farmers are just making unpleasant Experience to the new comers : . 1. They are not getting as much experience To skyrocket to 3rd Class With there Karmian Set and Kris dagger . 2.that one of those potential 15 players has a small chance of getting acceptable drop like 4 % each 70 RB to Get Top B weapon that get sold for 20 million to help him a little in his journey . 3 . after 30 Rb's When they hit lvl 76 Some one Maybe hit the lottery to Get 2 Top B weapons So maybe he can invest in Top B set + weapon for his Class And still dying in 1 shot in GC . Now lets change to my perspective and lets see how it's actually processed in that old Player mind : . First things first i would like to address adding reflect Dmg to raid bosses For Top farmers is next to useless They have Already Top items possible (Zaken/ Baium) and fighting with no soul shots will be very easy way to killl the raid boss with healing Boxes + BD dance for reflect + bw +8 + zaken 3 2 . i heard some rumors That there is a skill for SE called Lord of Vampires that you Get at lvl 80 that will make you life steal for more than 100 % with the other reasons i typed above So the reflect dmg is not effective in this case . 3.People in Daily RB 65 cant even kill the first boss alone efficiently they struggle dramatically Every time they Try - ( There is a Guy killing 3 RBS at daily + the potential dk's) and all that zerg of randoms Did not Even kill the first one and he is just fighting with couple of orcs . 4. is a conclusion of the point 3. you are making the life much harder for the new players if they Struggle to kill 1 65 RB at the highest population possible for that case do you think they can kill 70 RB that he is generally x2.5 stronger than 65 RB + With reflect ?(i am talking about the size of 12-14 players) + finding Tanks + Healers + Buffers in Every boss is near to a dream . 5.Big clans is getting anoyyed of those RB farmers so they want to make (argument / pretext/plea/excuse) choose the one you like) of RB farmers killing 70/75 RB's in there Prime Time so how can they fix That so they throw that idea ahead While they dont know and never know What kind of DMG / potential those Rb farmers has and they never will because no offense Each Rb farmer has 2-3 Clans Worth of items . 6. They hope There idea (SOMEHOW ) <-- lets mark it with a (?) will work So there clans in there prime time come with 2-3 parties and they secure the Drops for them selves . 7.My first impression from reading this Topic with all my respect to him He is Trying to make 70 + Rbs like -->Epics<-- so big sides will take them for them selves . 8.he dont like that 1-2 players kill Raid bosses in there prime Time while they are helpless from doing any thing . 9. randoms is Getting Command channeled 80% + of the times . (Useless information) 10 . so the benefit for randoms in Raid bosses is for a Short amount . 11. i highly recommend new players to farm in normal zones and lvl up because in raid bosses the benefit is so small and it wont support them in the long term . so in the end Farmers has full items that reflect is almost useless 2. if its hard for them they just login SE 80 and GG EZ .(unless you guys want to rework the game around raid bosses that would be interesting ) i think big clans in there prime time want the Drops for them selves and 69 the existence of there prime make it family Friendly environment and they dont like some one out of there prime to go inside for there cute family moments like for real go to discord / this forum discussion it just draw big Cp leaders and old players for there own benefit i mean it's obvious . my recommendation is to stop crying at 6 years old server and you have to deal with it . Edit: Don't Let Your Envy Kill you