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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. at least we don't get stuck in some ghost geodata
  2. i did read the thread, but i wasn't here for trolling. i did get a good laugh at you thou, can't deny that. simple things are the greatest of treasures
  3. careful what you wish for, especially because i've just started to use fraps lately, so you may end up in a very silly video i've started a video editing already by the way, just trying to put in some funny stuff for now. it will come in due time
  4. that burn was so heavy, that it even penetrated the stratosphere
  5. maybe the guys from DarkSky don't read the forum
  6. why don't we talk about perkunas dropping another epic in loa?
  7. Arcanum

    PvP and FUN!

    do you remember that time when you came to blazing and you kept dying to a gladi, then you kept coming back, kept dying, and then you never came back again? 'cause i sure do. i heard the trees in BS needs some watering as well, it's been very hot lately.
  8. WTS instructions book "how to keep your epics without dropping them to mobs"
  9. all i see here is just walls of text with no proofs/sources whatsoever. anyway, this has been around since c4 times: Weapons Base Statistics Weapon Accuracy Type Modifier Bow -3.75 Dagger -3.75 Pole -3.75 Sword 0 Blunt 4.75 Fist 4.75 Etc (spellbook) 4.75 Weapon Critical Modifier Type Modifier Bow 120 Dagger 120 Pole 80 Sword 80 Blunt 40 Fist 40 Etc (spellbook) 40 Weaponless 40 Weapon Atk. Spd. Type Modifier Very Fast 433 Fast 379 Normal 325 Slow 293 Very Slow 227 Weaponless 300 you see any critical damage(NOT rate/chance) modifier? 'cause i don't see it. same goes for current wiki: you see any critical damage modifier in the descriptions? i don't see it.
  10. Arcanum

    Weird cooldown?

    i'm using macros as well, but something like that never happened to me. try to change the macro icons, but if you can still use other skills, i guess it's more of a visual bug rather than anything else.
  11. i heard lately there's been a disappearence of hedgehogs from Aden too. Elisa gotta be very worried at the moment
  12. the mentality of Classic is being hardcore under every aspect, so basicly you'll have to: - be patient and keep killing mobs until you drop it; - or make a bounty hunter, go spoil, sell materials, and buy whatever you want.
  13. hi, my profession is gladiator and i like to throw bananas at people
  14. Arcanum


    i'm still waiting for an event with actually cool hats as reward. and by cool hats i don't mean a crappy grasshopper mask, i mean stuff like demon circlet, skull circlet, samurai helmet or anything else that won't go into the trash can icon of my inventory when i see it...
  15. i leave daj to argue with you. it's all in your hands now. godspeed.
  16. because it fits the character better
  17. i'm really sorry, but that sonic thing never gets old enough for me
  18. unless you can run FAST