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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Party duel

    I wonder how 2 kills opened war. Anyway, after reading this topic and hero chat, totally worth it ?
  2. So far he tried to pm uchiha to accept war so deviate stop harasing uchi pt hahaha. Mby he still has better ideas cos this one was pretty cringy
  3. dude hes just random, he can do whatever he wants. Chill
  4. Sure bro, dont want to disappoint u ?. Also aden was rly close today with 35 ppl cc
  5. I got list sent to that qq comunicator on my acc that was banned and i told china 4days before it was banned. I was in hitlerland that week and didnt rly play
  6. I was surprised fortuna pt suddenly grew balls in 1 evening to fight us party v party after months of geting rekt w/o flaging, crying to shaka and then leaving clan with dds to not get "pked" after my cp got kicked from china. Can some1 explain it to me?
  7. Rizos

    Olly 2

    yes, dont take shield buff on aw from oly npc ?
  8. Rizos

    Olly 2

    Not bad. 1 tip : try to bind more buttons on enterchat and learn to use them instead of clicking so many things with mouse, ull have much faster reactions and can focus more on runing on sh1ty arenas
  9. ok so why zaken isnt classic 3 and antharas classic 4. how come some1 got 2.9
  10. Can i ask where from u guys take these numbers 2.5, 2.9? as far as i know zaken patch is 2.0, im curious
  11. ok thx for advice, im very grateful for that guy
  12. sold myself, even sold my soul to devil, along with all my and pipenov cp ppl to get 1 core lvl1 and 1 orf lvl1 in deviate for 5(?) months of free farm epics. Luckily sjeks has good heart and realised he should reward us better so he decided to give orf 3 from nexls pk. He couldnt just trade us cos his clan would be jealous so he pretended it was pk drop. Hell he even cared bout us so much that he pmed shaka to kick us from clan so we can make new side and benefit even more than we did in china clan. Rly good boy this sjeks, please dont flame him. He try to help us more than his fellow clan mates. Guess who farms cores orfens mini epics in EU/NA prime now not to mention EU prime toi ? Need more info? feel free to ask ?
  13. Noob plz... Where is enter chat tip? Modoy is gonna be disappointed
  14. Modoy stop crying, you wouldnt farm this event anyway even if there would be 10% chance to get orfen earring..
  15. Rizos

    Event: Summer Feast

    20h farm event to get chance for 1 exp scrol 20 min duration? ?
  16. Rizos

    Event: Summer Feast

    18h more and you get large firecracker, ive heard sjeks and biz are buying em ?
  17. Rizos

    Event: Summer Feast

    I think they didnt add cloth piece yet cos they wait for more data about event drop rate and they will add cloth piece and adjust drop rate at same time
  18. Wait what? i thought u mean there are not enough a grade items on market to make sets, but you mean some bullsh1t @_@
  19. Holy sh1t, why so much hate that we play in WK? @_@ Are u racist or just dont like my new friends?
  20. Rizos

    Auction Logic?

    summon @MoDoy ???
  21. Agree for agro power increase, it wouldnt affect pvp at all, only pve. About reducing mass agro reuse i disagree.
  22. Rizos

    Olly 2

    damn you are cruel, you just ruined his life achievement just cos of some little forum argue ☹️
  23. Rizos

    WTB MJ Robe and Helmet

    does he woof in chinese too? ?
  24. Rizos

    WC Oly

    oh you dont know how summoner works, now u dont know how Bishops chain heal works. I hope you atleast know how tyrant/sws works :X