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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. what the fuck am i reading... alright, let's try to go by points: to be honest, i couldn't care less. i'll speak only for myself: i've always played in DL since i started on this server, and that was 1+ year ago up until the "Soil incident". after that, we merged 2 of the few remaining active CPs in DL ally(mine and anytime's)and we kept playing together since we've always been in good relations from the older days. we never switched sides(talking always about my CP). we sticked together after DL broke down and kept going on together regardless of the odds. we were just one of the few CPs that managed to survive after the breakdown, we were what was left of DL. the only difference, or evolution of facts - to be more precise, is that now i'm also fighting against people that were once allies(SM, RoK, just to name few examples), while fighting alongside old foes(ES) that became ally due to server politics. and let's be very honest here: nobody wants to play in a one-sided server, especially because that kind of servers are not meant to live long. EU offi is always a good lesson for everyone, too bad that people tend to forget things so easily. also, joining an ally with a clan that keeps the same structure and the same CPs inside of it isn't exactly the same as switching sides. if by switching sides you mean a simple change of clan crest in order to fit with a new ally, be my guest. when, for example, 2 clans are making up a new ally, for me that's not switching sides, that's simply making a new side. that's just how i see it anyway, then it all depends on the current situation as well. when you leave your clan, or even worse, your CP just to join an enemy clan for free farm, getting geared or whatever other reason, now that is switching sides. regardless of all that has happened so far, i've always been fighting with percunas since i started playing here. the only thing that changed for me were merging 2 of our old CPs that always played together. so tell me more about those 5 times my CP switched sides you seem to know so well, because judging from your recent posts, it just looks like bullshit to me.
  2. and now you're playing under the flag of the same guys that were tickling your ass in ABG. how ironic
  3. this thread just looks like a bunch of teenager girls arguing about who's the prettiest. too bad you're all boys.
  4. the necroposting is real
  5. i wanted to see the fight at giran east gate bridge too
  6. want tu bai hands, plis pm me in gaem
  7. that's because it's not fast enough
  8. because speed is all i need
  9. nah, i don't like easy mode classes. beside, nobody is forcing you to go solo against a group of lower levels, so if you end up dying like a potato, it's your own problem everyone will get to lv cap eventually, it's just a matter of time and dedication.
  10. because doing pvp with a necro 76 against people that are 5+ levels lower must be very difficult indeed i'm just curious about what will happen when they'll get to 74-75
  11. don't worry, you can always come to play with us ...just don't forget the red trekking shoes.
  12. Anytime: i take care of rizo, u go on modoy. me: alright. ...and it worked 100% fine
  13. not sure if i should start using fraps again, it's been a lot of fun anyway
  14. doublepost ftw :v i hate my router.
  15. at least china has lost Gludio, that's already a step forward regardless of sides.
  16. looks like someone has been very butthurt lately
  17. Till the time come... 'Till the time comes, it's all talk. you'll eventually reach the point where mobs in ABG won't give you anymore exp. at that point, i'm just curious about where you guys will move. surely not BS or LoA, because you won't be able to free farm over there like you're used to in ABG. and surely not with 3 sides fighting each other in end-game areas, that much i can guarantee you. people that want to stay neutral for too long and fight only for exp spots have no future in Classic.
  18. you're talking as if ES was actually the major contender in this server, but it's not. not considering jungle/phoenix, since they just want to farm ABG anyway: what would happen if ES ally and SM ally won't bother with each other during sieges, and instead they would focus on Percunas/China? with 3 sides, things can never be predicted. there's a chance that everyone will be at each other's throat, sure, but there's also a chance that 2 smaller sides will focus on the 3rd larger one to get more advantages. something similar has happened with Aden/Oren before. people that have been around here for more than 6 months should have learned from those lessons by now. to be honest, if China will manage to loose gludio, i'll be already more than happy. there's enough botters and donators around, they don't need further boosts.
  19. compared to 6 months ago? pretty much crap. maybe things will change in the next weeks, or maybe not. we'll see.
  20. that honestly made my day
  21. deal. together with t0sh, nothing will stop them. long as modoy isn't a woman looking for marriage, 'cause we need active people