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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. GF nice movie. Damn I see you play on different server! This asian timezone, i barely ever see these ppl when im in game . As ppl said, Cloudy always 1st target macroed etc hahaha poor guy
  2. I hope on 2.0 PR will be fixed cos its normal there that ppl do insane dmg and 1shot others, up to 9k backstabs without dances
  3. Rizos

    Virtual Reality

    ​Lol Modoy.. Trying to bait Koll again? ​Too bad, there was summoner pov!
  4. ​it already ruined D grade market, what worse can happen? Before we made Moon Knight quest for more then a week on D market was around 5-7 items with prices around 1 million. ​Koll dude, dont get baited, Modoy just trolling, making fun of ppl who cried about D grade market :D. It was irony. Modoy troll lvl hard, baited admin
  5. haha It just brought to my mind funny situation. Imagine you ask your friend (some interlude dagger fan) to play ur char on 2.0 classic oly. Imagine his face when he doesnt know why he cant move after geting ranged hits from gladi :D. Btw Modoy, i think you can learn classic features and "situational plays" (you learn them by playing on classic chronicle) much faster than proper dagger mechanics(Which you can learn on every pre-GOD chronicle). So i think the guy who "always played dagger on old chronicles" and now jumps into high lvl class changed dagger has more chances on oly, than some1 who never played dagger but started one here on classic. Old dagger player with good experience, can just watch several dagger oly movies from gran kain, practice 2 days on oly and he is totally fine. But try to teach guy like zorgzor dagger mechanics and make hero out of him.. GL :D
  6. Rizos


    https://4gameforum.com/threads/560661/ ​Вывод: как мы видим из результатов, действительно, на 40-м уровне Искателя Сокровищ вероятность критической атаки составляет порядка 5%. Что касается 61-го уровня Искателя Сокровищ, то тут вероятность критического удара ~ 15%, и это базовый предел для данного умения. На самом деле, уровень персонажа является косвенным критерием повышения вероятности критической атаки, истинная зависимость кроется в уровне самого умения. Так, уровни умения, на которых происходит увеличение вероятности критической атаки: 24, 34 и 38 – 5%, 10% и 15% соответственно. Во время эксперимента мы также «поигрались» с параметрами СИЛ и ЛВК и выяснили, что параметр СИЛ в большей степени увеличивает вероятность критической атаки умением, нежели ЛВК. СИЛ = STR = Forces(crappy google translate) ЛВК = DEX lf confirm from ruski
  7. Rizos


    I dont agree with you. Even on old chronicles DEX was always about landrate of blows and for x2 dmg backstab chance you needed high STR - trust me i played dagger like 10 years on different chronicles and tested it many times. I even used +5 str + pl set setup on gracia final oly to increase my chance of 1shot when i go out of hide and to increase focus skill mastery efectivenes on hide (60s). You are only partially right, on classic dex also gives backstab x2 dmg chance, but str gives bigger bonus. And yes, blow formula was changed on god even several times and they added there dex bonus for backstab crit chance. You can see it in this test https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/560661/&usg=ALkJrhgdhlSWoF_R_YHyIlA2FPVFnsyrYw conclusion of this test on russian innova forum: Conclusion: As we can see from the results, in fact, on the level 40 Treasure Hunter chance of critical attack is about 5%. As for the level 61 Treasure Hunter, then there is the critical strike chance of ~ 15%, and is the base limit for this skill. In fact, the level of the character is an indirect measure increases the critical attack, the true relationship lies in the level of skills. Thus, skill levels, where there is increased probability of critical attack: 24, 34 and 38 - 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. During the experiment, we "play" with parameters Str and Dex and found that the Str option is largely increases the chance of critical attack skills than Dex.
  8. Rizos

    Black Friday!

    Official statement: To class change into "dark archer" u need to have 20 euro on your website account (donate 16 euro and since its black friday, 20 euro should appear on your acc) and you need to make ticket to support, write there what class you need, what hairstyle, face and hair color and you need to be one of these classes, (if you are mage you cant class change to PR) First group classes: Overlord Prophet Warcryer Second group classes: Bishop Elven Elder Shillien Elder Third group classes: Warsmith (only to change from it)Bounty Hunter (only to change from it) Paladin Dark Avenger Warlock Temple Knight Swordsinger Elemental Summoner Shillien Knight Bladedancer Phantom Summoner Fourth group classes: Warlord Gladiator Treasure Hunter Hawkeye Plainswalker Silver Ranger Abyss Walker Phantom Ranger Destroyer Tyrant
  9. He most likely want to prevent ppl from "class change exp abuse" - exping fast on aoe characters like WL, get higher lvl than most of "old" daggers on the server and then change into dagger to play oly with high lvl. Rogues still gonna be able to rerol into warriors and mages which is ok, what would change? Warriors and mages wont be able to class change into rogue
  10. Rizos

    Black Friday!

    No, if u class change 4 characters today, you can class change 5th character for free! Just kidding ​Good afternoon. I want to change the profession of your character. What I need to do? Will I receive a discount if you do it today? ​You will receive more money on account when you will make donation, not discount. Today will be new class changes in less them 1 hour. ​Damn this is even better than 25% bonus ^^
  11. Rizos


    This might be helpful for you, my dagger little brothers https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/558860/&usg=ALkJrhiYjvrbl3BMFeZ0_1g1RMibilyjzA Optional: we found it strange that the chance of resistance in this case, was almost always below 50% and limit the chances of 50 to 50, from about 9% to about 11% within a hundred. We decided to check out, what chance will protect Mental Shield of other skills (since the smaller sample). After several tests, we noticed that almost all the skills pass through the Mental Shield with a chance to ~ 55-60%, that is, as if their initial chance was 110-120%. This would implyfy that trick/switch should have around 55%-60% land rate on same lvl targets with mental shield lvl 4. You cant be sure if they tested trick/switch in this test aswell tho. Here is test without mentalshield, but i think in this case trick/switch works correct on our server with chance close to 100% https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/569187/&usg=ALkJrhjxvAEq0-cAE5C9GmMVjnXuYaSUtA Also some time ago i tested dagger on test server because i was considering to play it, I wanted to test dye setup for pvp/pve so i checked if str matters on dagger. I did 2 tests 1 with 10 str and 2nd with 99 str and tried to backstab wc with same lvl as me (around 70). I dont have any movie or screenshot, and i did not many tries to be cartainly sure but i think on our server stat "STR" doesnt affect x2 dmg chance on backstab. In test with 99 str and 10 str i didnt notice any difference in backstab x2 chance. I think you could check it when you have free time for such things, i would make such test but test server is down . Here is test from official, i think 10 str and 99 str test should result in HUGE difference and would be easy to notice if it works properly or not. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/560661/&usg=ALkJrhgdhlSWoF_R_YHyIlA2FPVFnsyrYw
  12. Rizos


    Also waiting for hex delay fix
  13. If u want to exp with pp without vampiric rage i would recomend PL + bow and +12 str -10 con -5 dex (ull have big weight problem with -15 con and bow setup). But if you want ot exp with akat, i think u can get higher dps with top c duals +3/4, heavy armor (FP if rich, if not, top lux) and definitely + 12 str -10 con - 5 dex(you can try -15 con cos u wont need to carry arrows and weapon consume only 1 ssc, if you feel confident with low hp pool and want extra dps), dunno why u suggest only +4 str dye for meele build. Prepare to use a lot of hp pots and heal from pp from time to time, i Recomend low lvl 4x shamans close to teleport point in forest of mirrors from 40 to 46 lvl, then move on higher lvl shamans in forest of mirrors (close to angel waterfal) and you can exp there even until 59 lvl - Definitely the best solo exp on these spots since 40 until 59 lvl. Until 40 plains of lizardmen is good spot i think. IMO go for top c duals hvy set and +12 str, consider bow only if its +++ emi ( bd has low range and not that much p atk with bow) edit: Here is DPS calculator, cant put +12 dye cos its calculator for elder chronicles, but if duals are better with +4 str they are going to be proportionaly better with +12 str aswell. Buffs: PP 56 lvl + dance of fire. Duals + fp set 15% more dps than pl set and akat
  14. I like your idea up to some degree, i also agree with modoy's arguments, especially the one taht every1 gonna ask then to move his class to other tier cos of zilions of reasons. Also i see 1 downside of this. I noticed already ppl complaining they started to play mages and now they are bored with it and they want to try out something else. They would change to tyrant/glad/archer and make warrior/archer cp but they simply cant and they bring argument like "wtf i exped my char 1 year, i made 70 lvl and not its totaly useless i can trash it cos i cant class change it to anything usefil". Now look at cloudyq CP, they changed from wariors to archers, it might be unfair ye to other archers cos his cp is around 70-74 cos exped as meeles, but this change will cause same problem for wariors as now mages have, warriors wil become trash class in class change sustem and will be able to change only to other warrior class (which is not what ppl are looking for, except some glad <-> wl rerolls). Anyway i Vote for yes, i think arguments for change are stronger than against, cos abusing class system change to outlvl oponents by faster exping classes is not good/fair thing for me, expesially when we consider upcoming olympiad. Daggers definitely have bigger problem to exp than warriors. I have idea that would probably solve problem of ppl that just want to chaneg cp type cos dont like their class ( for example mages) and didnt intend abuse faster exp and class change. You could set some exp costs to class change into higher tier. For example if mage 70 decides to switch to warrior loose 2 lvl and becomes 68 warrior, if he decides to change for tank, he loose 4 lvls and becomes 66 lvl tank and if he wants to be PP he loose 7 lvls and become 63. Ofcourse it wouldnt work the different way around and pp 63 who rerol to mage wouldnt become 70 . Just an example numbers, you could adjust it if u like this idea. P.S. I wouldnt be myself if i didnt add coment about PR mentioned by cyane in his post. PR doesnt have aoe, thats right, but on offi he has other tool to use on pve. Unfortunately on our server its customized because some ppl dont like it on pvp (ofc i dont agree with that, because most of classes have their strong skills that are not nerfed, like gladi banana, da fear, wl 900 range stun, necro transfer pain/anchor etc, and dunno what is the reason to nerf 1 strong skill and leave other strong classes unchanged. Furthermore majorty of server is against changing any class skills at all. Source: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/13148-server-custom-changes/). IF PR main PVP/PVE skill is fixed it doesnt need to be in different tier than warriors in my opinion.
  15. Such setup doesnt need PR
  16. Rizos

    Here we go again

    ​You know everything about organization watching first part of kols video of sieges decided you are just ez. But you are also braindead you can also ADD some ganks in SOS full party vs 3 guys which are 10 lvl below you.. GG WP w8ing next video ​I dont know the reason why you cry so much!!!! you choose side so we can go everywhere and gang enemy!!! If you dont like this sry we cant do anything!!! Try to exp on elven village because we will hunt enemys everywhere except class village ... i also gank elven village! i put on no-grade armor - hit all lowbies - pull them together - switch armor and weapon - and then i do AOE! ez kill for me Nothing personal or political - simply cauz i dont like light-elves ... no one like light-elves! Modoy likes light elves, especially male elves cos of their look
  17. Yes remove hide cos op. Remove backstab cos can 1shot and ppl shouldnt 1shot in l2(c). Remove glad banana, necro anchor, ol debufs, lest nerf sk para, da fear, 10lvls lower archer stun shot chance and nerf fatalcounter dmg, remove orfen from game, give bless ss to summons, mass bufs, major heal, invocation to se/ee. Lets enjoy balanced l2 custom god then
  18. Rizos

    my first time :$

    ​I alt tab to give dance,tard ​so.. thats afk ? thx for be a part of my frags ​thx marche. i just use the brain.. a little No, you accuse him of bot wirhout reason while he just switch window for dances. I doubt bot needs to switch window
  19. In short all stuns: 7 sec all roots: 15 sec all silences: 24 sec thanks god: finally yes ​could u provide link with this info? i doubt there is stun with duration 24s, also silence from OL is already for 24s even in 1.5, and its aoe, so I just leave it here without coment
  20. What you know about the game modoy... 6 necro with orfen, bish bd sws + OL and SE out of party. Top mag pak
  21. Rizos

    Here we go again

    ​packing 150 ppl to same category sometimes my brain stops working when i see the dmg from blaster, which gives even stun, i guess ncsoft really liked humans btw hopefully we wont see some guy going nuts just coz he could see core lvl 3 icon on your bar, maybe u e-bay it (haha)? keep the videos comming btw ​Sadap 500DmgSR, stop finding excuses, Human race is weak and u know nothing
  22. Mby he ment silence from Kadios . Always land even on 7x lvls, and duration is 1 min. Ask Dee, i think he knows smth about it
  23. ​and why we dont see that lovely orc running around anymore? QQ ​because the new guy behind the screen had other plans with the orc ​No love for ORCS Q_Q
  24. This Modoy.. DONATOR!
  25. Finally good chance to get easy epics from pk ^^