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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. it cannot get any more broken than it is in 2.0, since it has every single possible debuff in game except bleed ...unless they plan to give him barriers as well
  2. Duelist added levels of learning skill Duelist Spirit increased efficiency of the use of sound skills
  3. this is exactly why PvP started to suck balls after c4, and ruined offi even more in the long run. they may be expensive and only limited to castle owners, but it does not justify in any possible way the fact that they can potentially break the game, especially if we include botting and donators. following the "it's good for economy" logic, then we could also have no boxes restrictions like in JP Classic, with blessed enchant scrolls and normal scrolls in the webshop. luckily we don't, because at least the admins here seem smart enough to understand that having stuff like that would be retarded beyond salvation. you want to put money into the game's economy? there will be talismans with limited time, runes and eventually augmentation stones in future. you can put adena in that. anyway, i voted yes because honestly i'd rather not want to see this shit ever again in game, especially in PvP. same goes for CP pots in 2.0. +2k CP from castle is already a huge advantage, and that's more than enough.
  4. long story short: BD: support for damage boost. can poison/bleed/hex for further damage. SWS: support for tanking/mitigate damage. has an extra silence on short range. overall they're both ok, althou SWS is usually more useful under the PvP aspect rather than PvE, while BD can be good for both in any case.
  5. this looks far more accurate now
  6. i have the feeling in 2.0 the market will be empty of Jul's Runes
  7. coming Not So Soon™
  8. Arcanum


    gonna be fun in 2.0, with no half kills, lethals and blows land rate nerfed fixed to their official value i can already predict tons of crying threads popping up in the report section
  9. nope, that's called "joking around", something that people reading these boards apparently have forgotten long ago. if people actually played the game just for the sake of having fun, instead of playing like their own job(oh hi, china guys!) or life is on the line, there would be probably a way nicer community around here.
  10. the main differences between mage summonners are given mostly by cubics. in terms of PvP, it goes like this: WK - can paralyze; PS - can stun; ES - basicly, pick a god and pray you don't get focused by enemy fire. other variations can include healing effects, hex, atk speed slow and so on, althou what really matter these days it's either CCs like stun, paralyze or fear. the real difference, anyway, is that mage summonners can also manage to play a support role if needed, while others can't. necro/DA are still the best hybrid/non-support summonners out there due to fear/stun/para/silence/etc. PvE-wise, it's: WK - good for melee group killing mobs 1 by 1 due to crit buff, or archer group; ES - good for AoE groups due to mp regen buff; PS - good mostly for melee groups due to hex, if there's no other dark elf fighters around.
  11. you mean mage summonners, or "summonners" in general? 'cause from what i've seen so far, playing necro or DA these days looks quite fun to me
  12. spoil. then spoil some more. then spoil again.
  13. you mean the extra summons that are not on official classic, and therefore shouldn't be here either? well, that was an administration's decision.
  14. actually they were planned to be added in future, according to official KR infos pre-release back at the time. they just haven't been implemented yet. we'll get there eventually anyway, just not anytime Soon™
  15. then i still stand correct off to lunch now :v
  16. you sure? 'cause as far as i remember, what drops from those levels are not Cloth pieces, but Mysterious Stones wich u need to open to get: -another item to be able to enter Rift of Heaven; -a broken, useless stone. Cloth pieces should come only from Rift of Heaven, aka top floor instances. u farm stones, u open them, if you're lucky you can enter Rift, otherwise u need to keep farming stones. and even if you manage to enter Rift, it's not guaranteed you'll get a Cloth piece, 'cause not all instances drop them.
  17. you can get A grade stuff only by farming ToI and Baium, if the admins plan to follow official. and even then, you still need Cloth pieces from ToI top level instances to unseal A grade items. if one side owns ToI, anyone else going from enemies to randoms won't manage to get shit. so there's no "maybe" or "perhaps" or "eventually", they WILL outgear anyone else outside of ToI. it's only a matter of time. glad to see i'm not the only one who figured that out. not like it was rocket-science anyway. that pretty much sums up what is going to happen in the near future. forget about good sieges and battles for epics, those won't come back anytime soon. the only activity WS will get from the current remaining wartags in 2.0 will be mostly in Oly, and maybe some occasional world pvp in new areas, if they decide to stick their nose out of ToI. at this point, i'm just curious about how long WS will manage to keep ES and Fun by the balls, since the previous opposition is gone now. or maybe they'll just keep holding hands for free stuff.
  18. things won't change anytime soon. if something will change, it will happen after hitting summer. and it will be for the worst, that much i can guarantee. the current situation may look good for someone, since getting free castles and epics is always good. i know it, you know it, everybody knows it. but in the long run it will backfire. and i'm not talking about sides now, i'm talking about the server itself. i'm not saying this to be an asshole anyway, i'm saying this because i've already been there before, and i already know how the story ends. bragging about sieges, accomplishments, dick-boosting or any other matter will be pointless by then.
  19. scavengers can also crystallize D grade stuff, but can't break anything higher than D grade.
  20. probably because there was nothing worth getting recorded. one-sided castle sieges are pretty boring to watch anyway.
  21. in previous chronicles teleports were locked for the reasons already explained above, althou i'm not sure if it's the same on offi classic. clan halls also played a major role back in the days for castle sieges, while at the moment they're here just for bsoes and exp recovery on death. strategic position for sieges is irrelevant at the moment. i believe this discussion about TP locks has also already taken place in this forum before, althou no changes were considered so far, and thus TPs are still free during sieges as well. i wouldn't mind getting the old system back, since that way any side could manage to get at least one castle each despite of their numbers. but being realistic, nothing will change anytime soon. and surely not with 2.0 approaching, since there's a thousand more priorities on the line.
  22. lol, so that's where FUN is hiding? guess i'll go take a look
  23. there's no "better" set, it all boils down to what you want to do with your class. PvE usually focuses on DPS over survival, so BW would be the main choice. that is if you're killing mobs 1 by 1, be it solo or with party. if you're pulling as main/offtank for aoes, doom would be more appropriate as it increases your basic HP pool and shield def rate with full set, giving you a bit more damage mitigation when doing trains. PvP-wise, it depends on how you want to play/who you play with. you can use either set, but what makes the difference in the end will mostly be dyes setup, and party setup if you're playing in one. as dark elfs are already squishy with their base 32 CON, i wouldn't advise to go for setups that tend to lower your already low HP pool even further, but that's just me i guess. they're more suited as tanks, or as hybrid DPS in some cases. however, considering their base stats and the lack of really dangerous CCs like fear, stun, sleep or paralyze, along with an arsenal of skills mostly focused on DoT damage and weakening debuffs, they're somewhat more oriented towards tank/mage builds rather than warrior ones.