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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. another thing related to runes: some people say that the SAs from those are additional bonuses, while others think that they're only flat bonuses. to be more specific: - additional bonus: extra stats that stack together with main character stats/get boosted by buffs; - flat bonus: extra stats that do not stack with char stats/get boosted by buffs. an example: passive skills for weapon mastery. would be nice to know wich one of these is actually the right one, just to avoid confusion. the runes with a fixed % increase i've seen so far are only atk speed and cast speed, while everything else gives an X amount of stats(hp/p.atk/p.def/etc), therefore i was wondering how runes were actually working in 2.0.
  2. oh, i'm pretty sure he knows already. they even recruited monkey king in their side, after all that has happened
  3. don't derail my thread. if u want to talk about OE stuff, go make another topic about it. @san0: can u confirm the info about duals A grade in 2.0 being only kesha*kesha please? i would like to know wich duals A will be available here, before wasting adena on something i won't be able to use( and probably i'm not the only one that wants to know ). as for unsealing, on RU offi apparently they made an event with letters that gave cloth pieces for unsealing as rare reward, otherwise there would be no other way to get those cloth pieces except farming toi+instances.
  4. ​ probably better to stay in BS farming with boxes and pr on sight
  5. people keep forgetting that to do 7k+ damage on PR with FC u need to be at very low hp, wich means u can oneshot people but u can get oneshotted as well. if you let a PR kill your whole party, the problem is not the skill but rather the fact that you let him live to do so. that's why usually people focus always PRs first in group/mass PvP.
  6. i'm at a loss of words. at this point, i just want to ask if we will have that very same(and only) method, just to be sure about what's waiting ahead. also, since i like planning: meanwhile, on KR wiki:급+이도류 so: will kesha*kesha be the only available A grade duals at 2.0 release, or there will be dama*kesha as well? asking 'cause i haven't found anything on EU/KR wiki regarding the crafting method for kesha*dama. the available infos from offi i've found so far are only regarding kesha*kesha.
  7. Arcanum

    Dagger class.

    some more stuff from offi regarding buffs and skill damage:
  8. that's how it's supposed to work indeed, even the raid description says so. it's based on the level of the DD who did the highest dps. thing is, dropping jewels from epics isn't exactly a walk in the park, so usually DDs stay around the RB lv. for normal RBs, those who hunt them don't really look at the level range for drops unless it's 6+ levels difference. because most people still have no clue how L2 works, even after more than 10 years from its release.
  9. i'll be happy with max dyes at +5, +12 WIT mages are a joke as much as tanks with +12 CON. 2.0 brings new passives and SAs, so i don't see what's the problem with tuning down dyes, since it's just like on old offi.
  10. i vote for free class change event. or event with insta lv76 as reward.
  11. Arcanum


    ​server population is ok, class balance is a joke. probably worse than Hi5, but that's just my point of view. ​actually H5 was most balanced chronicle in l2 history i think when all warriors got rush at lv40, and rush impact at lv80, that was the end of balance. the only thing close to something balanced that ever was in L2, was only in gracia final.​
  12. Arcanum


    ​server population is ok, class balance is a joke. probably worse than Hi5, but that's just my point of view.
  13. Arcanum

    Dagger class.

    i'll just re-post from the other thread, so it doesn't get lost: based on the infos above: - dark elfs have the lowest CON in game, so i presume that their default block chance should be around 30% more or less, althou i can't say for sure as i don't know how shield def rate scales in this server; - judging by Anytime's tests, shield def rate is set around 50% at the moment by default, wich is wrong. and the reason it's wrong is very simple: considering the first test from offi, a block rate of 55% can be achieved only with a doom set, blessed shield lv6 and at least 46 CON.
  14. based on the infos above: - dark elfs have the lowest CON in game, so i presume that their default block chance should be around 30% more or less, althou i can't say for sure as i don't know how shield def rate scales in this server; - judging by your tests, shield def rate is set around 50% at the moment by default, wich is wrong. and the reason it's wrong is very simple: considering the first test from offi, a block rate of 55% can be achieved only with a doom set, blessed shield lv6 and at least 46 CON. if we consider also the fix on blows land rate missing from daggers at the moment, their situation is quite bad. and not only for them, because warriors/archers skills can be blocked as well from front. guess i'll have to keep using sonic slashes from behind
  15. then there's something wrong with the block window itself from the settings. the names still remain tagged in the search bar, and after the confirmation window pops up, nothing changes. the only way to block someone right now is by leaving the mouse icon on his name/avatar near one of their posts, and block directly from the pop up window there. that's working for me as well, at least.
  16. bump. tried to delete cookies as well, still same result. do i have to keep bumping this thread on daily basis, or someone from the forum staff can actually look into it and tell me if there's something wrong with forum functions or anything else? i know you're all busy with 2.0 and everything, but this shouldn't take too much time to check.
  17. Arcanum


    the only one that knows shit here it's only you. i've known people from AngeliNeri way before they even reached lv40 hunting areas, and they were always neutrals. the only reason they joined your command channel a couple times when farming in ABG was only to avoid getting PKed by your same ally, no more, no less. they didn't join the command channel because they wanted, they were forced to do so. but apparently that wasn't enough, so you had to put more pressure on them, with the result that you ended up with more enemies instead. congratulations on your fail politics, way to go. as i said, don't be surprised if your lowbies farming in ABG get ganked by WAR, 'cause that's what you deserve for acting like that. beside, you even said before that you don't even have your own character in this server to play with, so you shouldn't even be here speaking on these forum boards about anything regarding the game, when you have no fucking rights to do so because you're just a nobody. not gonna waste my time with you ever again anyway, you're not worth it.
  18. Arcanum


    ​man its weird that you put out such facts, isnt that long ago? i can tell now a german guy that i remember in 1942 how nazi killed my grampa, the point is that this things are erelevant ​Actually a week ago 2 percs (Mikky or somth similar name and BD) PKed rb 40lvl party near oren castle. Just for "fun". The same fun they doing PKing non-tagged ppl in AB. That's just btw, nothing else. BTW to Soil&co. If your side higer lvl than Percs side, than you definetelly should stay till 2.0. If you will have 78lvls skills faster - you will have so much joy in pvp and fighting for epics you never had before. ​there is no untaggs and neutral clans, from low lvl people chose side. i dont think pk rb party is for fun, maybe they farm with their twinks i cant say. ​ AngeliNeri aren't untagged and were neutrals as well, until your beloved side told them "join us or we'll PK you on sight". and that didn't happen years ago. it was less than 2 weeks ago, so cut the bullshit. so don't be surprised if you end up with more enemies than us, 'cause that's what you asked for, and you totally deserve it for acting like douchebags. as for the bans handed out: i don't know what exactly happened, but rules are rules, and they should be the same for everyone. for all sides. as for epics: if the respawn times are messed up, then just remove the RBs from the game until they're fixed and working properly. it's that simple. we have already seen enough crap going wrong with AQ taking a walk until the crystal bridge, so i'd rather prefer to wait and have everything working as it should.
  19. bumb. tried with google chrome and normal internet explorer as browser, still not working.
  20. it would still take time even with a 60% ratio, difference is that going to lv13 wouldn't be a complete waste of money and time to get there, IF you get there. runes will be available for pretty much all grades, there's nothing that can be done about it. back pre-GoD SAs were available starting from C grade, so there's nothing really new under that point of view. and since u need a rune lv1 to upgrade another rune from lv1 and so on, guess how many runes will be around. people will not use low lv runes on D grades unless they really need them as an extra for leveling new alts/spoiling, but the main market will still be for C+. right now the OE market is mostly on C weapons for obvious reasons, what will happen in 2.0 is that it will also include B grade due to new RBs/mobs. OEing A grade will be mostly an exclusive for oly farmers.
  21. except it's not hard, it's simply based on luck. luck has nothing to do with being easy or hard, it's only a chance. you can spare me your "forum warrior" comments by the way, 'cause i honestly don't give a shit about it, and i didn't made this thread to read your crap. same goes for stiba: if you have nothing worthy to add to the discussion, you can fuck off as well. it's fun for you to costantly waste adena on lv 1 runes in order to upgrade another one before/after reaching lv6? i'm pretty sure you'll be the one crying, when your adena will keep dropping and you won't get shit in return. but hey, if you're happy with wasting time and adena for nothing, good for you. however, i am not happy with this system, hence why i made this suggestion. [edit] another solution would be to keep the upgrade ratio at 60% after hitting lv6. it would still keep the RNG aspect, but at least it would be less frustrating to upgrade a rune to 13.
  22. probably if people keep making threads for CS, like for fatal counter from before, it will get changed soon or later
  23. first, check this: then, read this: well, i have this very strong feeling of gearing up becoming more and more tedious in classic than in any other previous chronicle. pre-GoD, all you had to do to upgrade a soul crystal for an SA was to kill some RBs, or a T-Rex eventually, and that was it. now it's all reduced to rng in 2.0. and since the ratio is around 40% after getting to lv6( stats-wise runes lv6 are already a joke, and a bad one too ), good luck at getting to lv13. back in the days u had to work for your SA, but at least you always ended up with something in the end. and there was still some sense of satisfaction after finally getting an SA for your weapon. as conclusion: if you guys are really planning to add some special epic bosses as said previously, i'd strongly suggest to add runes lv12-13 as drop from those RBs as well, just for the sake of competition.
  24. i heard rerolling to destro is the new trend these days