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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. Arcanum


    1) any class can be useful if played properly. you don't see many TKs around because people in this server tend to play only with more known/overpowered classes. i believe there's only 1 TK lv 70+ in this server at the moment. 2) they should be. 3) normally it would be sword due to higher crit rate of both sword/elven warriors by default, but if you're playing with -DEX dyes, a blunt would be better for higher accuracy.
  2. Arcanum


    at least u guys got half kills here. on offi they don't have them, and blows land rates on offi are even lower than here. i'm more than ok with daggers getting fixed, as long as they work exactly like on current offi. getting damage fixed while keeping half kills and higher blow land rate is not ok.
  3. bump. any answer regarding current signatures setup would be appreciated.
  4. fuck, i missed that. you guys need to call me when this kind of stuff shows up at coliseum, if it's in the evening
  5. i don't want to be an ass, but increasing the price will not fix the problem, when you have people botting and buying/selling CoLs in huge stocks. also, 0.75 second delay? that won't prevent people from spamming them manually. might as well make it at least 3 seconds delay, if you don't plan to remove them.
  6. Arcanum

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    well, that sure was cringy. i like where this thread is going
  7. needs more spamming of ringing sounds, there's not enough DING DING DING.
  8. that's because back in c4 there was 2 kinds of olympiads: general, and class based. they removed class based in Classic probably to avoid people feeding points to allies in order to lock heroes, so by doing that they basicly got rid of feeders, but at the same time they also messed up support classes matching. SK isn't exactly a "pure" tank anyway. it's more like a shaman stuck into a dark elf's body, too bad people here play them as tanks, instead of mages like they're supposed to be.
  9. there isn't, never was and probably never will be, a fair class "balance" in lineage 2 for everyone. that's because it's always been a game following the traditional rock-paper-scissor method of balancing classes, and also because NCSoft has always focused their mmos on group play and party setup, rather than giving fair chances to every class in 1vs1. so while the rock-paper-scissor method does add variety partially, it also locks some classes from having any chances to survive/kill the opponent in a normal battle. in my opinion, the game was a bit more balanced and classes had more builds variety back in interlude times, even thou it still had many flaws such as insane magic crits, destroyers soloing raid bosses and so on. right now, i think of Classic as an hybrid version of GoD, or rather, it's what GoD should have become instead, without removing class variety and putting limits only to 8 different classes due to class balance. what happened with GoD was basicly NCSoft taking the wrong path, wich is why now there's 2 versions of Lineage 2. right now, i think our customized version of L2C is doing quite ok gameplay-wise, althou the major letdown here is the landrate of some debuffs from specific classes wich has become literally a joke( and a bad one too ) compared to older chronicles, but as i said before, the game concept of PvP was never balanced around 1v1, but group vs group. needless to say that with the addition of new skills and new effects, class balance shifting was to be expected soon or later.
  10. up to 8,700 damage on plates with FC is possible. hard to perform, but possible.
  11. Arcanum

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    that's more appropriate. i also hope you realize that the 3rd time i was throwing only blasters at you just for fun if i wanted to end it quickly, i would have used triple/double sonic slash instead like i did the first time when i got close, but i decided to see how long you could survive the bananas storm you did not disappoint thou, BW heavy surely is a step forward compared to drake. i'm always up for rematches anyway. as long as you don't go hug again every tree you find that's only because you don't know the trick to make him appear. i can only tell you that it involves fireworks, and eventually some specific emotes limited only to male human warriors. the rest you'll need to find out for yourself
  12. i'll borrow this thread: is it just me, or the signature image has been disabled again? asking 'cause it says so in the profile options, but my signature is actually still there. i tried to use different links as well, but none worked
  13. Arcanum

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    meanwhile, in blazing...
  14. only by them? this thread sure is making progress
  15. allow me to rephrase it in the proper way: until 76 and beyond, Gladiator is superior in every aspect except chasing people on long distances( not a joke ). Later on Tyrant learns rush and his own hex, wich gives him a chance to finally be able to kill Necros before getting debuffed and nuked into oblivion. Force Barrier helps as well. i'm not saying that to be an asshole anyway, you can just look at any Oly videos on youtube and see for yourself how they do in PvP. mind that i'm not saying that tyrants are a bad class, since they may be actually quite fun to play if you know how to use them properly. but comparing them to a Gladiator is like comparing a paper plane with an F-16. you just don't do that. now, for all that matters: -Gladiator is currently a top-tier class that's high up in the food chain, second only to DA, Necro and Shamans due to lack of Fear skills; -it is very versatile, you can play with any dyes you want based on what you prefer to do/how you want to do it, be it PvE or PvP, solo or group; -it is a class designed for solo/group PvP. in mass PvP you're basicly locked at the usual 600 range limit for melees, so unless you bring a bow with you, you'll run out of mp fast and become pretty much useless. your job in mass PvP is basicly to keep your mana in order to chase down nukers and healers if they're retreating, otherwise you have no other role in that; -in 2.0 they'll become even more dangerous than what they actually are due to new skills for damage/debuffs resistance, wich will push them even more to the top, second only to DA; -it's not an easy mode class. despite of what most people think, if you don't learn how to manage sonic forces and skills rotations from early 40s, chances are you'll end up with no mana before killing anything, and you won't manage to survive against Gladiators that know what they're doing. as for the main thread question: forget about all of what's written above, and play what you prefer. learn how to play it properly, and you'll be just fine. there's nothing worse than playing lineage 2 with a class you don't like, nor care about.
  16. i honestly have yet to understand what this thread is about.
  17. i stopped watching after seeing Song of Hunter popping up. there's no words to describe how bad the situation is on JP offi. i honestly hope we'll take a different path, otherwise the day something like that will appear on our server, i'll be outta here for good.
  18. to be reliable enough, they should actually keep it going for at least 3-4 weeks. doing in-game surveys to let people know about the thread and the changes that may take place could help as well.
  19. not sure how i feel about this. the old Sin Eater quest was ok, but this new one seems a bit too much time/money consuming. people will still be able to grief botters or untagged wars anyway, the quest was probably introduced just to lower the amount of people going around with high levels to PK lowbies with no serious consequences for them. increasing the price of PK scrolls would be another alternative, but even in that case it wouldn't be fair to those who just PK untagged wars when necessary. to be honest, they should have introduced the old Sin Eater quest just like it was before: you get the collar, you kill mobs while giving all your EXP to the Sin Eater, when it's full you go back to the Black Judge, he removes 1~3 PKs and that's it.
  20. there's already talismans for that, so it's gonna be barrier for sure