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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. WTS Great Sword for 15kk. Mail here or pm/mail ingame (if im afk/not on)
  2. Grüße, ja welches lvl habt ihr ? Ich kenne noch einen Deutschen, der heißt ingame "ducktales" den könnt ihr auch gern mal anschreiben, weil er auch schon nach Mitstreitern sucht. Falls er nicht on ist, schreibt ihm doch einfach eine Mail. Er reagiert mit Sicherheit
  3. chevignon

    Rune replacing

    yeah that was the case. hum..i just rechecked and you are right..its 19 gem b +700k..not sure why i was writing such shit then...sorry
  4. chevignon

    Rune replacing

    not sure if it have to do with weapon or the rune themself in your case, but i already removed a othell and added another one and the removal was *removed because it was bullshit* and the add 112 gem b and i also didnt lost the removed rune
  5. sold..can be closed
  6. chevignon

    WTS BW Heavy Set

    WTS BW Heavy Set offer here, via forum pm or ingame mail
  7. chevignon


    there are few more on his channel. There are also much older ones from 1.0, when ppl just scratched the 50's but i dont find them right now
  8. Hey guys, (also summon @San0, @Koll) i have a question about the quest drop chance How is it calculated ? Is it a) by last hit b) to all party members that have the quest accepted with the same chance (multiple drop possible) c) by chance for one player out of all who have accepted the quest ? thanks in advance
  9. This is classic dude Pow dont gives mcrit here
  10. if his pk count is below 4 he wont drop anything
  11. just go check some movies from offi and you will get a answer for this pretty fast. However one hint: You will need atleast 2 sets and one of them isnt a heavy set
  12. that wasnt stupid at all Just my question was...thx guys..can be closed
  13. chevignon

    After Update

    same rune drop
  14. Hey guys, i would like to know under which circumstances im able to use Agathions Dance of Fury/Song of Wind because it allways says me xxx cant be used due to unsuitable terms thanks in advance
  15. great pvp movie and good game play of you except hitting your own clan mate at 2:00min actually i think your cp is one of the best on server. Lets see, which "factors" will come back in 2.0 to give you a challenge
  16. 1:55min: When you think, that a mob is more dangerous than a enemy
  17. under targaryens should be codeine named since they dominated the server in the first 3 Month
  18. didnt u had the offer from koll more than a year ago ?
  19. a friend of mine enchanted 2 days ago a bellion cestus straight to +10 and bop to +8. so atleast i cant confirm ur therory
  20. chevignon

    LH + Core

    ur calculation is wrong. it dont gives a resist of 80% it increases your actually resist by 80% so its not like 80+20=100 %