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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos


    I would just implement oryginal transformations from offi. They look cool and dont give too much stats
  2. Rly soil u reported aoe? Cos i remember it was fixed after my report
  3. I love Soil's logic :D. Gladi with bugged aoe and tss reuse for 8 months, and he didnt bother to report bug. Now he found his stuns have too low land rate (along with all other stuns) but once his stun is fixed hes like oo now everything works ok all other skills work correct. lets keep all other classes fkd so he can kill em easier :D. If me and Modoy reported bugs same way as soil, there would be like 90% less bug fixes than there were so far.
  4. ​Biggest problem that makes stuns too weak is con affecting stun resist, not base values, so instead of changing 5% stun chance on 1 class u could fix con for everyone... Also on 1st post of this topic soil gave proof for all stuns But u fixed only 2. ​
  5. Gross scammer, i dont recomend joining this cp
  6. Get +12 str dye and bow - akat is good, for you because i guess u dont have much adena and akat has almost same dps as emi just cast skills slow(matters only on archer). You should also exp pp or pp and sws/bd and you can solo exp untill 70 like this. Only party you can expect is rb pt. Rbs are worth to farm on classic and give good exp but for sure u need bow there. About typical dagger meele farm, try to get other dagger friends and you can build rly good pts with daggers SE bd sws wc in loa for example. SE with stigma is must for such pt. About solo farm, as i said akat pl set +12 str and farn firest of mirrors shamans untill 59 , then move to sea of spores doom knights until 70 Edit: seal of shilien ofc. Thx stiba
  7. Rizos

    Bannn ???

    Atleast 1 botter was honest
  8. str on dagger is not about dmg (almost doesnt scale at all) but about chance of backstab crit (x2 dmg). Here anyway this chance is bugged for now so + str only for pve
  9. ​Actually, not correct. If you got perma banned on one char, you still can start over with a new char. You should understand that it's not hard to change IP/HWID, so we won't know that the permanently banned person is on that new char too. Due to that we can't ban one players, which we know who they are, and not ban others, because they managed to hide their identity. Still, it doesn't mean you can now bot on 1-2-3 chars and stay safe on 4th. Not longer than yesterday all accounts from 2 IPs were banned because of several bots on them (not all were botting at that moment tho) ​It's a joke , there are people botting 2nd , 3rd chars all the time just in case their main gets banned. What a lame policy. There are even videos on forum of a person X botting his lowbie char and main doesn't get banned. ​Please give me the link on that video or topic with it. Full IP's are being banned. And it happening constantly. Still, we can't ban all chars on the IP sometimes, because not always we can be sure that it's all 1 person. You know, that there can be more than 1 person playing on 1 IP, right? Internet cafes/VPNs/just friends/family members playing together. Do we have a right to ban innocent people? When we are sure it's 1 person, we are banning whole IP. Here is 1 from just yesterday Every day we are walking through the hunting zones to clean the server from violators. ​How about deleting 2nd chance for 5 euro option?
  10. ​skill cannot and doesnt crit, i wonder on what class u achieved 1200 P def and got 9k dmg tho Basically a warlord with doom heavy set, lvl 72. Check that I even had sws songs:​ ok, not 9k but close and still ridiculously high... ​ok, so there are few things worth noticing 1. u had zerk on, so it dropped your def by quite some 2. it could be FC into your back, thus 20% dmg increase (so the dmg to front would be like 6600) 3. u had triple slash on, which decreases your p def by 23%, so overall dmg boost by other ppl is like 30% (because of how formulas work) 4. PR could be on very low HP, so he could scale FC to the most and wuala, there is your possible 8200 dmg Berserker spirit is lowers 5-8% (can't remember if it was 1 or 2), triple slash 23%, but song of earth is 25%, that almost compensates them. I'm not gonna factor anything else because we can't say for sure but, in my opinion, dealing 8000+ damage to a character of similar level wearing a heavy doom set it's ridiculously high and needs a nerf. Dealing such a massive amount of damage from a ranged attack with only 5 seconds of reuse is extremely OP. ​Poll says the opposite and I don't think its even "official". And no, you didn't fixed it, you just massively boosted it... ​Im obviously pr and i voted for 1st option cos it says FC should be fixed. So i understand this option as keeping FC as it is no? "yes. need fixed SKILL(FATAL COUNTER) in MY Pantom Ranger" so it works same as official :)
  11. Rizos

    Co dalej?

    porta sie nie oplaca, za duzo maja hp w porownaniu do expa jaki daja. Stracisz cala mane na 3 moby. Jak juz cruma to na 40 w c grade itemach i na dobrym bufie mozesz bic snipe. 1 daje 100k expa, ale itak lepszy exp na 40 w forest of mirriors na shamanach, albo idz na sea of spores dropic ksiazki na DW CDL, zarobisz na itemy, 1 ksiazka 7kk
  12. Actually this olegaj is right: San0-W zeszłą niedzielę o 17:00 makes sense. btw congratz to everyone passing the 2k milestone http://pix.my/66SR0d
  13. :(. I knew it since some time. Need to collect 10kk
  14. If its thieft then make ticket and ban the guy and get items back? I just read in this topic the guy took his own char back and the other guy was naive. Same as i was naive when i left my char in game when i went to toilet. Thats it
  15. ​Didnt you see that coming? All those PR`s running around with epics, farming on 500 hp.. you even showed a video how you do it. Noone of you think about that ppl will start focusing those low HP PR`s and hunt them for drop? No didnt see em coming cos they were rred full pt on loa bridge. Also i never made video with fc farm oO
  16. ​why is it relevant to moral, rizos? its a part of the game, everyone abusing it, you just more unlucky than others, and fairplay ? so what you want? they should shout before comming to you? So in ur opinion pvp is player+mobs vs player right. U have 0 respect for ur oponents. Untill now i was always kiling ppl instead of being such cancer, but if ur ally thinks its" part of game" to help mobs kill ppl instead of pvp then ok. Ill do the same from now on, just plz dont come to forum and cry i stun ppl under mobs etc. Cu in game and prepare more bsoes Taking items by loging ur own acc or taking items from killing ppl to mobs. Both result in same thing - items loss. For me there is no difference. If the guy hacked acc that would be different story
  17. Rizos

    Co dalej?

    Polecam breka stronghold wbiegnij na gore tam moby daja dobry exp
  18. @qloc01 Behind was ally full pt + our camera . Was clear until money room and i went just to toilet so looked pretty safe. Ofc its risky even to go out of town but you changed topic. I asked if it was moral and fairplay in ur opinion. I didnt die cos mob lasthit me but i was perma anchored/rooted and no1 of enemy did dmg to me.
  19. ​becoz even they were friends, but Eirene didnt join their clan or their Cp, not even in an ally clan, hes alone, as i said many times before, HE WAS ALONE, he got no CP, no clan, no any kind of support or helps from his "friends", he even had to donated himself to have adena to buy his gears, he join random party from 30-66 till the day he joined my Cp. In short, friends is friends, we can talk, we can laugh with each other but it doesnt mean we always have to be in the same side, espeacially in a GAME. when i recruit him, i didnt even have to say anything, i saw him alone, i pm him "hey man, we need mage player, intersting?", and he said "yes", simple like that, only ppl take this game too serious, more serious than a normal relationship would consider this as "betrayal", i still have friends in perkunas side, we still talks sometimes, whats the big deal? about "scamming", you ppl is trying too hard to twist the ideal of this game, everybody know in classic version we have very high chance to drop items from inventory, and we also know we have stun/fear/etc... that also mean when you bring your char outside of town, you have to be carefull all the times, and when your items dropped, its a part of a game, its unfair but its how this game was made, no one logging your char to trade your item, and no one change your account password to robe your items. Thats why Rizo's case and Eirene's case are 2 different case, i still dont know why you guys cant even understand that. Looting items from pk or ppl who die to mobs during pvp by accident is also different thing than reloging full pt in spot when 2 guys duo farm and waiting for the best moment to log to intentionally drop em to mobs. U think this is moral and fairplay tactic? Result is same, juts method differs. But thats result that matters the most right?
  20. There is problem with con giving stun resist. I heard sano said so. does the se have r. Shock? + credits for test. Modoy s gonna like this topic. He cries a latelately about stun problems
  21. Yes we knew about it. We needed more ppl in our cc, i think its good for aq farm and ur guys looked like they didnt know whats going on and they thought they were in right cc . Ps Nice groundcamp yesterday on abg beging friends for brez after dieing to my unyagged tyrant. Was fun