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Everything posted by Anytime

  1. Could you all piss off? I'm trying to have a conversation with the lady here ...
  2. Anytime


    make sls +16 and we can talk nub!
  3. If u still have problem to start play, send me more pictures and i decide if its worth to help u. ANYTIME PS: im rich!
  4. We're holding rizo and modoy in a basement and forcing them to play olympics for us! That's what pimps do ...
  5. Samuarai Long Sword have wrong appearance in our server! Should look like Katana!
  6. Anytime

    See you later

    lost nuker heros ... #divingstationinitiated
  7. Maybe they noticed that shiny gleam around you ... Have you noticed it, too?
  8. let me think ... ah: relog potato-fiesta? #nonormalpvpwhendaddyripisoffline PS: your to ugly and fat to be legolas: so stop using bow!
  9. Anytime

    Missed me?

    quite active for someone who wanted to delete his forum account:
  10. red shine and using cheap SS/BSPS is not motivation enough?
  11. I just took a short break, smoked a cigarette, lost in thought. Suddenly I was struck by lightning: Whats the reason to play a tank when you have tys0n in your CC? ... too late for a reroll RIP 2k18
  12. go DA! we need more DA on server! make DA great again!
  13. Anytime

    First FW prime

    do i have to understand what he wanna tell us?