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Everything posted by kkthx

  1. Just like this. U'd beter hope 2.0 ever comes, then think bout Zaken
  2. read again kid what i wrote and glue the facts.
  3. wtf gtfo faget, dont dream bout me u gay dreams.
  4. Nice copypaste "DramaTeam" fanboiz of "TimeForDrama" clan. Try be a little more original. Oh well, actually our side is getting used that re precursors of every step enemy do on server is learned from us, so copypaste name is kinda obvious.
  5. this sht Giatsmthing droped nicely jewels on orfen. WP u skilled.
  6. u can on another computer or using premium on ur 1st acc
  7. Cool story bro, but..
  8. same u will lose to Hellhound then, so why u cockroach around?
  9. Just like u 1v1 Balu and lost? Plz stop.
  10. shortcut of that day: Jungle+SM+other enemy raped 9/10 times. one succesfull gank by Jungle 1/10 times Myrciu recording -> masturbation -> posting on forum. Life timeline of @Myrtan I feel strong connection with @SOiL here, he also didnt know everybody got him as pathetic being, but he couldnt realize that. Coincidence?
  11. those re not tanks i almost lost faith in somebody to say that, gj!
  12. Every tank has same lvl of Aggresion.
  13. kkthx

    Spoiling text

    it is on forum.
  14. So glad the cancer is gone they scammed so much they prolly have for 2 years of subscription on Skelth.
  15. kkthx

    New player

    create spoiler and make alot of adena, buy whatever u need.
  16. yes, just like this u simply make donation XX euro, which u got XX on ur account to spend on AH/transfer COL to game.
  17. u abandoned WL idea in single target pt, good job, u re making progress.